Get that translate Spanish
153,517 parallel translation
Where do you think I get that from?
¿ De dónde crees que lo heredé?
Hey, what happened on your way to get that platter?
Oye, ¿ qué pasó en tu camino para conseguir ese plato?
You'll only get that level of detail using expensive machinery or tiny fingers.
Sólo obtendrá ese nivel de detalle usando maquinaria costosa o dedos diminutos.
Oh, yeah, I totally get that... like someone who drives with one hand.
Sí, te entiendo totalmente... como alguien que conduzca con una sola mano.
Oh, lucky me, how did I get that job?
Qué suerte tengo, ¿ cómo obtuve ese puesto?
You get that it's about the massage recliner and me buying back my mom's love, right?
¿ Entiendes que es por el masaje reclibable y yo, queriendo comprar el amor de mi mamá, verdad?
Let me get that for you.
Déjame llevarla por ti.
Honey, you're not gonna get that.
Cariño, no lo conseguirás.
He didn't even get the clue out that time.
Ni siquiera llegaste a las pista esta vez.
I get now why you were upset that I complained to Honey about you.
Ahora entiendo por qué estabas molesta cuando hablé con Honey sobre ti.
Feed the cat, get the mail, that kind of stuff.
Alimenta al gato, recibe el correo, ese tipo de cosas.
Hey, I tried to get you to go with me to that job-hunting workshop last year, and you said, and I quote, "Nah, it's cold."
Oye, traté de que fueras conmigo a buscar trabajo el año pasado, y tú dijiste, y cito : "No, hace frío".
I realized that when I was standing in line at the burger place plotting about what I could get out of you guys.
Me di cuenta de ello mientras estaba haciendo fila en la hamburguesería ideando que podía obtener de ustedes.
It's just that a lot of times things get so crazy and busy, and... and I just get frazzled.
Es que muchas veces las cosas se ponen locas y ocupadas, y... y simplemente me rindo.
I just cannot get used to that.
No me acostumbro a eso.
You get used to that!
¡ Se acostumbran!
Dude, you got to get me to the grad dorm fast,'cause that's where I live.
Amigo, tienes que llevarme al dormitorio rápido, porque ahí vivo.
We could get the footage for that night and find out who it is.
Podríamos obtener el video de esa noche y descubrir quiénes eran.
The new dog they bought to get over the pain of losing that dog is dead.
El perro nuevo que compraron para superar el dolor de perder a ese perro, está muerto.
And I really want to see that, so make sure you get a videotape of it, okay?
Y de veras quiero verlo, así que asegúrate de grabarlo, ¿ bien?
Hey, you're never gonna get a treat with that attitude.
Oye, nunca ganarás un premio con esa actitud.
I bet there's things you want to do that you didn't even get to.
Apuesto a que hay cosas que quieres hacer y que no has podido.
So, the whole joke rests upon the premise that the guy's mother is ugly enough to be confused with a zoo animal and that if she had a ticket to get out of the zoo, they would just let her out!
¡ Así que todo el chiste, descansa en la premisa de que la madre del tipo es lo suficientemente fea para que la confundan con un animal de zoológico y que si ella tuviera un boleto para salir del zoológico, la habrían dejado salir!
So, you see, Blake, it was kind of the hospital's screw-up because they gave me the room that your mom was supposed to get.
Verás, Blake, fue un error del hospital porque ellos me dieron la habitación que era para tu mamá.
I just ask that everyone respects the schedule in order that we all get a chance to enjoy it.
Solo les pido que todos respeten el horario para que todos tengamos la oportunidad de disfrutarlo.
Yeah, I would get in right now, but it's about to be dark, and that teen who shoplifted from Quiksilver is still on the loose.
Sí, me metería ahora mismo, pero ya va a oscurecer, y ese adolescente que robó una tienda sigue suelto.
Did you find the quarters at the bottom that I threw in there for you to dive down and get?
¿ Encontraron las monedas que lancé al fondo, para que bajaran a buscarlas?
Brick, Dad said, "Use it or lose it," so you better get out there and use that pool.
