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Yaptïlar Çeviri İngilizce

59 parallel translation
Hepsi temiz çïkïslar yaptïlar.
They all pulled out clean.
Bataklïk kurutmak için çok yaslï oldugumdan baraka sefi yaptïlar.
Too old for reclamation, so they made me barracks chief.
O geçmiº yilda Cesur yürekler görevlerini yaptilar
Stout hearts played their parts in that bygone year
Cesur yürekler, görevlerini yaptilar
Stout hearts, played their parts
Truvalilar baris-severler için mi bir kale yaptilar?
You think the Trojans built a citadel for peace-lovers?
Yunanlilar çikartma yaptiklari sahile takviye getirtip saldiri için Truva duvarlarina denk büyüklükte saldiri makineleri yaptilar.
The Greeks consolidated their beachhead and built machines for attack on a scale big enough to match the Trojan walls.
Ne yaptilar?
What've they been doing?
Ellerinden geleni yaptilar, kendilerini özgürlestirdiler, Portekizlileri kovdular.
They did what they could, they freed themselves, they chased out the Portuguese.
- Hayir. Canim yavrum benim, ne yaptilar sana?
- What have they done to you, son?
Pesin odeme yaptilar.
They paid cash.
Uzun zaman once yaptilar.
They did it a long time ago.
- Hepsi yaptilar,
- They all did it.
Faul yaptilar, Gareth,
They fouled the ball, Gareth.
Faul yaptilar ve ve onlar tamamen suçluydular,
They fouled the fucking ball, and they're as guilty as sin.
Onlar da yapmalari gerekeni yaptilar.
They, too, have done what it takes.
Kemiklerimi burada yaptilar.
I got my bones here.
Fox, bize, anilarimiza, ne yaptilar bilmiyorum.
Fox, I... I don't know what they did to us, to our memories.
Çalisanlar dün gece sezon sonu partisi yaptilar.
The employees had the end-of-the-season party last night.
Derek ne dediyse yaptilar.
They did whatever Derek told them to.
Serif Gates'i nasil da gunah kecisi yaptilar.
Look how they scapegoated Chief Gates.
Ama ne yaptilar beni kovdular.
And what do they do? They fire me.
Hey, they score again, I'm takin'over.
kimse nefret etmiyor, onlar daha cocuk ne yaptilar?
They don't hate you, they're kids. What did they do? Did someone say something to you?
Acik denizdeki sualti araclari 1990'da cok daha sira disi bir kesif yaptilar.
Deep sea submersibles made an even more extraordinary discovery in 1990.
And knowing this, knowing this look what they did, Bob. They blew up a hundred and twentyeight people just to thumb their noses at us.
Bana santaj yaptilar.
I'm being blackmailed.
Bir tehdit analizi yaptilar.
They've done a threat assessment.
Dagittigimiz diger esyalari gorecek, ve tek dusuncesi, "kemanima ne yaptilar?" olacak
And he'll see all the other stuff we messed with, and he'll always wonder, "What did they do to my viola?"
Çünkü, serinlikten kurtulmak için bir kaç iyilik yaptilar.
Coz I had to call in a few favours to get the breeze just right.
Kaza yaptilar ve caddeyi kapadilar
There were cones up closing the street.
Üzerimde testler yaptilar.
They did tests on me.
Bell Aerosytems, Aerojet General ve NASA Locheed'in yeni Polaris A3'uyle yeniden calistirilabilen bir roket motoru yaptilar.
Building on Lockheed's new Polaris A3, Bell Aerosystems, Aerojet General, and NASA have developed a restartable rocket engine.
Tel Aviv'i güvence altina alarak, yeni kurulan ülkenin baskenti yaptilar.
They secured Tel Aviv, and the centre of their new country.
yani, bunu sadece 12. siniflardaki egri omurgali kiza yaptilar zannediyordum.
I mean, I thought they only did that With the 12th grader in the full body cast.
Delme islemleri için özel uçlara sahip aletler yaptilar.
Then they started to make these kinds of things.
Oyma islemleri için özel olarak yontulmus kenarlara sahip farkli aletler yaptilar.
They made tools with special little points for perforating tasks.
Joe ve Olby baskalarinin farkli algilayabilecekleri bir sey yaptilar.
Joe and lay did something that others might feel differently about.
Kabul etmek gerekir ki, seninle bir anlasma yaptilar.
Let's face it, they're getting a deal with you.
Evet, gecen ayin 15inde gene oyle yaptilar.
Yeah, did so again on the 15th of last month.
Benim buyuk buyuk babam, Pastor RG Wendell, ve onun kardesi, Claiborne County Serifi Donnie DF Wendell, kendi elleriyle ilk kumarhaneyi yaptilar.
My great great grandfather, Pastor RG Wendell, and his brother, Claiborne County Sheriff Donnie DF Wendell, fitted that there first casino with thine own hand.
Amrikadaki en duzgun ve en dengeli tekerleklerini yaptilar.
They constructed the straightest, most balanced wheels in America.
Bu yuzden hileli bir rulet tekerlegi yaptilar.
So they installed a rigged roulette wheel.
Bana bazi testler yaptilar ve bazi kotu haberleri vardi.
So they run a bunch of tests and they all come back with the same bad news.
Baska müslümanlar korkutmak için Onlar herseyi yaptilar.
They does anything with whom other muslims were scared
Birlikte bir plan yaptilar Glades'i yok etmek için.
They made a plan together... to destroy the Glades.
Atiyor. Faul yaptilar! Evet!
Throws it down, and he's fouled!
Yeniden yaptilar.
Mm. They rebuilt them.
Baskin yaptilar
Quantico'da iken sana bir çesit psikolojik duygusal profil testi gibi seyler yaptilar mi?
Uh, when you were at Quantico, did they do some sort of psychological or, uh, emotional-profile test thing?
Bin yil evvel sizin türünüz bu kutsal günde bir ayin yaptilar. Dogalarindan uzak kalmak yerine onu gururla kucaklamak adina bir insanoglunu öldürüp lanetlerini aktiflestirdiler.
Now 1,000 years ago, your people marked this celestial event with a rite of passage, electing not to shrink from their nature but to embrace it with pride by slaying a human being and activating their curse.
Annie'nin siyah versiyonunu sebepsiz yere yaptilar sanmistim.
I thought they just did a black version of Annie for no reason.

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