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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ C ] / Come on upstairs

Come on upstairs translate Spanish

299 parallel translation
Come on upstairs to my room.
Sube conmigo a mi habitación.
Belle, come on upstairs to my room.
Belle, sube a mi habitación.
Come on upstairs.
Sube conmigo.
Come on upstairs, everybody, while I take a bath.
¡ Subid todos, voy a darme un baño!
Come on upstairs a minute and get your breath.
Mientras recuperas tu aliento.
Come on upstairs and see the baby.
Sube y verás al pequeño.
Come on upstairs, Whitey.
Subamos, Whitey.
Finish your drinks and come on upstairs. I'm gonna give you all a bath.
Prefiero mirar las montañas.
Now, you come on upstairs and get into bed.
Ahora sube y métete a la cama.
It's only the very faintest chance, of course, but come on upstairs.
Hay una pequeña diferencia, por supuesto, pero... subamos.
Come on upstairs.
Vamos arriba.
Come on upstairs to O'Hara's office.
Vamos arriba a la oficina de O'Hara.
Come on upstairs. They don't understand a word of English unless they listen.
Ellos sólo entienden inglés si lo oyen.
Come on upstairs!
¡ Sube!
Come on upstairs.
Subamos. Tengo una botella.
Come on upstairs to my suite.
Sube a mi suite, ¿ quieres?
Mr Hilliard, come on upstairs.
Suba, Sr. Hilliard.
Now, now, come on upstairs, and we'll see whether Mr. Jorgy is resting comfortably.
Primero subimos... a ver si el Sr. Jorgy descansa.
Come on upstairs.
¡ Aparta eso!
- Come on upstairs with me.
- Vamos arriba.
Come on, you're going upstairs.
Vamos, vas a subir.
- Come on, let's go upstairs.
- Vamos, subamos.
- Upstairs, boys, come on.
- Arriba, vamos.
Come on... upstairs.
Vamos... sube.
I'll get the other one from upstairs. Come on, Mickey!
Yo traeré lo otro de arriba. ¡ Vamos, Mickey!
- Go on upstairs. - Come on.
- Come on, children, upstairs.
- Vamos, niños, subid.
Alright, but Delfina can eat upstairs with me... come on!
Pues muy bien, pero Delfina conmigo. Ven, Ven.
Come on, we have an upstairs to this house too.
Echa un vistazo arriba.
Come on, upstairs!
¡ Vamos, arriba!
Come on, let's go upstairs.
Venga, subamos.
- Nothing. Come on, upstairs.
Vamos, sube.
Come on, darling, let's go upstairs.
Vamos, querida. Subamos.
Come on. Let's go upstairs.
Vamos arriba.
- Come on, Gran, I'll help you upstairs.
- La ayudaré a subir.
Come on, the girls are waiting for us upstairs.
Vamos, las chicas nos están esperando arriba.
- Now, come on back upstairs.
- Vamos vuelve arriba.
Go upstairs and put on your robe and tell father to come down here at once.
Ve arriba a ponerte la bata y dile a tu padre que venga aquí.
Come on, dear. I'll take you upstairs to bed.
Ven, precioso, te llevaré a la cama.
Come on, gran, upstairs only.
Vamos, abuela, arriba.
Come on, Maria, let's us go sit upstairs for a while
Vamos, María, vayamos arriba un rato
Come on upstairs.
Come on, sweetheart. Let's go upstairs.
- Vamos, cariño.
Now, you come along upstairs and try on that suit of clothes.
Iremos arriba... y Ie buscaré un traje.
Come on, you two get upstairs to your rooms.
¡ Eh! , vosotros, subid a vuestras habitaciones.
Come on. Say good night to Daddy and run along upstairs to bed.
Vamos, digan buenas noches y suban a acostarse.
As soon as you get to bed, come on, go upstairs.
Cuando te acuestes, anda, vamos para arriba.
Come on, go on upstairs and go to bed.
Venga, sube y vete a la cama.
Come on back upstairs for five minutes.
Sube 5 minutos.
Do what he says, come on, upstairs.
Haz lo que dice, vamos arriba.
Come on, I'll give you a cook's tour Of how the higher echelon works upstairs.
Voy a enseñarte el ático, donde están los mandamases.

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