Clears his throat translate Spanish
99 parallel translation
( Clears his throat )
He even clears his throat in tune.
Incluso se aclara la garganta entonando.
HE CLEARS HIS THROAT I mean, why do you need to leave?
Me refiero a por qué necesita partir...
HE CLEARS HIS THROAT What should I do?
Qué debería hacer yo?
HE CLEARS HIS THROAT a... LOUDLY : Jeweller and jailbird.
¡ Joyero y presidiario!
So now we are a nation of spies? JUDGE CLEARS HIS THROAT The prisoner will keep his tongue.
¿ Así que ahora somos una nación de espías? El prisionero contendrá su lengua.
For everything. HE CLEARS HIS THROAT So what now, Harry?
Por todo. ¿ Y ahora qué, Harry?
HE CLEARS HIS THROAT Anyway, thanks.
De cualquier manera, gracias.
I think she'd rather be right. HE CLEARS HIS THROAT I hope things work out between you and your husband.
Preferiría que tuviera razón.
Sorry about your testicle. HE CLEARS HIS THROAT Yeah, that'd be lovely.
Siento lo de tus huevos.
HE CLEARS HIS THROAT I insisted on knowing what she had in her apron.
Insistí en saber lo que tenía en el delantal.
All the better for seeing you! ARTHUR CLEARS HIS THROAT Arthur!
¡ Mucho mejor por verte! ¡ Arthur!
HE CLEARS HIS THROAT Uh, you wanted to see me, Detective?
¿ Quería verme detective?
No battery, no electric car and no photo to show. MURDOCH CLEARS HIS THROAT
Sin batería, no hay coche eléctrico ni foto que mostrar.
HE CLEARS HIS THROAT This one is dark brown.
Ésta es marrón oscuro.
HE CLEARS HIS THROAT May we come inside, Mrs Gordon?
¿ Podemos entrar, señora Gordon?
HE CLEARS HIS THROAT Dear Mr Gargery, I would be grateful if yourself and Pip could attend me in Satis House this Sunday.
Querido Sr. Gargery, estaría muy agradecido si usted y Pip pueden reunirse conmigo en Satis House este domingo.
As I was describing to him my new picture of the universe, inflating regions and so forth... ( clears his throat )... expansion. VILENKIN :
Por supuesto me quedé muy triste por ello, así que pensé que seguramente debería irme.
No. ( He clears his throat )
( clears his throat ) HARRY : So that's why the police were spying on you?
Entonces ¿ es eso por lo que la policía te estaba espiando?
What pills? ( Spears clears his throat. )
¿ Que pastillas?
( Spears clears his throat ) Hey, boss.
Hola, jefa.
¿ Suena familiar? ¡ Hazlo otra vez!
I'm not saying I would. And I'm not saying I wouldn't. JONAS CLEARS HIS THROAT
No estoy diciendo que yo hiciera tal cosa... ni que no lo hiciese.
( Man clears his throat. ) You know, it's the rich that are stealing the best for themselves and killing everyone else.
, son los ricos los que están robando lo mejor para ellos mismos y matando a todos los demás.
( Frank clears his throat )
( Frank aclara la garganta )
Angry, mate, I get, erm... [HE CLEARS HIS THROAT]
Enojado, amigo, me siento, eh...
We'll get you out of there. Er... HE CLEARS HIS THROAT
La sacaremos de ahí.
[Chuckles, Clears Throat] Everybody - Everybody is entitled to his own opinion.
Todo el mundo tiene derecho a su opinión.
With that... [Clears Throat] I leave you to your collective consciences... to deliberate my fate... and his.
Con eso... los dejo con sus conciencias colectivas... para que deliberen sobre mi destino... y el suyo.
[Snickers, Clears Throat] Well, ordinarily... the sight of a long-lost son rushing to his father's bosom... might reduce me to strong emotion ;
Normalmente, la visión de un hijo desaparecido abrazando a su padre me emociona fuertemente.
( clears throat ) It became his life's work to restore the manor to its original glory. But how could he afford it?
¿ Pero cómo podía pagarlo?
