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Dark hair translate Spanish

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Dark hair.
Pelo oscuro.
Holly would like dark hair.
A Holly le gusta el pelo oscuro.
And I said, dark hair.
Y yo dije, pelo oscuro.
Tall with dark hair.
Alto con cabello oscuro.
Six feet tall, dark hair and eyes, well-built.
Alto, 1,86 Mts., moreno, ojos marrones, fuerte.
- He had short dark hair, medium build...
- Pelo corto y negro. Estatura media.
A guy with dark hair?
- Uno con el pelo oscuro.
When we first spoke, you described the killer as having dark hair and blue eyes.
La primera vez que hablamos, describiste al asesino con cabello oscuro y ojos azules.
Did any of them have dark hair?
¿ Alguno de ellos tenía cabello oscuro?
Well, I got dark hair and blue eyes.
Bueno, yo tengo cabello oscuro y ojos azules.
If she said that her boss had dark hair and blue eyes, then we gotta believe it?
Si ella dice que su jefe tiene cabello oscuro y ojos azules, tenemos que creerle.
He does have dark hair and blue eyes, so in that instance she was telling the truth.
Él tiene el cabello oscuro y los ojos azules, así que ella decía la verdad.
He had straight dark hair. Very dark. Blue eyes.
Un poco pálido, tiene el pelo liso, muy oscuro ojos azules.
The boy is pale. Dark hair. Blue eyes.
El muchacho es pálido moreno ojos azules.
5'5 ", dark hair, blue eyes.
Un metro 65, cabello oscuro, ojos azules.
I've got dark hair and I weigh 110kg.
Soy moreno y peso 110 kg.
But my grandpa had dark hair.
Pero mi abuelo tenía el cabello negro.
Dark hair, dark eyes.
Pelo y ojos oscuros.
Tall, broad shoulders dark hair.
Alto, de hombros anchos pelo oscuro.
Medium build, dark hair.
Complexión mediana, pelo oscuro.
I love beautiful hair, especially dark hair.
Cuando veo un hermoso cabello no puedo reprimir el impulso de tocarlo. Sobre todo si es moreno... porque demasiadas rubias.
Well, mine has dark hair.
Sí, pero este tiene el pelo negro.
"A conversation with a dark-haired man will be very important for you"... well, I just instinctively think, you know, "Who do I know who has dark hair? Did we have a conversation? What did we talk about?"
"Conversación muy importante con un hombre moreno", instintivamente pensaré en la gente morena que conozco... y pensaré de qué hablé con ellos últimamente.
Then I saw the older girl, with the dark hair and big eyes.
Entonces vi a la chica mayor con el pelo oscuro y ojos grandes.
FACE : Short, dark hair. LEANN :
- Bajito, de pelo oscuro.
I thought she had dark hair.
Pensé que tenía el pelo oscuro.
He has dark hair, big eyes.
Es moreno, con ojos grandes.
With dark hair?
Se llama Marta.
The man who came to your door, the collector is a tall man, dark hair, about 35?
El hombre que vino a su puerta, el coleccionista ¿ es alto, de pelo oscuro, de unos 35 años?
Long dark hair, beautiful face.
Pelo largo y oscuro y cara bonita.
'l am 6'2', with dark hair...'athletic build from football, and I'm considered good-looking by my friends.
"Mido un metro ochenta, pelo oscuro, soy deportista y atractivo."
And there was some other woman with dark hair.
Y había otra mujer de pelo oscuro.
Dark hair, with a beard, shaved smooth.
con barba... rostro afeitado...
A cute girl, with dark hair in braids?
Una chica bonita, con cabello oscuro y trenzas?
He knows two, both dark hair, third's a woman, fourth is a handicapped parking permit.
Dos son morenos. El tercero es una mujer, el cuarto tiene permiso de minusválido.
Cortal himself is in his 40s and has dark hair and eyes course features, wearing a blue sweat suit under a white lab coat.
Cortal está en sus cuarenta, cabello y ojos oscuros, de tipo mediterráneo... lleva un traje azul, bajo un delantal blanco de enfermero.
He's tall, dark hair, grey jacket.
Alto, moreno, campera apretada.
She had dark hair.
Tenía el cabello oscuro.
Dark-haired white hair.
Pelo oscuro, piel blanca.
- Dark curly hair.
- Cabello rizado oscuro.
Dark hair, average looking.
- Pelo oscuro, normal.
He's got dark grey hair and blue eyes.
Él tiene cabello gris oscuro y ojos azules.
Was his hair dark like mine, or lighter like yours?
¿ Tenía cabello oscuro como el mío o claro como el tuyo?
- Muslim is like Arab. Dark skin and hair.
Islámico es como árabe, de piel oscura y muy moreno.
" Thirty-three, 5-foot and a quarter inch, dark brown hair, brown eyes, no visible scars, tattoos or birthmarks.
" Treinta y tres, de 5 pies y un cuarto de pulgada, pelo castaño oscuro, ojos marrones, sin cicatrices visibles, tatuajes o marcas de nacimiento.
With a dark wig to mimic the hair of Carlotta.
Con una peluca oscura para imitar el pelo de Carlotta.
The only scalper I could find had funny things moving in his hair, and he wanted to bargain in a dark alley.
Al único revendedor que encontré se le movian cosas en el pelo y queria regatear en un callejón.
The street light makes my pussy hair glow in the dark
la luz hace que brille el pelo en la oscuridad
The other one's dark, curly hair, sort of ethnic.
El otro es moreno, con el pelo rizado, algo exótico.
Aside from the hair, three blue grains, dark flecks, went to Brian's end.
Brian ha examinado las vetas azules y las motas oscuras.
She has dark, long, black hair.
La víctima no era vietnamita. Tiene el cabello largo y oscuro.

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