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Come home soon translate Spanish

315 parallel translation
Come home soon and don't drink!
¡ Vuelve pronto y no bebas!
I wish Mom'd come home soon.
Ojalá venga pronto mamá.
If he is there, please tell him to come home soon to his sister.
Si está ahí, Dígale que vuelva a casa pronto. Que ha venido su hermana.
They let him come home soon, yes?
¿ Le dejarán volver a casa pronto? No sabemos nada.
- come home soon.
- Vuelve pronto.
You be sure to take them off now and come home soon.
Quítate ese pijama y ven pronto a casa.
Come home soon.
- Ven deprisa, deprisa.
I'll come home soon
Iré a casa pronto
She would have come home soon if nothing had happened on the way.
Ese bruto ha pasado por la calle, gritando las peores obscenidades.
Something to discuss. Come home soon.
Algo para discutir cuando venga a casa pronto
Yes. "Come home soon." From Mokichi
Si. "Ven a casa pronto." Desde Mokichi
I told you, you should come home soon.
Ya te he dicho, que tienes que volver pronto.
I'll come home soon
Llegaré a casa pronto
" She will come home soon and I'll tell her :
Volverá pronto y le diré en voz baja :
Good. Come home soon.
Vuelve a casa pronto.
Mama, I'll come home soon.
Mamá, iré pronto.
I would not, but somebody will come home soon?
¿ Es que piensas marcharte? No quisiera Peter, pero a lo mejor alguien llega a casa y...
What's important is that you come home soon.
Lo importante es que vuelvas pronto a casa.
Come home soon.
Vuelve a casa pronto.
Come home soon.
Vuelve pronto.
I'd have come home soon.
Igualmente habría llegado pronto a casa.
And... can Margot come home soon?
Y... ¿ podrá volver pronto a casa?
Come home soon. We love you.
Te queremos.
Come home soon.
Ven pronto a casa.
Yeah, she said she will come back home soon after getting my mom so go wait at home.
- No. Me dijo que viniera a casa primero. Dijo que volvería pronto con mamá.
Beg your pardon, I didn't think you'd come home so soon.
Perdón, no pensé que volvería a casa tan pronto.
Now he build nest and then quick, as soon as he finish, your papa come home.
Ahora hace nido, y después, enseguida, en cuanto termine, tu papá vuelve a casa.
He better come home pretty soon.
Espero que no tarde demasiado tiempo.
I'll come home as soon as possible.
Iré a casa tan pronto como sea posible.
Summer vacation will soon be here and you can come home then
Las vacaciones de verano estarán pronto aquí y entonces podrás ir a casa
Crying, she shouted "Come home as soon as you can!"
Cuando se embarcaba, Namiko agitaba el pañuelo en la orilla.
Good night, George. I'll come home as soon as I can get off.
Iré a casa tan pronto como pueda.
- She'll be home soon. Come in.
- No tardará, pasa.
All right, look I'll come home tonight as soon as I can.
Bien, mira esta noche regresaré tan pronto como pueda.
Come home as soon as you can
No vuelvas tarde. Tienes mala cara.
As soon as the stores close, she's got to come home.
Apenas cierren los negocios, tendrá que volver a casa.
I was there as soon as I come home from work. Yes?
Cuando volví de trabajar.
"Oh, how soon — how soon will my love come home to me?"
"¿ Cuándo, cuándo regresará mi amada?"
I'll be home very soon. I'll only stay a little while. Then I'll come right home.
Iré a casa pronto, me quedaré un rato... y enseguida iré a casa.
As soon as they arrived you'll come back home.
Apenas lleguen se vuelve a su casa.
Now, if you don't mind, I would just as soon... not have to face that when I come home.
Si no te importa... no quiero enfrentar eso cuando llego a casa.
We'll soon come home.
Pronto volveremos a casa.
And as soon as my idiotic ersister decides to come home, you and she will have the laugh of your lives over this whole business.
Y en cuanto la idiota de mi hermana decida volver a casa,... tú y ella os vais a cansar de reíros de todo este asunto.
She lets it out as soon as you're gone and she lights it before you come home.
La apaga cuando te vas y la enciende cuando vuelves.
It seems they have some relatives coming tonight, and they'd like it if he could come home just as soon as possible.
Esta noche recibirán a unos parientes... y quieren que regrese a su casa lo antes posible.
Well, come home as soon as you can.
Regresa a casa lo más temprano que puedas.
If that stupid dog doesn't come home pretty soon I'm gonna start missing him.
Si ese perro estúpido no vuelve pronto voy a empezar a extrañarlo.
Tell him to go home, I'll come as soon as possible.
Dile que regrese a su casa, yo iré en cuanto pueda.
Soon as Betty is out of the clinic he can come home again.
Tan pronto Betty salga de la clínica, podrá volver a casa.
I designed costumes and dressed... the actors. As soon as we got home he would ring up... asking us to come back.
No acabábamos de llegar a casa, cuando llamaba pidiendo que volviéramos.
You promised, as soon as the exhibition was ready you'd come home.
Prometiste que cuando la exposición estuviera lista vendrías a casa.

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