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Peder gregory Çeviri İngilizce

34 parallel translation
- Peder Gregory seni dinler.
- Father Gregory will hear you.
Peder Gregory.
Father Gregory.
Bakire Susan, Peder Gregory ile buluşur ki bu da riyakarlıktır.
Virgin Susan meets Father Gregory, that's hypocrisy.
Peder Gregory'nin önünde.
In front of Father Gregory.
Peder Gregory sezileriniz var, değil mi?
Father Gregory do you have visions?
Bu arada, Peder Gregory pek hoş biri gibi geldi, sence?
And Father Gregory, I thought he was delightful, didn't you?
Peder Gregory'yi ona gönderdim.
I sent Father Gregory to see him.
Peder Gregory'yi istiyorum.
I want Father Gregory.
Peder Gregory öyle söyledi.
Father Gregory has said so.
Peder Gregory'den ölesiye nefret ediyorum.
I'm sick to death of Father Gregory.
Evet, Peder Gregory beni bu konuda uyarmıştı.
Father Gregory warned me of that.
Peder Gregory sana bunu da söyledi mi?
Has Father Gregory told you that too?
Peder Gregory sizi bekliyor.
Father Gregory says come in.
Umarım diyette değilsinizdir, Peder Gregory.
I hope you are not on a diet, Father Gregory.
Peder Gregory'nin onu neşelendirecek bir kadına ihtiyacı var!
Father Gregory needs a woman to cheer him up!
Siz Peder Gregory misiniz?
- Peder Gregory?
I'm Dana Scully.
Aklında tut ve Peder Gregory'i gördüğünde bana söyle.
Stop right there! Move into the light!
Peder Gregory, şeytanın ilk üç kızın hayatını sahiplendiğini söyledi.
You don't believe that.
Peder Gregory'nin yanıldığını şimdi anlıyorum.
The devil didn't take their souls,
Şeytan onların ruhlarını almadı ama o kızlara olan tehdit gerçekti ve Peder Gregory onları kurtarmak için hayatını verdi.
But the threat to those girls was real... And Father Gregory gave his life to protect them. the fourth girl is Roberta Dyer.
- Sorun ne? - Peder Gregory onlara "elçi" demişti.
Scully, don't let this guy get in your head.
Peder Gregory'i halledeceğim.
Peder Gregory.
Where is she, Father?
Peder Gregory?
Father Gregory!
Peder Gregory!
Yeah? We have a warrant to search the premises for your daughter.
- Peder Gregory.
Yeah, hi, Scully. It's me.
Peder Gregory.
They found him alone in the interrogation room. No one can figure it out.
Peder Gregory'nin kilisesinde.
I'll drive you.
Peder Gregory için.Burda rahipti.
Oh, that's for fr. Gregory. He was a priest here.
Hadi, peder Gregory'nin mezarini kontrol edelim.
Come on. Let's go check out fr. Gregory's grave.
Eger peder Gregory'nin ruhu buralardaysa
If fr. Gregory's spirit is around,
Bu peder Gregory.
It's just fr. Gregory.

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