Numarasi Çeviri İngilizce
88 parallel translation
Kiz yurdunun telefon numarasi. - Felatio?
That's the number of the sorority house.
Evet, ancak numarasi farkli ve ona o sekilde aramalar gelmiyor, yani...
- Yeah, but it's on another number, and nobody is calling.
Bir kac tane adres, telefon numarasi var bende
I got a couple of leads, a few phone numbers.
Bir telefon numarasi?
A phone number?
Imal edenin seri numarasi var.
There is the maker's serial number.
Kocamin buro numarasi...
My husband's office number...
Hesap numarasi 6194408-S.
Account number 614408-S.
Ve, ah, bahceye bir köpegi getirme numarasi yapmayacaksin.
And, uh, you don't trick one into coming into the yard.
Numarasi kaç?
What's his number?
Lutfen onu ararmisin numarasi 408.
So would you just please call her? It's extension 409.
Tek net olarak hatirladigim sey, onun okul numarasi, 784533...
All I clearly remember is her student number, 784533...
Telefon numarasi?
Phone number?
Bir telefon numarasi!
It's a phone number!
Tek bildigim onun okul numarasi, 784533!
All I know is her student number, 784533!
Ona onun numarasi oldugunu soylemedim.
I didn't tell him it was her number.
Entertaiment Weekly'nin eglence dünyasinda ki en güçlü kadinlar listesinin 12 numarasi!
Entertainment Weekly's 1 2th most powerful woman in Hollywood.
DI192589-- - Paralarin ilk numarasi fidyede kullanildi.
DI192589- - the first number in a series of bills used in the ransom drop.
120 kredi karti numarasi arti 3 haneli guvenlik kodlari ama size ekstra hesap cikarmayacagim.
Selam, ben John Waters, ve bu "SİHİR NUMARASI".
Hi, I'm John Waters, and this is the Magic Trick.
Hayir, hayir. Numarasi bende var, evet.
No, no, I got the number here, yeah.
Peki daire numarasi kaç?
good, what's the apartment number?
- Tamam, Molly, daire numarasi kaç?
okay, molly, what's the apartment number?
Artik sevmiyormus numarasi yapiyor.
She's pretending not to anymore.
Eger ben olsaydim bayginlik numarasi yapardim'lan.
You know, like, if it was me, I'd be all faking being knocked out, yo.
Ben de hasta numarasi yapip randevuyu iptal edecektim.
I could pretend that - - I was sick and cancel the date.
isim, rütbe, seri numarasi, ve söyleyeceginin hepsi bu.
Name, rank, serial number, and that's all she's gonna say.
Pek bir numarasi yok.
It's no big deal.
- Oda numarasi neydi?
- What room was it again?
"Japan's number 1!"
Ama Jo, sov yapip geç saatlere kadar çalisiyor numarasi yapmami istiyor?
But jo wants me to put on a show for her And pretend to work late?
Ve Bayan Poggit'in numarasi derken ne demek istedin?
- And what did you mean about Mrs Poggit's - "nice old lady act"?
Bu Jay Palmer'in numarasi.
This is Jay Palmer's number.
Bu Ed Wade'in numarasi.
This is Ed Wade's number.
Tek ihtiyacim olan bir telefon numarasi.
All I would need is a phone number.
su numarayi Google'da arattim ve bir parça numarasi oldugunu gördüm. Bu bebegin parça numarasi.
Now, this here, I do a little Google-fu and I realize it's a parts number specifically for this baby.
Rulet numarasi.
Top hatting.
- Biraz rulet numarasi, biraz geciktirme numarasi.
Bit of top hatting here, bit of past posting there.
Parca numarasi 17.
Lot number 17.
Fidye parasini kendi basina alamayacagina gore yardim ediyor numarasi yapmaliydi.
Well, she had to have help because she didn't pick up that ransom by herself.
Bir telefon numarasi?
A telephone number?
U.S. askeri stok numarasi pimin uzerinde yaziyor.
U.S. Military stock number's on the handle.
Ailesinin yanina dönmesi gerektigini söylüyor, ama ona mesaj atmak veya ulasmak falan istersen numarasi Penny'de varmis.
She says she has to go back to her family, but Penny has her number if you want to text her and get together.
Kucuk bir kahve numarasi yaptin diye, kendini oldukca zeki mi saniyorsun, ha?
You think you're pretty clever with that little coffee stunt, huh?
Ray, alana inmis iki tane kus var. Bizi geçtikleri çok bariz. Kuyruk numarasi yok.
Hey, Ray, we got two birds down at the end of the field, southeast our pos, no tail IDs.
- Evet, kuyruk numarasi yok.
- You got that? - Check, no tail IDs.
sevgili yolcular, ucus numarasi 602, Berlin yolculari icin son cagri
Dear passangers, this is the last call for flight No. 602 to Berlin.
Ayakkabï numarasï bile dogru.
Even had correct shoe size.
Ortada sasïrmïs numarasï.
Loose showboat on the centre snap.
Yürüyen patron numarasï yaparlarsa, beni kollayïn.
If they fake the Walking Boss, cover me.