About yourself translate Spanish
6,640 parallel translation
Grace, tell me a little bit about yourself.
Grace, háblame un poco de ti.
You guys, go about yourself.
Sigan hablando de ustedes.
You feel good about yourself?
¿ Te sientes bien contigo mismo?
You must feel good about yourself.
Debe sentirse bien consigo mismo.
You should feel really good about yourself, Brody. "
Usted debe sentirse realmente bien consigo mismo, Brody. "
One fresh green juice, loaded with antioxidants and enzymes and all the other bullshit that makes you feel good about yourself.
Un zumo verde natural, cargado de antioxidantes y enzimas y todas esas otras chorradas que hacen que te sientas mejor.
Why don't you tell me something about yourself?
¿ Por qué no me cuentas algo sobre ti?
You can start by telling me one true thing about yourself.
Puedes empezar diciendo algo que sea verdad sobre ti.
Tell me about yourself.
Hábleme de usted.
Now, tell me something about yourself, dear.
Bueno, cuéntame algo de ti, querida.
Now, tell me everything about yourself.
Ahora, cuéntamelo todo sobre ti.
By the end of the semester, I'll ask all of you to hand in a novel about yourself.
Para el fin de semestre, les pediré... su ayuda en una novela sobre ustedes.
If you give me yours, how about yourself?
Si me das el tuyo... ¿ qué harás tú?
It can help you find out about yourself and help you with career choices.
Te puede ayudar a descubrir más sobre ti y ayudarte con tu elección de carrera.
You just think you are because you pay her to listen to you talk about yourself.
Sólo crees que lo estás porque le pagas para que te escuche hablar de ti mismo.
You told me some things about yourself last night.
Anoche, me dijiste algunas cosas sobe ti.
And then I would just... I would just stare into your beautiful eyes all night and listen to you talk about yourself.
Y entonces solo... miraría tus hermosos ojos y escucharía todo lo que me tengas que decir.
So... tell us a little about yourself.
Entonces cuéntanos un poco sobre ti.
- I mean talk about yourself.
- Es decir, habla sobre ti.
Don't you dare talk about yourself in the third person!
¡ No te atrevas a hablar de ti mismo en tercera persona!
I feel like you kind of have to do something to write a book about yourself.
Me da la impresión de que tienes que hacer algo para escribir un libro sobre ti.
And please don't say things like that about yourself.
No. Y por favor, no digas cosas así sobre ti misma.
Why don't you tell us your name and a little bit about yourself?
¿ Por qué no nos cuentas tu nombre y un poco de ti?
Do not talk about yourself like that.
No hables de ti mismo de esa forma.
At the risk of being totally boring, dancing is as much about you discovering things about yourself as it is about discovering about dancing.
A riesgo de resultar aburrida, lo que importa en la danza es tanto tu descubrimiento interior como aprender a bailar.
Han, not cool to brag about yourself.
Han, no está bien alardear.
You disobeyed a direct order and about got yourself left behind!
Desobedeciste una orden directa
Sacrifice yourself for our great ruler and collect information about the "Legendary Silver Crystal."
Sacrifícate por tu gran maestra... Y consigue información sobre el Legendario Cristal de Plata.
And now that it's done, I'm not going to let you beat yourself up about it.
Y ahora que está hecho, no voy a dejar que te castigues por ello.
Sometimes, it's hard to think about other people when you're trying to save yourself, you know?
A veces, es difícil pensar en otra gente cuando estás tratando de salvarte, ¿ sabes?
How about you make it easy on yourself and give up?
¿ Qué tal si lo haces más fácil para ti y te rindes?
Think about meeting women like you're selling yourself.
# Qué poderoso hombre de bien # Pensar en conocer mujeres es como si te estuvieras vendiendo.
Then you must be strong with yourself and think about what's best rather than what you want.
Entonces debes ser duro contigo mismo y pensar qué es mejor que lo que tú quieres.
That what you're gonna tell yourself when you're thinking about killing Griffin and this whole team?
