Who were you with Çeviri Türkçe
866 parallel translation
Who were you with?
- Who were you with? Mm?
- Kiminle birlikteydin?
Who were you with?
Who were you with?
Kiminle birlikteydin, bir kızla?
So who were you with?
Pekala kiminle birlikteydin?
For you who were slaves with me... it means that we're no longer slaves.
Benimle birlikte köle olanlarınız için bu artık köle olmadığımız anlamına geliyor.
Do you know, the only men I've ever seen... with muscles of the back developed enough to do a thing like that... were those who served a term in the galleys.
Böyle güçlü kaslara sahip olan birini kürek mahkûmlarıyla çalıştığım zaman görmüştüm.
Uh, after that trouble with the woman Fantine... I began to ferret out your past by studying the records of escaped criminals... and, by an exhaustive process of elimination... I finally became convinced that you were an ex-convict named Jean Valjean... who had failed to report for parole.
Fantine denen şu kadınla sorun yaşadıktan sonra geçmişinizi araştırmaya, kaçak suçluları incelemeye başladım etraflı bir tasfiyeden sonra da sizin, şartlı tahliye süresini geçiren, Jean Valjean adında eski bir suçlu olduğunuza kanaat getirdim.
You were sitting in a box with a fur coat on and Gaston, a chap whom I know who knows you said, "Marguerite's been ill."
Üstünüzde bir kürk mantoyla locadaydınız ve sizi tanıdığını bildiğim Gaston "Marguerite hastaydı." dedi.
Who were the others with you?
Adları neydi? Senin gibiydiler.
You were the only boy who danced with me in school.
Okulda benimle dans eden tek çocuk sizdiniz.
Who was the man you were dancing with?
Dansettiğiniz adam kimdi?
Oh, as I was saying, Mellie Sewell told me that you were playing in a gambling game at the German embassy with the young Phili von Ramme and Sam Chandler, who is a relative of mine and who's always been a scandal.
Dediğim gibi, Mellie Sewell bana senin Alman elçiliğinde genç Phili von Ramme ve.. ... benim akrabam olan skandallarıyla ünlü Sam Chandler ile kumar oynadığını söyledi.
Who's the girl you were seen with in the street last week?
Geçen hafta sokakta seninle gördüğüm kız kimdi?
And what was his reaction when you were unable to supply him with the address of the young lady who owned the shop?
Dükkan sahibi genç bayanın adresini veremeyeceğini söylediğinde tepkisi ne oldu?
Who were you running around with in those days, Nick?
O günlerde kiminle dolaşıyordun Nick?
Mr. Palmer, in view of this, I'm afraid I must recommend... that you permit me to get in touch with those gentlemen... who were just here, and ask for more time... or until I've had an opportunity to go over the case.
Bay Palmer, bu durumda, korkarım bir süre önce burada bulunan o beyefendilerle irtibata geçmeme ve süre istememe ya da davayı gözden geçirme fırsatı elde edinceye kadar durdurulmasını istememe izin vermenizi önermem gerekiyor.
You were with the OWI, weren't you, Mr. Richards? That's what Who's Who says.
Siz de OWI'deydiniz, değil mi Bay Richards? "Kim Kimdir" de öyle yazıyor.
Who were you talking with?
Kiminle konuşuyordun?
- Who you were with in the barn.
- Ahırda kimle olduğunu.
I thought you were the one who never took the studio home with you.
Senin işi eve taşımayan biri olduğunu sanıyordum.
Who were you out with?
Who's the guy you were with last night?
Dün gece birlikte olduğun adam kimdi?
You play with other people's emotions as if they were all like you... someone who doesn't even know what emotions are.
Sanki herkes tıpkı senin gibiymiş gibi insanların hisleriyle oynuyorsun ama hissetmenin nasıl bir şey olduğunu bile bilmiyorsun.
I'll guess. You were out with some guy who thought "no" was a three-letter word.
Dur tahmin edeyim...'Hayır'dan anlamayan herifin tekiyleydin.
