And when she does translate Spanish
266 parallel translation
And when she does, I want to take her.
Y cuando eso suceda, yo quiero llevármela.
And when she does, I'll be around, Perc.
Y cuando ocurra, estaré allí, Perc.
Don't worry. She'll sell it. And when she does, she won't waste much time after that.
Pero Ia venderá y no creo que tarden mucho tiempo.
I have word she'll be coming home soon, and when she does, I think we should give a little party.
He oído que pronto volverá a casa. Cuando vuelva, creo que deberíamos dar una fiestecilla.
Again now, here, she walks up and when she does, it's all told from her point of view.
Aquí una vez más, el punto de vista predominante es el de la niña, que se acerca de puntillas.
And when she does believe it?
¿ Y cuando lo crea?
The Queen is riding, and when she does, she goes very far.
La Reina está cabalgando, y cuando lo hace va muy lejos.
And when she does, she does.
Y cuando ella lo hace, lo hace.
But, nonetheless, her compulsion to launch the next generation is irresistible, and when she does reach the sea, her triumph is apparently ecstatic.
Pero, a pesar de esto, sus ganas de aportar con la siguiente generación son irresistibles, y cuando logra alcanzar el mar, su triunfo se torna eufórico.
And when she does, she takes off.
Y cuando siente eso se va.
And when she does sleep, she has violent nightmares.
Y cuando duerme, tiene pesadillas espantosas.
And when she does, she's going to want to talk about it.
Y cuando lo haga, querrá hablar de ello.
I'll get her to kiss me, and when she does... And when she does... poof, you'll change into a prince.
Ella me besará y cuando lo haga... y cuando lo haga ¡ poof!
And when she does, you will be there.
Y cuando lo haga, estarás ahí
She's about to go on a break, and when she does she'll come over here and say "Hi" to me... like she always does and that's when I'll do it.
Va a hacer una pausa. Vendrá a saludarme, como siempre hace, y entonces se lo diré.
And when she does we're gonna be there.
Y cuando lo haga estaremos allí.
And when she does, I will turn on the charm "au" Ross.
Y cuando lo haga, me pondré "encanta - Ross".
And when she does,
Y cuando lo haga,
It's important that I arrive at the hotel before she does, and when she sees me dressed as a gentlemen that will remove all doubt.
¡ Toma unas tijeras y corta! Se va a ver. No con la chaqueta.
Bells and I are... - I'm really not interested! Merely curious to know what she does when she's not peddling gardenias.
Y mi marido se sigue engañando que escuchará a la razón, mientras tanto, ¡ nunca se detiene!
I kicked her and I poured water on her and I chucked rocks and sticks at her and all she does is bawl a lot when she's hurt.
Le he dado patadas, le he tirado agua encima le he lanzado piedras y palos y lo único que hace es berrear si le duele.
When your cousin spends a few days in London, does she usually dance and sing with eight beautiful girls at the Regency House?
¿ Siempre se presenta con otras ocho bellezas en el Regency House?
And when he says, "What's cooking?" Does she know what cooks?
Y cuando él pregunta : "¿ Qué se cuece?", ¿ sabe ella lo que se cuece?
Just when does an actress decide they're her words she's saying and her thoughts she's expressing?
¿ Cuándo decide una actriz que son sus palabras y pensamientos lo que está expresando?
If and when she does?
Siempre y cuando se vaya.
Yes, sir. And when my wife's pregnant, boy, does she have a temper!
Si, ¡ Y cuando mi mujer se embaraza, tiene un carácter!
But since such girl can never get into an hypnotic state and when she slips off her panties she does it for viewing reasons, we have to work our fingers to the bone with the aforementioned Giuliana.
Pero desde el momento en que esa muchacha, por su educación, no entra nunca en un estado hipnótico y cuando se deja bajar las bragas lo hace conscientemente,... nos conviene antes entrenarnos con la llamada Giuliana,
That thing does not endured when she was young And do not improve with patches made by an amateur.
No mejorará arreglado por un novato.
And, when she does... she will surely take action.
Y cuando lo haga... seguro que intentará algo.
Two weeks without hearing from her and, when she does call, it's her bloody housekeeper!
¡ Dos semanas sin tener noticias de ella, y cuando llaman, resulta que es su ama de llaves!
Between reading letters and arranging rapes, when does she ever sleep?
Entre leer cartas y organizar violaciones, ¿ tendra tiempo de dormir?
