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As of right now translate Spanish

848 parallel translation
And I'm through as of right now.
Renuncio a partir de este momento.
- as of right now.
¡ A partir de este momento!
And I'm resigning, as of right now.
Y renuncio desde éste mismo instante.
So, as of right now, you're out of business.
Así que, en definitiva, estrías fuera del negocio.
It's off, as of right now.
- Eso se acabó, por ahora.
Well, here's the situation as of right now.
Bien, ésta es la situación ahora.
You're fired, as of right now
Estas despedido desde este mismo momento
As of right now.
A partir de este mismo instante.
As of right now, I am cancelling out on my support - financial and every other way.
A partir de ahora, les retiro mi apoyo, financiero y de cualquier tipo.
We're overdue as of right now.
Ya estamos atrasados.
All right, we're through as of now!
He decidido romper todo lo referido a ti
As a matter of fact, I'm practically at four other places right now, trying to get rid of these milk fund tickets.
De hecho, prácticamente estoy en cuatro sitios en este momento intentando deshacerme de estos vales de leche.
I should have advised you against your first marriage but at the time I was just as weak as you were going to be right now because of Irene
Tendría que haberte aconsejado en contra de tu primer matrimonio. Pero en ese momento yo era tan débil como ibas a ser ahora con Irene.
He's right. When we first came on this ship 15 years ago if we'd had as much sense then as now we'd have let him save our money and now we'd be sitting on the fat of the land. Right, Finn?
Si cuando entramos en este barco hace 15 años hubiéramos tenido la experiencia que tenemos ahora y le hubiéramos dado el dinero, ahora estaríamos nadando en la abundancia.
Si el amor puede hacer una imbécil de una mujer inteligente, también podríamos acabar con esto ahora.
Of course, now you've been crying, you look as ugly as the very devil, but... when you're quite all right and yourself, you're what I should call attractive.
Por supuesto, ahora que has llorado eres tan fea como un demonio, pero... cuando estás tranquila, eres lo que yo llamaría atractiva.
And right now, in his heart... he's not half as sure of himself as he makes out to be.
Y en este momento, en su corazón... no está tan seguro como aparenta estarlo.
As a matter of fact, you and I are gonna have a showdown on policy right now.
De hecho, usted y yo vamos a discutir esa línea ahora mismo.
Well, I might as well shake that guy out of my hair right now.
Me quitaré a ese tipo de encima ahora mismo.
So go back there right now, and as soon as the empress is asleep, you order the guard out of the palace.
Vuelve allá, y cuando la Zarina esté dormida, saca a la guardia del palacio.
As a matter of fact, I'm gonna tell you about it right now.
Y voy a aprovechar para comentárselo ahora.
Right now do as I say. Get back in the hole... all of you.
Por el momento, me obedeceréis.
Whatever Dave feels now, indifference, outrage, contempt, would be the feelings of Dave not only as a Jew but the way I feel as a man, as an American, as a citizen. Is that right, Ma?
Lo que Dave siente... indiferencia, cólera, desprecio... son los sentimientos de Dave como judío, como hombre... como estadounidense y como ciudadano.
And I might as well tell you right now, Mr. Carson, we've been pretty skeptical about this story of yours.
Yo tampoco lo soy. Y le digo ahora, Sr. Carson, que nos sentimos muy escépticos respecto a su historia.
But I thank you for that shame, because now I know that we are each of us a separate human being, Brandon, with the right to live and work and think as individuals, but with an obligation to the society we live in.
Pero te doy las gracias por esa vergüenza, porque he comprendido que cada uno de nosotros somos seres individuales con el derecho a vivir, trabajar y pensar como individuos, pero con la obligación de responder ante nuestra sociedad.
They have the same type of outcroppings on that range as we have here where we're getting silver right now, and I believe that if we go right in this area, we have an excellent chance of making a big strike.
Tienen las mismas características que las que aquí están dando plata. Y si vamos a esta zona, tenemos excelentes posibilidades de dar con un buen filón. Quiero ir allá.
As a matter of fact, there it is, coming in... - Hooray! - Directly behind you right now.
De hecho ahí está, llegando justo detrás de usted.
All right, let's talk about a new deal, as of now.
De acuerdo, firmemos otro. Ahora mismo.
As a matter of fact, I'd like one right now.
De hecho, ahora me tomaría algo.
Quantrill and what's left of his guerrillas are as good as hung right now.
Quantrill y sus partisanos deberían estar muertos.
That kind of publicity right now can do me just as much harm as...
Esa clase de publicidad ahora mismo puede perjudicarme tanto...
- As a matter of fact, right now I'm confused.
- De hecho, ahora estoy confundido.
As a matter of fact, we're pulling out right now.
Nos vamos ahora mismo.
Choose right now you can be the envy of the German Foreign Service or you can go through life as a diplomatic valet.
Elija usted ahora podrá ser la envidia del Servicio Secreto Alemán o continuar como diplomático subalterno.
As a matter of fact, I'm expecting company right now.
De hecho, espero una visita.
- As of right now.
- En este momento.
I'm overdue right now, as matter of fact
Me estoy retrasando, de hecho
No, as the girlfriend of a policeman, now you're part of the Corps too. Right?
Ahora, como novia de un carabiniere, también formas parte del ejército. ¿ Verdad, Stelluti?
But as of now, no one has yet gone to the moon... to see whether Méliès was right.
Pero hasta el momento nadie ha ido a la Luna... para comprobar si Méliès tenía razón.
As a matter of fact, I think I'll take a swim right now.
De hecho, creo que voy a darme un baño ahora mismo.
Well, they can have my share of it right now, as I don't want any part of it.
Bueno, quédese con mi parte porque no quiero nada.
As a matter of fact, I've got them right now.
Ahora estoy nervioso.
Is that right? Well, most everyone has had the experience of being as poor as you are now. Do you fight?
Bueno, casi todo el mundo ha pasado por la experiencia de ser tan pobre como lo eres tú ahora. ¿ Os peleáis?
As a matter of fact I'm on what you might call "official business", right now.
De hecho estoy en viaje oficial, por así decirlo.
That's why I insist that the main goal right now is not manned flights, but a series of experiments in space of the same scale, the same mobilization of resources, as in those historical days, when soviet scientists,
Por eso insisto El principal objetivo actual no debe ser abrir nuevas rutas, Sino una serie de experimentos espaciales, de la misma escala, con la misma movilización de recursos, como en aquellos días históricos, cuando los científicos soviéticos,
All The Ety Gai. Esa fue una Carefree Mundial, Dan Ny,
Well, if it's the kind of outfit you say it is, and if it's as easy as you say it is, why not right now, in the daylight?
¿ Bueno, si es tan fácil como dices... por qué no ahora, a luz del día?
You came here of your own free will and I hereby give you just as much freedom to speak your piece, right now.
Has venido por propia voluntad. Tienes libertad para decir lo que quieras.
Miss Blanche, I'll tell you right now, if that sister of yours has gone and given you sleeping tablets to keep you quiet while she's out doing I don't know what I'm sure as hell gonna call the police on her.
Señorita Blanche, se lo advierto, si esa hermana suya se ha ido y le ha dado pastillas para dormir para mantenerla callada mientras ella está fuera no sé qué le aseguro que llamaré a la Policía.
All right, now, rapaport... betton... burnett... and the rest of you, the same as yesterday.
¿ Esta bien chicas? ¿ Listas para la tarea de hoy? Muy bien, ahora Rapaport...
Right now, flora, as of this moment, you've got to readjust your life.
Pero ahora mismo, desde este momento, tienes que hacer cambios en tu vida.

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