What you do... ( clears throat )... is you knock on his door, and you tell him that you're having trouble sleeping, that you need some air.
Lo que se hace... ( se aclara la garganta / i )... Es usted golpea a su puerta y le dices que usted está teniendo problemas para dormir, que necesita un poco de aire.
ALF. Hey, they were his words. [WILLIE CLEARS THROAT]
"Y si muero antes de despertar, que me frían como un bistec."
[Clears Throat] I hold here a contract between myself and one Homer Simpson... pledging me his soul for a doughnut!
Tengo aquí un contrato entre un tal Homero Simpson y yo... donde me promete su alma por una rosquilla.
- [Clears Throat] When I think about Ned, I can't help but remember the look on his face when Marge drove over -
Cuando pienso en Ned, lo primero que recuerdo es la expresión que tenía cuando Marge lo atrope...
( Barquentine clears his throat )
Sr Secretario, puede comenzar.
What's his name? [Monk Clears Throat]
¿ Cuál es su nombre?
- [Daniel clears his throat]
[clears throat] "... and watched them scurry toward him like a pack of rats. They stopped in their tracks as he opened his cloak and unsheathed a long shiny sword. "
era peor que asustarse cuando veía ratas en silencio subió las escaleras mientras miraba su reloj.
( Sighs, clears throat ) Manager's on his way to open the safe.
El gerente está viniendo a abrir la caja fuerte.
Of course... the book is complete tosh. ( CLEARS THROAT ) He died in the prison hospital... before we got onto his first murder, so I had to make the rest up.
( Carraspea ) Murió en el hospital de la prisión... antes de llegar a su primer asesinato, así que tuve que hacer el resto para arriba.
Aún así, podría ser peor...
Well, your husband is in the living room, getting an IV drip for his flu. ( clears throat )
Bien, su marido está en la sala de estar, con suero vía intravenosa para la gripe.
[Clears throat] And the lonely king searched far and wide Looking for this woman who would be his queen.
Y el solitario Rey viajó a lo largo y a lo ancho buscando a esa mujer que sería su reina.
Sé sincera conmigo,
I'm heading up to his room now. ( Clears throat ) Katya.
Me dirijo a su habitación.
Uh... my ( clears throat ) ex-boyfriend Lonnie from Spokane has a fondness for vintage porn of me, uh, and decided, after I declined to be his Facebook friend... ( sighs )... to load our attempt at porn stardom onto the Internet.
A mi ex-novio Lonnie de Spokane... le gustaba grabar videos porno de mí, y decidió... luego que rechazara ser su amiga en Facebook... subir nuestro intento de video porno a Internet.
( clears throat ) Magnolia's clearly folding like a house of cards, and we are the last bastion of hope to keep Daddy from making the biggest mistake of his life!
¡ Magnolia claramente está cediendo como una casa de cartas, y nosotros somos el último bastión de esperanza que evitará que papi cometa el mayor error de su vida!
And this is coming from a guy who wore a bandana around his jeans leg in High School, so I know what I speak of. ( Penny clears throat ) And now let us begin our journey.
Y esto viene de un tío que llevaba una bandana atada al pantalón en el instituto, así que sé de lo que hablo. Y que empiece nuestro viaje.
throat 39
clear 3420
clearly 1747
clearance 26
cleared 26
cleary 58
clears throat 1710
clear your mind 34
clear the table 19
clear your head 52
clear 3420
clearly 1747
clearance 26
cleared 26
cleary 58
clears throat 1710
clear your mind 34
clear the table 19
clear your head 52
clear the area 71
clear my head 36
clear the way 99
clearing throat 68
clear a path 30
clear the air 23
clear as a bell 21
clear the court 17
clear the bridge 17
clear off 96
clear my head 36
clear the way 99
clearing throat 68
clear a path 30
clear the air 23
clear as a bell 21
clear the court 17
clear the bridge 17
clear off 96
clear the room 54
clear it 26
clear out 126
clearly not 42
clearing of throat 39
clear it out 16
clear here 17
clear as day 33
clear it 26
clear out 126
clearly not 42
clearing of throat 39
clear it out 16
clear here 17
clear as day 33