When the second girl was buried, when my father was putting sand over her, She took hold of his finger the way babies does, he told my mother afterwards that it was a minute before the tender little grip eased and he had taken away his hand
Cuando su segunda hija estaba siendo... cuando mi padre echaba arena sobre ella... ella se aferró a su dedo, y al minuto... el frágil puño se aflojó y... él se animó a sacar su mano.
and find the peace and fulfilment in heaven that it was denied in its earth life, and that the day will come when her soul will feel free and able to seek a new rebirth, and that when it does she will find parents
y encuentre la paz y felicidad en el Cielo que le fueron negadas en su vida terrenal, y que llegue el día en que su alma se sienta libre y pueda buscar otro renacimiento.
Although she does believe in equal rights... fair play, and justice for all... except when any of it gets in her way.
No obstante, ella cree en la igualdad de derechos... juego limpio y justicia para todos... excepto cuando alguien se interpone en su camino.
"What does a Polish girl get that's long and hard when she gets married?"
"Como hace una chica polaca para conseguir algo largo y duro cuando se casa?"
i hate when she does that today's the first day of spring that's no consultation boy i must've been hammered last night i woke up in a strange apartment somehow i managed to lose my college ring eat your toast and get out
Odio cuando hace eso... Hoy comienza la primavera. Eso no es consuelo.
When she does call, you say that Brenda's in the shower, then you call Brenda in Mexico at the motel, and Brenda will call her right back.
Cuando llame, dices que Brenda está en la ducha luego llamas a Brenda al hotel de México y Brenda la llama enseguida.
First thing she does when she gets anywhere is... she kicks off her shoes... rolls her hair up into one of them twist joints... and goes and puts on one of my big old sweat suits.
Lo primero que hace cuando llega a ninguna parte es... que inicia sus zapatos... rolls el pelo recogido en uno de ellos tuercen juntas... y va y se pone uno de mis grandes juegos de sudor OID.
Michelle's appendix is gonna rupture, and when it does, she'll die.
El apéndice de Michelle se reventará, y cuando lo haga, morirá.
- And when she does you - And when she does you - Like she'll do you
Y cuando lo haga, como ella te lo hará, no será divertido
When she does all that stuff, like when she talks like she's sleepy... forgets stuff, and when she's sad.
Cuando hace todas esas cosas, como cuando habla como si estuviera dormida, Se olvida cosas, y cuando está triste.
When she does all that stuff, like when she talks like she's sleepy... forgets stuff, and when she's sad.
Cand face toate acele lucruri, ca si acnd vorbeste ca si cum ar dormi, uita unele lucruri, si cand este trista.
And if this thing does have a mother, I'd say we don't want to be around when she gets back.
Si tiene madre, será mejor no andar por aquí cuando regrese.
Ray, I can't keep blaming her for everything if I've never been honest with her... and I have never actually told her how she makes me feel... when she does the things she does.
Ray, no puedo seguir culpándola por todo si nunca fui honesta con ella y, en realidad, no le digo como me hace sentir con las cosas que hace.
Le preguntas a una mujer lo que hace, y cuando te lo dice, tú dices : "oh".
Anyway, Nimue has gone... and she does want you to join her... when you're ready.
Nimue se ha ido... y te quiere con ella... cuando estés listo.
Danninger, we have so much fun and still reap a bigger harvest than you... does your wife have this much fun when she's... working?
Danninger, nos divertimos mucho y tenemos más cosecha que tu... ¿ tu esposa se divierte tanto cuando está... trabajando?
When my mom's mad, she stands at the sink and does dishes.
Cuando mamá está enfadada, va al fregadero y lava platos.
When Mika awakes, and I pray she does, your children will learn the truth.
Cuando Mika se despierte, y rezo para que así sea, vuestros hijos sabrán la verdad.
One day Ezri's going to come walking through those doors again and this drink is going to be waiting for her when she does.
Un día Ezri va a entrar otra vez por esas puertas y cuando lo haga, tendrá una copa esperándola.
And woe betide the enemy when she does rise up.
La desgracia se abatirá sobre eI enemigo a Ia hora que ella se levante.
and when i do 162
and when you wake up 22
and when that day comes 25
and when the time comes 38
and when the time is right 21
and when i'm done 29
and when i woke up 67
and when it does 101
and when that happens 94
and when i got there 24
and when you wake up 22
and when that day comes 25
and when the time comes 38
and when the time is right 21
and when i'm done 29
and when i woke up 67
and when it does 101
and when that happens 94
and when i got there 24