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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ H ] / Have i offended you

Have i offended you translate Spanish

204 parallel translation
I'm sorry. Have I offended you?
Lo siento. ¿ Te he ofendido?
Have I offended you?
- ¿ Te he ofendido?
- Have I offended you?
- ¿ La he ofendido?
- Have I offended you, boss?
- ¿ Te han ofendido, jefe?
Anna, have I offended you?
Anna, ¿ la he ofendido?
What's the matter, Normie, have I offended you?
¿ Qué te pasa, Normie? ¿ Te he ofendido?
- Have I offended you?
Tenía 4 años y no sabía decir la "ee".
Have I offended you?
¿ La he herido?
Have I offended you?
¿ Te he ofendido?
I beg your pardon. Have I offended you?
Siento haberte ofendido.
Have I offended you in some way?
¿ Te he ofendido?
Have I offended you?
¿ Le he ofendido?
Have I offended you?
Si lo he ofendido...
I have shamefully offended you.
La he ofendido vergonzosamente.
I have offended you!
La he ofendido.
If I have offended you, Mistress Bowen...
Si os he ofendido, señorita Bowen...
I am sorry if I have offended you, Carlotta.
Lo siento si la he ofendido, Carlota.
I think I have offended you.
Creo que te he ofendido.
Forgive me if I have offended you but I sincerely believe what I said
Perdónenme si los ofendí, pero lo que digo, lo pienso.
I seem to have offended you.
Parece que le he ofendido.
Would you please go away I haven't offended you, have I?
- ¿ No la habré ofendido?
Of course I made mistakes, for sure I am weak too... or you wouldn't have talked like that... and offended the cloth I am wearing.
Cierto que he cometido errores y que soy débil, o no me habría hablado así y ofendo el hábito que visto.
I would have been offended if you'd thought otherwise.
Me habría ofendido si hubiese pensado otra cosa.
What have I done for you to elude me as if I offended you?
¿ Qué le he hecho para que me huya como si mi presencia la ofendiera?
I have offended you.
Sí, la he ofendido.
I hate you, so I sold your things. I have more right to be offended than you.
Si me guardas rencor por vender tus cosas, yo tengo más derecho a estar resentida.
I'm not offended because you're acting like a gentleman but because you thought you didn't have to with me!
Pero yo no estoy ofendida porque se haya comportado como un caballero, sino porque pensaba que podría propasarse conmigo.
- I thought perhaps I might have offended you.
Me preguntaba si te ofendí sin querer.
What I'm trying to say is that you have offended his code of etiquette.
Quiero decir que usted ofendió su etiqueta.
Oh, I hope I have not offended you.
Espero no haberlo ofendido.
To tell you the truth, I'd have carried on all the same it was clear that he only invited me for you so it can't have offended him.
Claro, no podría, tras lo que pasó entre nosotros. A decir verdad, yo habría seguido igual. Estaba claro que sólo me me invitaba por ti, así que no podía sentirme ofendida.
No, I apologize if I have offended you but I am hurt by your reserve
No, siento si le he ofendido pero estoy dolida por su reserva.
Don't be offended, but I have to talk to you.
No te ofendas, pero tengo que hablar contigo.
Lord, forgive me if I have offended You and say a few words of comfort to Your humble servant who is dying of hunger.
Señor, perdóname si te he ofendido. Díle una palabra de consuelo, a tu humilde servidor, que muere de hambre.
Oh, I haven't offended you, have I?
No te he ofendido, ¿ verdad?
I realise that we have offended you.
Soy consciente de que Io ofendimos.
I have as much right to be offended as you do.
En cuanto a quién está ofendido, yo estoy tan ofendido como tú.
My Lord Jesus Christ, true God and man,... for being who You are, and because I love you above all things,... I am sorry, Lord, to have offended... and firmly intend, with your help, to offend You no more,... to confess, to fulfill the penance I've imposed,... to turn myself away from all occasions of sin.
Señor mío Jesucristo, Dios y hombre verdadero, por ser Vos quién sois, y porque os amo por todas las cosas, me pesa, Señor, haberos ofendido y propongo firmemente, con vuestro auxilio, no ofenderos más,
Mr Parvez, I'm sorry to have offended you
Mr Parvez, Perdone no le que querido ofender
Sweetheart, I'm sorry, but you shouldn't have offended her.
Querido, lo lamento, pero la ofendiste.
"My Lord, Jesus Christ, God and true man,... " for being who You are and because I love You above all things... "in my sins I have offended You, Lord."
Señor mío, Jesucristo, Dios y hombre verdadero, por ser vos quien sois y porque os amo sobre todas las cosas a mí me pesa, Señor, el haberte ofendido.
But if you have any ideas, I won't be offended.
Pero si tienes tú alguna idea, tampoco me ofendo.
"I regret to have offended to You."
"Me arrepiento de haberos ofendido."
I've spoken some words which I believe have offended you. Haven't I?
Espero... espero no haberle ofendido por haber hablado con franqueza, ¿ eh?
I am sorry to have offended the dignity of your castle... and at daylight, I shall depart... but first, may I remind you of your promise?
Siento haber ofendido la dignidad de su castillo y a la luz del día partiré. Pero primero, ¿ puedo recordarle su promesa?
I hope, Brima Cesay, that you won't be offended if I say that you have helped very little.
Brima Cesay, espero que no te ofendas... ... si te digo que has sido de muy poca ayuda.
I hope, Brima Cesay, that you won't be offended if I say that you have helped very little.
Brima Cesay, espero que no te ofendas si te digo que has sido de muy poca ayuda.
I am going to give you absolution. While I'm giving it tell God that you are sorry that you have offended him.
Te voy a dar la absolución... mientras te la doy dile a Dios que te arrepientes de haberle ofendido.
- It may well be, but I would've thought some of the people sitting close to you at the moment, would have been deeply and justifiably offended had he sat there
¿ Qué es lo que hace? Creo que quiere que vaya con ella detrás de la cortina.
I haven't offended you, have I?
No te he ofendido, ¿ verdad?
Yet all you have proved skilled so you should not feel offended if I praise those two too much.
Habéis estado todos estupendos. Nos os ofendáis porque les haya halagado a ellos dos.

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