Brick, papá dijo "La usan o la pierden", así que más vale que salgas y uses esa piscina.
And I'm gonna pay for the hot dogs that we're gonna get next door.
Y yo pagaré los hot dogs que compraremos al lado.
Okay, well, what are you gonna get him that's so great?
Bueno, ¿ qué le darás tú que es tan genial?
And that's why I didn't get you anything.
Por eso yo no te compré nada.
Well, I know I need to get in shape, so I did the only thing that made sense to me.
Bueno, sé que me tengo que poner en forma, así que hice lo único que tiene sentido para mí.
Eh, well, the sooner he finds that out, the sooner he can get used to it.
Bueno, mientras más pronto lo descubra, más pronto se acostumbrará.
Rules that get followed.
Reglas que deberás seguir.
That's what I'm trying to tell you is that you need to pay to get the key.
Eso es lo que le estoy diciendo que tiene que pagar para conseguir la clave.
That's why we have to get this guy.
Por eso tenemos que encontrar a este tipo.
Oh, baby, I don't know how you get any work done with a charmer like that around. Mm-hmm.
Cariño, no sé cómo trabajas con alguien tan encantador cerca.
- What I get, Roger, is that you're an LAPD cop who bleeds LAPD blue.
- Lo que sé, Roger, es que eres un policía de Los Ángeles con sangre azul de la policía de Los Ángeles.
We just can't get enough of that rented-shoe smell.
Solo que no podemos obtener suficiente de ese olor a zapato alquilado.
Dude, you got to tell me, man, how'd you get them to put that up there?
Amigo, tienes que decirme, hombre, ¿ cómo conseguiste que pusieran eso allí?
So, just so that I'm clear, are we about to get into a fight in this bowling alley?
Solo para estar claro, ¿ estamos a punto de meternos en una pelea en esta bolera?
Well, in that case, I might need to get myself a good lawyer?
Bueno, en ese caso, probablemente necesite conseguirme un buen abogado, ¿ no?
Mind you, that said, here, you can just go to an ATM and get gold out.
- Sin embargo, habiendo dicho eso... Aquí puedes ir a un cajero automático y sacar oro
That's where ECO PRO + sets the maximum speed, because that way you get the maximum range.
Eso es lo que ECO PRO + determina como velocidad máxima Porque de esa forma tienes la mayor autonomía posible
Because I'm in ECO PRO, I don't get any air-conditioning or climate control at all, because that wastes electricity, so the car is slowly steaming up.
Como estoy en ECO PRO no tengo aire acondicionado... Ni control de temperatura interno en absoluto Porque eso desperdicia electricidad
They will drive, deliberately, into something like that puddle over there... until they get stuck, and then winch themselves out.
Manejarán, a propósito... En algo como ese charco de allá... Hasta quedar atascados y poder salir usando cabrestantes
- That doesn't get any better.
- Eso no mejora...
It really is the most amazing feeling when you get just the right amount of power to spin the back wheels, but not so much that you don't spin the whole car, and you hold it on the edge.
Realmente es la sensación mas increíble Cuando le entregas la cantidad exacta de potencia... Para derrapar las ruedas traseras...
Maybe you'll finally live up to that hero title you were trying to get at the CIA.
Tal vez puedas estar finalmente a la altura de ese título de héroe que estabas intentando conseguir en la CIA.
You know, they'll be coming to get me soon, so... I'm gonna say goodbye, goodnight, and God bless to those of you who thinks that matters.
Van a venir a buscarme pronto, así que... voy a decir adiós, buenas noches y que Dios bendiga a aquellos que piensen que esto importa.
I still assumed I could make up for missing your childhood... later, always later, that I could... I could get to know you when you were an adult.
Aun así supuse que podría compensar el perderme tu infancia... tarde, siempre tarde, que podría... podría llegar a conocerte cuando fueras una adulta.
get that out of my face 23
get that away from me 22
get that thing out of here 19
get that out of here 17
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
get that away from me 22
get that thing out of here 19
get that out of here 17
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161