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Kuçukken Çeviri İngilizce

6 parallel translation
Ayrıca bu bilgilerin çoğunun Internet'te olduğunu da biliyorum, ama eski araştırma alışkanlıkları kuçukken de edinilebilir.
And I realize that most of this information is most likely on that "Internet," but you can never teach old-fashioned research habits too soon.
Kuçukken bir çok kez röntgencilikten yakalanmış.
Lots of misdemeanor peeping offenses in his teens.
Kucukken, senden intikam almanin hayalini kurardim hep.
When I was younger, I often thought of taking revenge out on you.
titrek kedı bu bır hazıne harıtası bu haritayı kucukken gormusdum bu buyuk kayıp hazınenın harıtası
Shiver me timbers. A treasure map. And if I remember the maps I seen in me youth this one be leading to the lost riches of the Spanish Mane!
Onu kucukken birakmis o zaman beri nobet geciriyor.
She went away when he was a kid and since then he gets these seizures.
Kucukken calistigim ciftlikten.
It's from a farm I used to work on when I was young.

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