And now she's gone translate Spanish
285 parallel translation
All we know is she was on this train and now she's... gone. One word from her and his tour would be cancelled.
Si habla, él anulará su gira.
Only she's been dead and gone now on two years, poor soul.
Sólo que lleva muerta dos años, pobre criatura.
And now that she's gone, there's nothing between us.
Ahora que se ha ido ya no hay nada entre nosotros.
She'd gone to her sister's and now she's full of remorse.
Se marchó a casa de su hermana y tuvo remordimientos.
My only sister, and now she's gone from the house of Danaher.
Mi única hermana, y ahora se ha ido de la casa de Danaher.
And I hate her even more now that she's gone
Y ahora que se ha ido, aún la odio más.
And now she's gone.
Y ahora ella se ha ido.
Mother Joan's angel has gone and now she's alone with herself.
El ángel abandonó a la Madre Juana y esta se quedó sola.
Miss Blanche, I'll tell you right now, if that sister of yours has gone and given you sleeping tablets to keep you quiet while she's out doing I don't know what I'm sure as hell gonna call the police on her.
Señorita Blanche, se lo advierto, si esa hermana suya se ha ido y le ha dado pastillas para dormir para mantenerla callada mientras ella está fuera no sé qué le aseguro que llamaré a la Policía.
We'II make you as comfortable as possible... ... and I'II move into Mother's room now that she's gone.
Intentaremos que estés lo más cómodo posible yo me mudaré al cuarto de mi madre, ahora que se ha ido.
And now, now she's gone.
Y ahora se ha ido.
I managed before I met her and I'll manage now she's gone.
Me las arreglaba antes de conocerla y me las arreglaré ahora.
And now she's gone.
Y ahora ella no está.
And now she's gone, and all that planning, all that sweat, and you wind up with nothing
Y ahora está muerta. Tanto planear, tanto sufrir y ahora acaba sin nada.
And now she's gone.
Y ahora se marcha.
I managed to fool one girl into loving me and now she's gone.
Solo pude hacer que una chica me amara, y ahora se fue.
And now she's gone, down, down, down.
Y ahora se ha ido, abajo, abajo, abajo.
I couldn't wait till she got here and now I'm glad she's gone.
eh? Moría de ganas por que llegara y ahora me alegra que se haya ido.
And now she's gone.
Y ahora se ha ido.
She's gone, that contract about the installments now he's hanging in the tree and they'll throw him to the dogs.
Ella se ha ido, ese contrato sobre los plazos ahora él está colgando del árbol y le echarán a los perros.
She... she was here last night and now she's gone. I did.
But that's over now. And she's gone and that's about all there is, really, to say about that.
Pero eso ya pasó... y ella no está, y eso es todo lo que hay que decir.
And now she's gone.
Ahora, como sabes, se ha ido.
And now she's gone.
Después de este día, se ha ido a la cama.
Now, she's left town and that's when they die, when she's gone.
Ahora se ha marchado. Y es cuando mueren, cuando se marcha.
The only fuckin'thing I ever loved in my life, and now she's gone on account of this stool pigeon.
La única persona que amé en mi vida y se fue por culpa del imbécil este.
And now she's gone.
Y ahora se fue.
And now I don't know why, but she's gone away.
Y ahora no entiendo porque, pero ella se fue.
And now I don't know why, but she, she's gone.
Y ahora no sé por qué, pero ella, ella se fue.
And now, she's gone... and right on the eve of the elections!
Ahora, se ha ido... ¡ Y justo en vísperas de elecciones!
No, she's gone to South America changed sex and now she's called Diego
Se ha largado a Sudamérica Cambió de sexo y ahora se llama diego.
I did. And now she's gone.
Sí, y ahora se fue.
I gave a rib to Eve, and now she's gone forever.
Le di una costilla a Eva y ya no está.
I was really looking forward to my daughter spending the week with her mother, and now that she's gone, I don't know what to do with myself.
Estaba deseando que mi hija se fuera con su madre. Y ahora que se ha ido, no sé qué hacer.
And now, she feels like she's not even entitled to cling to it after he's gone.
Ahora siente que ni siquiera tiene derecho a asirse a él ya que se ha ido.
I told you not to go, but you wouldn't listen, and now she's gone.
Te dije que no te fueras, pero no me escuchaste y ahora se ha ido.
And now she's gone?
¿ Y ya no está?
Not good. She was shopping, spending lots of American dollars and now she's gone. Not good.
No son buenas noticias.
And now she's gone forever.
Y ahora se fue para siempre.
And now she's gone.
Y ahora, se fue.
Now, mind you, and I'm not too embarrassed to admit it... mind you, she had charged me handsomely... for the pleasure of her acquaintance, and even so... I wake up one morning, and she's gone with everything I own.
Ahora, no me molesta admitirlo... me había cobrado caro... por el placer de conocerla, y aun así... me despierto una mañana y había desaparecido con todo lo que yo tenía.
And now she's gone. Forever.
y ahora se ha ido, para siempre.
She was getting out of control with it before Tara left, and now that she's gone... It's gotta be seductive.
estaba perdiendo el control antes que Tara se fuera y ahora que se ha ido... debe ser muy seductor.
No. - And now she's gone.
- Y ahora ella no está.
- And now she's gone. - Yes, she is.
- Así es.
Mommy doesn't feel good, but now she's gone to get fixed and she's gonna be alright.
Mamá no se siente bien, pero ahora se va a recuperar y va a estar bien.
But she's gone now and we can't go back.
Pero ya no está, no podemos ir.
And now she's gone.
Ahora ya no está.
It's just... my wife and I are trying to have a baby now... and if she ever found out I'd been having an affair... she'd be gone in a heartbeat.
Es que... mi mujer y yo estamos intentando tener un hijo, y si se enterara de que he tenido una aventura, se marcharía sin pensárselo.
"She quickly covered the distance to the dog pen over what, now the buildings were gone, could scarcely be called a street," "and certainly not Elm Street as there wasn't a tree left on Dogville's little mountain ledge,"
Rápidamente cubrió la distancia al corral del perro sobre la que, ahora que las casas habían desaparecido, difícilmente podía ser llamada "calle", y, ciertamente no "Calle del Olmo", ya que no quedaba ningún árbol en la pequeña ladera de la montaña de Dogville,
and now 4728
and now you know 21
and now look at you 30
and now you're here 41
and now i know 37
and now i do 31
and now it's your turn 20
and now you 88
and now it's over 33
and now we're here 21
and now you know 21
and now look at you 30
and now you're here 41
and now i know 37
and now i do 31
and now it's your turn 20
and now you 88
and now it's over 33
and now we're here 21