And now we're here translate Spanish
739 parallel translation
Now, over here on this site we're gonna build an eye and ear hospital.
Ahora, en éste lugar construiremos un hospital para los ojos y oídos.
Now that we're gonna be friends, they'll probably bring their families over here to beg. So feed'em well and treat'em right, and we'll have no trouble.
Ahora que seremos amigos... traerán a sus familias aquí a mendigar... así que aliméntenlos y trátenlos bien y no tendremos problemas.
Well now listen here you know, we're old friends, you and me, and I want to go on.
Oye... tú y yo somos viejos amigos, y quiero que sigamos siéndolo.
Now we're marred, dear, and here we are
Ahora estamos casados, querida, y aquí estamos
And now we're sitting around here in this house, and you want to linger?
Si te quedas aquí, irás a vivir a la cárcel.
Now, lookie, John, now we're here how long are we gonna stand off and on like a blessed bumboat?
Mira, John, ahora que estamos aquí ¿ hasta cuándo vamos a estar aquí esperando como un bote?
And now we're getting down to cases, here's something I want to tell you.
Y ya que estamos hablando con franqueza, quiero decirte algo.
Now let's pack up, and at 3 : 00 AM we're out of here.
Ahora a empacar las chivas y a las 3 de la mañana a volar.
But it's healthy. But you're not sick, those gambs of yours are my bread and butter. Now remember we get breakfast free here with our roommates, so we eat plenty of that to lay off on the other meals.
Verá, después de la última guerra, decidieron que esas montañas debían ser arrebatadas a mi país, y yo me fui con ellas.
We attacked at 5 : 17. It's 6 : 10 now, and we're still here. Assemble the men.
Llevamos mucho tiempo aquí.
We slaved away for eleven years to get a barge on the tug line, now we "re stuck here and we" ll never get off.
Tuvimos que esperar once años hasta tener nuestra propia barcaza, ahora estamos pegados aquí y no nos despegamos nunca.
Our only chance is to get back to Cuba now... tell the governor what's going on here... let him see we're his friends... and get our reward.
Nuestra única oportunidad es volver ahora a Cuba. Contarle al gobernador lo que pasa. Hacerle ver que somos sus amigos y conseguir nuestra recompensa.
And now that we're here, alone..
Y ahora que estamos aquí solos...
I came Everywhere there were And now we're here!
Llegué a... por todas partes había... iY aaUí ettaMOt nOtOtlOt!
In the evening we left by coach... and now we're here.
Al atardecer salimos en silla de posta... y ahora estamos aquí.
They have the same type of outcroppings on that range as we have here where we're getting silver right now, and I believe that if we go right in this area, we have an excellent chance of making a big strike.
Tienen las mismas características que las que aquí están dando plata. Y si vamos a esta zona, tenemos excelentes posibilidades de dar con un buen filón. Quiero ir allá.
Now that we're here.. let's relax and have a..
Estamos aquí, relajémonos y...
Last week he ran a preliminary contest at Fort Hughes... four days later, he did the same at Camp MacKenzie... and now he's here for the finals and, believe me, we're glad to have him.
Hace cuatro días realizó los preliminares en el Fuerte Hughes... cuatro días después se presentó en el Campo MacKenzie... y ahora será aquí la final. Y, créame, nos alegra su presencia.
Now that you're here, we could move mother away from Sestri, and take her to someone who lives outside of Ponte Decimo.
Como estás aquí, podría hacer venir a mamá de Sestri e instalarla cerca de Pontedecimo. Allí estaría más segura.
We've lived here for generations and we're still here now.
Hemos vivido aquí durante generaciones y seguimos aquí.
Now, because you're our new boarders, And because we want you gentlemen to be happy here, We're gonna conduct you on a little tour.
Como sois nuevos, y porque queremos que seáis felices aquí, os daremos una vuelta.
We're here now, and after all, it does come under the heading of our work, doesn't it, David?
Se podría incluir en nuestro campo de investigación, ¿ no?
Now get the gangway up and we're going to get out of here.
Ahora suba la planchada, nos vamos de aquí.
Two days ago we were strangers and now you're here alone with me.
Éramos extraños,... ... y ahora está sola conmigo.
I'm givin'the orders and you'll follow'em or we're splitting'up right here and now.
Yo doy las órdenes, y vosotros obedecéis o nos separamos aquí mismo.
Now we're gonna sit here and watch the sun go down.
- No, no. Ahora estamos aquí para contemplar la puesta de sol.
Cost what it may, now we're here and here we stay!
¡ Lo que cueste, poco o mucho!
And now that we're here, I'm worried.
Y ahora que estamos aquí, estoy preocupado.
