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Almost nothing translate Spanish

731 parallel translation
The air was so thick at the family table I ate almost nothing.
El ambiente estaba tan espeso allí que ni me dí cuenta.
And as I was saying, ma'am, if you could put up with my little girl and give her and me a roof over our heads, I'd be willing to work for almost nothing.
Como le iba diciendo, señorita, si no le importa que se quede la niña... y nos da un techo que nos cobije... yo estoy dispuesta a trabajar por casi nada.
You know, we can manufacture these... for almost nothing and sell them at the five-and-ten ;
¿ Sabes? Podemos producirlos... por casi nada, venderlos baratillos y hacernos ricos.
Almost nothing!
Casi desnuda.
She wears almost nothing!
¡ Va casi desnuda!
He buys himself a swamp hole for almost nothing... and builds himself a town called Nauvoo... and sends his missionaries all over the world to tell people... God set our land aside as their inheritance.
Compra un terreno pantanoso baratísimo... y construye una ciudad llamada Nauvoo... y envía a sus misionarios por todo el mundo a decirle a la gente... que Dios reservó nuestra tierra como su herencia.
Almost nothing.
- Casi nada.
Almost nothing, huh?
- Casi nada, ¿ eh?
Almost nothing – nothing but a habit, a bad habit.
Casi nada... sólo es un hábito. Un mal hábito.
Nothing or almost nothing.
Nada o casi nada.
- Almost nothing.
- Casi nada.
Oh, almost nothing's sold.
Oh, no hay casi nada vendido.
You know far too much about me already, And I know almost nothing about you.
Usted ya sabe mucho sobre mí y yo no sé nada de usted.
Yes, but we buy very very little, almost nothing.
La verdad es que compramos muy poco, casi nada.
Almost nothing, your soul.
- Una cosita de nada, el alma.
I bit late, I have brought almost nothing.
Yo tardo poco, no he traído casi nada.
There's almost nothing to speak of.
No tiene mucho.
Talk of marriage aside, we know almost nothing about your background.
Aparte de la boda, no sabemos casi nada sobre tu vida.
Almost nothing.
Casi nada.
Just a dream of which almost nothing is left.
Un sueño del que no queda nada o casi nada.
Casi nada,
Casi nada
Anyway, an absolutely fantastic story that couldn't have happened anywhere other than in this imaginary place. And in that distant age in which a newspaper would cost just a penny a nice lunch two pennies, and love... almost nothing.
Una historia, por tanto, absolutamente fantástica, que no podría ocurrir más que en un país imaginario, en aquella época remota y feliz en la que un periódico costaba un céntimo, una buena comida, dos liras, y el amor, casi nada.
- It's nothing, madam... Oh... or almost nothing...
Bueno, casi nada.
That's why Archie Lee got it for almost nothing.
Por eso Archie Lee la compró por casi nada.
If we were a stable and mature people, this would be almost nothing,
Si fuésemos un pueblo maduro y equilibrado, no pasaría nada.
There was almost nothing else.
No había prácticamente nada más.
~ About 4,000 reales per hour, plus free catering. Almost nothing!
- Alrededor de cuatro mil reales la hora, fonda pagada. ¡ Casi nada!
Almost nothing, but the doctor insists on my going every Tuesday.
Ya casi nada, pero el doctor se empeña en que vaya todos los martes.
Now, grades one, like my girl... they're really something special in bed. You see, they've almost nothing else to do.
Las de primera son buenas en la cama porque no tienen nada más que hacer.
Almost nothing, we were in a hurry.
Casi nada, teníamos demasiada prisa.
Brass candlesticks, almost nothing in the poor box.
Candelabros de latón y el cepillo casi vacío.
Then you join the other evictees where you pay.. .. almost nothing and there's central heating, electricity, etc.
Los colocan con los desahuciados, un lugar donde no se paga nada y hay calefacción, luz, etcétera.
After 3 sittings, almost nothing had happened.
Después de tres visitas no había sucedido aún nada... O casi.
Almost nothing.
Casi nada
I paid less than 2 million, almost nothing.
Poco más de dos millones. Es regalada, ¿ no?
We stay togheter for 2 months now, and you said almost nothing. What have i done to you?
Hemos estado juntos durante 2 meses y casi no ha dicho nada. ¿ Qué le he hecho?
You have eaten almost nothing.
No has comido casi nada.
Cut our expenses almost to nothing.
Recorta nuestros gastos a casi nada.
I could kill myself for almost next to nothing.
Podría matarme por cualquier cosa.
Almost as if nothing had happened since.
Como si nada hubiera ocurrido desde entonces.
I knew the Marines could do almost anything, but nothing like this.
Sabía que los Marines podían hacer de todo... pero nunca pensé que podían hacer algo así.
If I didn't know you so well... and know that nothing could be further from your mind... a fellow would almost swear you were giving him a hint.
Si no te conociera tan bien... y supiera que nada podría estar tan lejos de tu pensamiento... uno podría casi jurar que le estabas lanzando una indirecta.
You see, Terry, I'm convinced there's something quite recent in this woman's history... that we know nothing about, which I'm almost sure would lead to the origins of her illness.
Hay algo reciente en la historia de esa mujer que ignoramos y que nos llevará al origen de su enfermedad.
And rich custard apple they almost give away for nothing in mozambique. I don't know what to do, clinton.
Y aquella deliciosa compota de manzana que daban casi regalada en Mozambique.
He works from sunup to sundown for almost nothing, and on top of that, at night...
¡ Niño! ¡ Cállate!
- You did a tough job for almost nothing
- Tus esfuerzos son inútiles.
It's almost time and nothing's ready.
Van a llegar, y no hay nada preparado.
Someone told them about a place called california about a warm sun and a blue sky, about rich land and fresh air and at this moment, almost a year later they've seen nothing but cold, heat, exhaustion
Alguien les habló de un lugar llamado California. De un cálido sol y un cielo azul. De tierra fértil y aire fresco.
We ain't used nothing less than b4's in almost two years.
No hemos utilizado nada abajo de los B4 en casi dos años.
Almost nothing :

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