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Tanistik Çeviri İngilizce

34 parallel translation
Zaten tanistik, degil mi?
We've met already, haven't we?
3 gün önce tanistik ve hala beni aramadin.
It's been 3 days since we met, and still no calls.
Evet, tanistik.
Oh, yes, indeed.
Hesabi sen yap. Kor bir randevuyla tanistik ki berbatti.
We met on a blind date, which sucked.
Denizasirida okurken tanistik...
We met while he was studying overseas...
Yemek pisirme kursunda tanistik.
Just play along with her fake story. We met in a cooking class.
Marshall ve Lily'nin oldugu kadar uzun süredir çiftseniz, nasil tanistik hikâyesini anlatmaniz koreografik bir dans halini alir.
When you've been a couple as long as marshal and lily, Telling the how-we-met story becomes a choreographed dance.
Biz nasil tanistik?
Bu Barney, geçen gün tanistik.
I met him the other day.
Tam buranin önünde tanistik.
You know, I met her right out front here.
Otelin sahibiyle de tanistik.
We met the, uh, proprietor.
Aslinda o kadar da iyi arkadas degiliz, daha yeni tanistik sayilir.
You know what? He's not our good fr... We don't know him that well.
Evet, tanistik.
Oh, yes, we have.
Sadece bi onceki gece tanistik.
Just the other night.
Bir yil önce iste tanistik, çagri merkezinde.
We met at work about a year ago at the call centre.
Daha sadece birkaç gün önce tanistik. Dogru söylüyorsun.
We met just a few days only ls ah
Yani, cezadayken tanistik.
I mean, we met in detention.
Babamin kizarkadasi, Henuz tanistik.
That's my father's girlfriend, whom I've just met just now.
Biliyorum yeni tanistik ve biraz emrivaki olacak, ama çok çaresizim.
Look, I know we've just met and this is a huge imposition, but I'm totally desperate.
Az önce koridorda tanistik.
I just met her out in the hall.
Simdi, sen ve ben daha yeni tanistik biliyorum...
Now, I know that you and I have just met...
Orada nisanlimla tanistik.
It's where I met my fiance.
Geçerken tanistik öyle.
It's only a passing acquaintance.
Bir partide tanistik ; peyoteyi biraz fazla kacirdik ve onu bir Johnny Walsh'in bodrumunda bir kurutucuya domalttim.
We met at a party, did too much peyote, and I bent her over a dryer in Johnny Walsh's basement.
Salginin ilk gecesinde tanistik.
We met on the first night of the outbreak.
Daha ilk gece tanistik ve o geceyi dogru durust hatirlamiyorum bile.
Yeah, we met on night one. And I don't even remember that night really.
Ve seninle bir gecede üç kez üst üste tanistik.
And then we meet, like, three times in a row in one night.
Evet, iste üçümüz böyle tanistik.
Right, and that's how we three met. Best friends since beauty school.
Bugun tanistik, ne oldu ki?
I met him today. Why?
Bernie'nin sahil evinde tanistik. Doug ve Danny'yle birlikteydin.
I met you at Bernie's beach house, with Doug and Danny.
3 : 00 e kadar tanistik.
We met until 3 : 00 a. m.
Well, now we've met.
Nasil tanistik?
How did we meet.
Önemli olan tanistik.
And being in an accident

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