Now, here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna mark this trunk like this, see. And you and I are gonna get in it.
ahora, esto es lo que haremos vamos a marcar el baúl asi... y tu y yo, nos meteremos dentro asi es como saldremos del avion sin que se den cuenta si, pero como va a saber Kimi donde estamos?
Now, there's only two of us here tonight. And we're going to lock ourselves in my room.
Solo estoy con Lizzie Allen, y nos encerraremos en el dormitorio.
Now listen, do as you're told and you can go about your business just like we're not here, almost.
Escuchen, obedezcan y sigan con sus asuntos como si no estuviéramos aquí.
I don't know how to explain it to someone like you. But we all came here together, and now we're trying to do something.
No sé cómo explicártelo, pero vinimos todos juntos y ahora estamos intentando algo.
Wheeling on this early Friday evening, Larry McCormick here and we're gonna change the pace now to a...
Larry McCormick llega para sacudir la tarde del viernes y vamos a cambiar la tranquilidad por...
Now that you're here, why don't we go for a drive... and maybe stop for something to drink, huh?
Ahora que estás aquí, ¿ por qué no vamos a dar un paseo... y paramos a beber algo?
Now, you stay right here, and we'll tell Mrs. Grange that we're ready to leave.
Quédate aquí y avisaremos a la señora Grange que nos vamos.
Now, you will follow us and on the third night, I will walk back to you, then we're gonna ride back here to Lop, wait for two days and then, return to the caravan,
Ahora, tú nos seguirás y a la tercera noche regresaré a por ti... Después regresaremos aquí, a Lop, esperaremos dos días y entonces...
- And now we're here.
- Eso es un hecho cierto. Y ahora estamos aquí.
We're a couple of misfits from Christmas Town, and now we'd Iike to live here.
Somos un par de inadaptados de Villa Navidad, y ahora nos gustaría vivir aquí. No.
We arrived safely, and we're here with Dr. Adams right now.
Llegamos a salvo y estamos aquí con el doctor Adams.
And that's what we're gonna decide here and now.
Y eso es lo que vamos a decidir.
We're prepared to guarantee, here and now, that we will top your highest bid by $ 500,000.
Estamos dispuestos a garantizar, aquí y ahora, que superaremos la oferta más alta en 500.000 dólares.
Now you men probably think that just because we're not going to sea and because I'm on temporary duty here that this is going to be a soft touch.
Es probable que crean que porque no nos haremos a la mar y que porque estoy de servicio temporal, esto será cosa fácil.
And now, here in Virginia City, the terminal point for the first day of the El Dorado, we're all looking down the road from the west.
Y ahora aquí en Virginia City... el punto final del primer día de El Dorado... miramos al final del camino desde el oeste.
Now that we're comfortable, the first order of business... is to find out exactly who everybody is and what they're doing here.
Ahora que estamos cómodos, lo primero... es descubrir quién es quién y qué hace aquí.
Right now it's 88 degrees, and if you're out there, I hope you're having a real ball because we are here.
Ahora tenemos 88 grados, y si están ahí afuera, confío que estén pasando un buen rato gracias a nosotros.
We've no idea what's happening to Miss Grant and the captain, the Doctor should be back here by now, I can't get through to the Brigadier and... you're nattering on about tea!
No tenemos ni idea de lo que le ha pasado a la señorita Grant y al capitán, el Doctor debería haber vuelto ya, no puedo comunicar con el brigadier y usted está parloteando sobre el té!
So, we're all just fine, but whatever was on that ship used our transporter beam to come aboard with us, and now it's here.
Así que estamos bien... pero lo que habitaba esa nave usó el haz transportador... para venir a bordo con nosotros y ahora está aquí.
Now, Edna, dear we know it's gonna take time and it's gonna take money... -... and that's why we're here. - And I really appreciate your coming.
Edna, querida sabemos que tomará tiempo y dinero y por eso estamos aquí.
Now, you guys shoot from over there and we're gonna do it from over here.
Ahora amigos dispararán desde allí y nosotros desde aquí.
Now, if you need the ramp in here, it means that we're out 50 chairs and $ 500.
Si necesita tener esa rampa ahí, significa que habrá 50 sillas y $ 500 menos.
Me and my girls here were the Dagger Debs, and now, we're the Jezebels.
Yo y mis chicas, las Deidades Desgraciadas, que ahora somos, Las Jezabels.
and now 4728
and now you know 21
and now look at you 30
and now you're here 41
and now i know 37
and now i do 31
and now it's your turn 20
and now you 88
and now it's over 33
and now he's dead 107
and now you know 21
and now look at you 30
and now you're here 41
and now i know 37
and now i do 31
and now it's your turn 20
and now you 88
and now it's over 33
and now he's dead 107