Even at night translate Spanish
515 parallel translation
Those bastards work even at night!
¡ Esos bastardos trabajan incluso por la noche!
not even at night you leave one in peace
¡ Ni siquiera de noche hay tranquilidad!
even at night you must quarrel incredible!
¡ Incluso de noche os peleáis! ¡ Increíble!
Even at night fighting does not lose its intensity.
Incluso en la lucha contra la noche no pierde su intensidad.
Answer me. Even at night?
¿ Por la noche también?
She must've known those cliffs pretty well, even at night. Yes.
Debió de conocer bien esos riscos, aun de noche.
Even at night, it's like roasting in an oven.
Es como un horno incluso de noche.
Everyone in one room, even at night.
¡ Y todos en la misma habitación!
Can't you two let it alone, even at night?
¿ Ni de noche pueden dejarlo por la paz?
"... the hatch cover was off during the entire time of loading. Even at night. "
"... permaneció abierta hasta su salida del puerto.
Even at night, nobody could see them, yet they simulated.
También de noche, que nadie los miraba, no dudaban en continuar simulando.
- Yes, even at night.
- Sí, incluso por la noche.
- Even at night.
- Incluso por la noche.
Even at night, the Calypso sailing following a magical itinerary to the bottom of the sea.
Incluso de noche, el Calypso navega siguiendo un itinerario mágico hacia el fondo del mar.
With that, uh, white nun's dress... you won't dare stick your nose outside... even at night, if there's a moon.
Con ese traje blanco de monja, no se le ocurra salir afuera... incluso de noche, si hay luna.
The gallows cast a shadow even at night.
Una horca hace sombra aunque sea de noche.
If there's something new I'll call you, even at night.
Si hay algo nuevo le llamo, incluso de noche.
Do you work even at night?
¿ Pero es que tú trabajas incluso de noche?
- l can't sleep anymore not even at night!
- Ahora? - Ahora no puedo dormir nunca! ... ni de noche!
A really busy place, open even at night.
Un sitio con mucho movimiento, abierto incluso de noche.
My "china" knows me well, even my footsteps she can make out... but if I step on hard she doubts, if I go at night I get in slowly, I take off my spurs when they make noise.
Mi china me conoce hasta en los pasos, pero si piso fuerte se queda en duda, si voy a la noche entro despacio, me saco las espuelas cuando hacen bulla.
When he ´ d come home at night she didn ´ t even help him change his clothes.
Cuando él llegaba a casa por la noche, ni siquiera le ayudaba a cambiarse de ropa.
- Even after a night at Barney's Bar?
- ¿ Incluso tras la noche en el bar?
They even talk at night! There's something fishy.
Esconden algo, seguro.
Even Miss Bragg who takes care of our needs goes home every night at 7 : 30.
Hasta la Srta. Bragg que nos atiende... se va a su casa todas la noches a las 7 : 30.
Even a man who is pure at heart, and says his prayers by night, may become a wolf when the wolf bane blooms and the moon is full and bright.
"Incluso un hombre de alma pura... que diga sus plegarias por la noche... podrá convertirse en un lobo... cuando el matalobos florezca... y la luna esté llena y brillante."
And at night even the ocean sings you to sleep.
Que por las noches el océano te arrulla para que duermas.
I arrive at night in an unknown place to visit a family I don't know that hasn't even told me why I'm here.
Llego de noche en un sitio desconocido....... para visitar a una familia que ni me dice por qué me llama.
Mascha, I didn't lose my head at all... even when they found out about your friend sleeping here the night before last
Mascha, no perdí la cabeza Ni siquiera cuando descubrieron que tu amigo durmió aquí anoche.
"Even a man who is pure at heart and says his prayers by night..."
"Incluso un hombre puro de corazón " y que reza antes de ir a dormir... ".
I don't fancy walking home alone from the theater late at night... even for Miss Kitty... not with all the papers saying it's about time for the Ripper to do another.
Ni por la Srta. Kitty. Y los periódicos dicen que es hora de que el Destripador mate de nuevo.
Sometimes I even wake up at night and think I can hear him barking.