I think it might be with the gentleman who brought her the beautiful flowers... just the day after you were here.
Sanırsam, siz buraya geldikten sonraki gün kendisine harikulade çiçekler getiren... beyefendiyle çıkacak.
Who knew that you were in love with this wretched schoolmaster?
Bu zavallı öğretmene aşık olduğunu kim biliyordu?
So who was the young man you were with?
Yanındaki delikanlı kimdi?
Who was it you were just with?
Söyle bakalım. Kiminle görüşüyordun?
You were one who didn't want any brave ones with you.
Evet, sen cesurlarla birlikte olmak istemezdin.
But the dame with the blue hair and dark glasses asked who you were.
Ama arabadaki, mavi saçlı ve gözlüğü deniz kabuklarıyla örülmüş kadıncağız bana sordu : Bu kim?
... sculptured portals, ranks of doors, galleries... transverse corridors leading to deserted salons... encrusted with the ornamentation of another age... silent rooms, where footsteps are absorbed... by carpets so heavy, so thick... that one hears no step... as if the very ear were far away... far away from this numb, barren decor... far from this elaborate frieze beneath the cornice... with its branches and garlands... like dead leaves... as if the floor were still sand and gravel, or stone slabs... over which I advanced once again... as though to meet you... between richly panelled walls... stucco, moldings, paintings... framed prints amidst which I advanced... among which I found myself already... waiting for you... very far from the setting I stand in now... before you, waiting again... for one who will not come again... who will no longer keep us apart... tear you from me.
... oymalı girişler, sıra sıra kapılar, galeriler... başka bir çağdan kalma süslemelerle bezenmiş... metruk salonlara götüren birbirine dik koridorlar... sessiz odalar ; çok ağır, çok kalın halıların... ayak seslerini yuttuğu... adımların duyulmadığı... sanki dalıp gitmiş sırdaşlar... bu cansız, yavan dekordan çok uzaklara... kornişin altında, ölü yapraklar gibi dal ve çelenkleriyle... özenle hazırlanmış... bu frizden uzaklara... üzerinde bir kez daha yürüdüğüm zemin sanki hâlâ... kum ve çakıl veya taş döşeme... sana kavuşmak için adeta... zengin ahşap kaplamalı duvarlar arasında... ustuka, silme, tablolar... aralarından geçtiğim çerçeveli gravürler... seni beklerken içlerinde çoktan... kendimi bulduğum... şu an senin huzurunda bulunduğum mekândan... çok çok uzaklarda ; ve yine beklerken... bir daha gelmeyecek birini... artık bizi ayıramayacak birini... seni benden koparan.
When you were at the desk checking in with the night manager Mr. George Swine, who I happen to know as a personal friend I was wondering if he fixed you up with a good accommodation here.
Siz kaydınızı yaptırırken... gece müdürü Bay George Swine, ki kendisi arkadaşım olur... size iyi bir oda ayarladı mı diye merak ettim.
You know that, so you were ready to go last night... arguing with anyone who stood in your way.
Bunu biliyorsun, bu yüzden dün gece yoluna kim çıkarsa çıksın tartışarak... hemen yola koyulmak için hazırdın.
Who is that man you were with?
Beraber olduğun adam kim?
Now, if you were a Russian politician and had a child with a brain, say... 10 times more efficient than Einstein's... would you gaily let her out to any two British scientists... - who happened to crawl out of the wood?
Şimdi düşün bir, eğer bir Rus politikacı olsaydın ve elinde Einstein'dan 10 kat daha zeki bir çocuk olsaydı onu, pat diye çıkıp gelmiş iki İngiliz bilim insanına hiç sorun çıkarmadan teslim eder miydin?
The men who spoke with pastor Nielsen the other day... It's you they were looking for.
Geçen gün Peder Nielsen'le konuşan adamlar seni mi arıyorlardı?
Who the hell were you with last night?
Dün gece kiminleydin?