¿ Eso es lo que dices cuando piensas... en Griffin? ¿ Y nuestra unidad?
You could've said no at any goddamn point along the way, but you didn't, because all you cared about was yourself.
Podrías haberte negado en cualquier maldito momento, pero no lo hiciste, porque todo lo que te importa es tú mismo.
But what about the other man you whored yourself to?
Pero ¿ qué pasa con el otro hombre con el que también te acuestas?
Look, you said yourself, DS Stone, he knew about the tooth.
Mira, tú mismo dijiste que sabía lo del diente.
You yourself taught me a way of seeing the world where the only thing I could think about what you did would be disgust and condemnation.
Tú mismo me enseñaste una manera de ver el mundo donde en lo único que podía pensar sobre lo que hacías era en la repugnancia y la condena.
In fact, you'd probably sleep a lot better at night if you just admitted to yourself that you're a selfish goddamn coward who takes whatever he wants and doesn't give a shit about who he hurts.
De hecho, probablemente duermas mejor por las noches si simplemente aceptas que eres un puto egoísta cobarde que coge todo lo que quiere y no le importa una mierda a quién hace daño.
I love the part about how you became famous so you could be constantly surrounded by distraction and wouldn't have to be alone with yourself.
Me encanta la parte en la que te hiciste famoso para poder estar rodeado constantemente de distracciones y, de esa manera, no estar solo.
Angel you're talking about instead Of taking the power for yourself?
Ángel del que hablas en lugar de tomar el poder para ti mismo?
Before you talk, ask yourself, "does anyone present actually want to hear what I'm about to say?"
Antes de hablar, pregúntate a ti misma, "¿ alguno de los presentes realmente quiere escuchar lo que voy a decir?".
I don't know what they were arguing about, but, um, you can ask the first guy yourself.
Sí. No sé por qué discutían pero puedes preguntárselo al primero tú mismo.
You feel squeamish about it, feel free to take the hit yourself.
Te sientes mal por ello, Toma las cosas como vienen.
Are you trying to make me feel better about knifing him or yourself?
¿ Estás tratando de hacerme sentir mejor por la cuchillada... o a ti mismo?
Are you trying to make me feel better about knifing him or yourself?
¿ Estás tratando de hacerme sentir mejor a mí por apuñalarlo o a ti mismo?
We're calling on everyone to spend this weekend learning about gluten and how to protect yourself and your family, because we don't know how much time we have.
Hacemos este llamado para que vengan este fin de semana a aprender un poco mas sobre el gluten. Y aprender como proteger a sus familias. Porque no sabemos cuanto tiempo tenemos.
It's about taking care of yourself.
Se trata de cuidar de ti misma.
It's not about hotels. It's about putting yourself In this kind of whirlwind.
Se trata de meterse en un torbellino.
You can try and make yourself feel better about what you're doing, but I told you... the truth.
Puedes intentarlo y hacerte sentir mejor con lo que estás haciendo, pero te lo dije... la verdad.
You get to not find yourself on the business end of a midnight call with President Dalton about salmon.
No se verá teniendo una llamada a medianoche con el Presidente Dalton por unos salmones.
yourself 387
yourself included 25
about 2987
about last night 149
about yesterday 53
about this morning 24
about me 284
about damn time 21
about an hour ago 126
about it 81
yourself included 25
about 2987
about last night 149
about yesterday 53
about this morning 24
about me 284
about damn time 21
about an hour ago 126
about it 81
about you and me 17
about you 267
about time 287
about what 2516
about your mother 24
about that 749
about the wedding 20
about a year ago 138
about the other night 40
about a week ago 65
about you 267
about time 287
about what 2516
about your mother 24
about that 749
about the wedding 20
about a year ago 138
about the other night 40
about a week ago 65
about an hour 78
about your dad 25
about earlier 42
about your 17
about a month ago 113
about your age 24
about them 16
about the baby 35
about a 36
about a week 45
about your dad 25
about earlier 42
about your 17
about a month ago 113
about your age 24
about them 16
about the baby 35
about a 36
about a week 45