En ocasiones me despierto por la noche y me parece oír sus ladridos.
Bill. Even back at the lighthouse that night, you knew.
Incluso, esa noche, en el faro, tú lo sabías, pero yo no.
I was even afraid to close my eyes at night.
Tenía miedo hasta de cerrar los ojos por la noche.
At night, even the stars are warm.
Sumergirse incluso bajo las estrellas es cálido...
No one is more convinced than I, and at night it's even better.
Lo sé... De noche es aún mejor.
You could have made your little speech anywhere, Bran, back at your office, in the taxi, even last night at the Del Rio.
Puedes soltar ese discurso donde quieras, en el trabajo, en el taxi, incluso esta noche en Del Rio.
You say that there's no trace of your brother at allÉ and that even his room has disappeared during the night.
Vd. dice que no hay ningún rastro de su hermano... y que incluso su habitación ha desaparecido durante la noche.
And yesterday the bird of night did sit, even at noonday, upon the marketplace, hooting and shrieking.
Ayer a mediodía se posó el ave nocturna en el foro... gritando y chillando.
At night, temperatures drop far below zero, even at its equator.
De noche sufre temperaturas gélidas incluso en su ecuador.
In fact, I suspect someone's playing a joke on me... for I don't even recall being here at all last night.
De hecho, sospecho que alguien está jugándome una broma... porque ni siquiera me acuerdo de haber estado aquí anoche.
They may be taken out during the day, but under no circumstances even if the patient implores you, must they be removed at night.
Tal vez quiera quitarlas durante el día, pero bajo ninguna circunstancia incluso si se lo ruega, deben ser removidas durante la noche.
Them $ 30 my husband paid for that horse yesterday... which he ain't even seen since then... I earned myself... sewing at night and baking cakes.
Los 30 dólares que mi esposo pagó ayer por ese caballo... al que no ha vuelto a ver desde entonces... los gané yo... cosiendo por las noches y horneando pasteles.
You know, even God don't make flowers at night.
Ni siquiera Dios hace flores de noche.
He doesn't even know there's no such thing as snipe hunting at night?
¿ Ni siquiera sabe que no se pueden cazar agachadizas de noche?
- Imagine, inspector, he even works at night!
Vea, inspector, está trabajando de noche.
He even reproached her for working at night
Él incluso le reprochaba que trabajara de noche.
Honestly, you can't even go out on the streets alone at night.
La verdad es que ya no puedes salir sola a la calle de noche.
I even lock my door at night, but when I turn round...
Esta noche incluso he puesto la cómoda detrás de la puerta...
Maybe even the night before at Échelle.
¿ Podría haber ocurrido la tarde anterior en "L'Échelle" por ejemplo? Sí.
Come when you can, but let it be soon, even late at night.
Jim, ven cuando puedas, pero ven pronto. Ven, aunque sea tarde por la noche.
even at 24
at night 511
night 2638
nightmare 102
nights 96
nightingale 38
nighty 93
nightmares 72
nighthorse 18
nighter 122
at night 511
night 2638
nightmare 102
nights 96
nightingale 38
nighty 93
nightmares 72
nighthorse 18
nighter 122
nighty night 21
nightcap 16
night and day 58
nightclubs 16
night shift 20
nighters 22
night moves 16
night vision 17
night after night 65
night stands 48
nightcap 16
night and day 58
nightclubs 16
night shift 20
nighters 22
night moves 16
night vision 17
night after night 65
night stands 48
night before last 19
night kiss 26
night stand 201
night sweats 22
night thing 23
night night 30
even if you don't 27
even better 478
even if it hurts 20
even more 72
night kiss 26
night stand 201
night sweats 22
night thing 23
night night 30
even if you don't 27
even better 478
even if it hurts 20
even more 72
even though 141
even if it is 23
even if i wanted to 108
even if 79
even so 574
even if i did 84
even if i knew 18
even if you do 18
even me 139
even in death 43
even if it is 23
even if i wanted to 108
even if 79
even so 574
even if i did 84
even if i knew 18
even if you do 18
even me 139
even in death 43