You were too busy carrying on with the next likely girl who happened aboard.
Kesin yurt dışında yaşayan kız arkadaşına yazmakla meşgulsundur.
You know, I bet you never went out with a guy who didn't fall all over himself telling you how beautiful you were, begging your favours.
Bahse varım, kesinlikle seninle ilgilenip sana ne kadar güzel olduğunu söyleyerek lütuflarda bulunan bir erkekle dışarı çıkmazdın.
The agents you worked with in 1961 who were caught, and where?
1961'den sonra hangi ajanlarla, nerelerde çalıştın?
You were the one who sold them the technology to begin with.
Onlara o teknolojiyi satan sensin!
Citizen Marquis you may sit as a judge in our tribunals you may have fought with us last September when we dragged out of the gaols the aristocrats who were plotting against us but you still talk like a grand seigneur and what you call the indifference of Nature is your own lack of compassion.
Yurttaş Marki mahkemelerimizde bilirkişi olarak oturmuş olabilirsiniz geçen Eylül'de, bize kumpas kuran aristokratları hapishanelerden dışarı sürüklerken bizim yanımızda savaşmış da olabilirsiniz ama hâlâ asilzadeler gibi konuşuyorsunuz Tabiat'ın kayıtsızlığı dediğiniz şeyse, sizin kendi merhametsizliğinizdir.
You remind me of elegant people in the 18th century who were very concerned with their appearance and the effect they had on others.
Bana 18. yüzyılın zarif insanlarını hatırlatıyorsun. Hem kendi dış görünüşlerine hem de başkalarını etkilemeye çok dikkat ederlerdi.
That girl you were with, who was she?
Beraber olduğun o kadın, kim?
You were raised with your sister, Monique, at your father's, who was working for a spinning company.
Monique isimli kız kardeşiniz ile beraber yetiştiniz. Babanız iplik fabrikasında çalışıyordu.
" Who were you in bed with?
'Yatakta kiminle beraberdin? "
Ever since my return from England aboard The Sphinx on October 5, I've been surprised by the number of my compatriots who still believe the wounded in Narvik and Dunkirk were all well-treated by our ex-ally and this is why I've decided to share my memories with you.
5 Ekim'de Sphinx'le İngiltere'den döndüğümden beri Narvik ve Dunkirk'teki yaralılara eski müttefiklerimiz iyi davrandığına hâlâ inanan yurttaşlarımın çokluğu beni çok şaşırttı ve bu yüzden anılarımı sizinle paylaşmaya karar verdim.
- Yes, around 8. Then, when you went upstairs, did you notice an apartment with the door open on the second floor, two painters, or at least one, who were painting there?
Peki merdivenlerden çıkarken ikinci katta kapısı açık bir dairede, iki boyacıyı ya da en az bir, fark etmiş miydiniz?
He said you were a saintly old man who didn't hold with all the vices.
Aziz gibi biri olduğunu, ahlaksızlığı hiç onaylamadığını söyledi.
Listen to me carefully Massa, you who talk so much now... where were you when we, with the comrades of the unions created the union in this factory, of the BAN?
Beni iyi dinle Massa, şimdi çok fazla konuşuyorsun da peki bizler fabrikada örgütlenip sendikamızı diğer yoldaşlarla birlikte kurarken sen neredeydin?
who were they 101
who were you calling 16
who were you talking to 126
who were you expecting 17
who were those guys 29
who were you 20
you with me 166
you with us 31
who was it 877
who was that 1077
who were you calling 16
who were you talking to 126
who were you expecting 17
who were those guys 29
who were you 20
you with me 166
you with us 31
who was it 877
who was that 1077
who wants a drink 19
who was 108
who was there 49
who wants to know 148
who wants some 43
who we are 40
who was with you 16
who was he 261
who was that on the phone 28
who would do that 91
who was 108
who was there 49
who wants to know 148
who wants some 43
who we are 40
who was with you 16
who was he 261
who was that on the phone 28
who would do that 91