He's my husband translate Spanish
1,702 parallel translation
He was always borrowing my husband's tools and never returning them.
Siempre pedía prestadas las herramientas de mi esposo y nunca las devolvía.
He's not, anyway... my husband that is...
Él no es mi marido, de todos modos.
He's my husband now, so you can take your pretty face
Es mi marido ahora, así que puedes llevarte tu cara bonita
He's not my husband, he's the enemy.
Él no es mi marido, es mi enemigo.
He's not going anywhere until I have a chance to speak to my husband.
El no va a ningun lado hasta que no tenga oportunidad... de hablar con mi esposo.
He's in idaho on a training mission with my husband jonas. | |
Está en Idaho en una misión de entrenamiento con mi esposo Jonas.
You've been recorded as saying, "My husband's unit designation is logistics... - but that's not actually what he does."
- Ha sido grabada diciendo "el nombre designado de la unidad de mi marido es logística, pero eso no es en realidad lo que hace".
And i want to know why my husband is and if he's gonna be at the christmas table.
Y quiero saber por qué mi esposo está... y si va a estar en la cena de Navidad.
He's in the mps, my husband.
El está en el Ejército, mi esposo.
Because he's my husband, and he asked me to.
Porque es mi marido y me lo pidió.
You punish Bobby because he's my husband.
Castigas a Bobby porque es mi marido.
He's my ex-husband.
Él es mi ex-marido.
My husband's away on business, and as soon as he gets back, I'll...
Mi marido está de viaje pero en cuanto vuelva...
As soon as my husband gets back, he'll pay you this month's rent.
En cuanto vuelva mi marido le pagaré el mes.
I didn't want to go inside and wake up my husband because the way he's been looking at me, I just wanted a few minutes of peace.
Porque no quería ir dentro y despertar a mi marido por la manera en que me mira desde ayer.
This here's my husband, bob, and he's got an 11 handicap.
Este es mi esposo, Bob... y tiene un handicap de 11.
I lost the case and now he's taking it out on me and my husband.
Perdí el caso, y ahora quiere vengarse de mí y de mi marido.
I had a lunch date with my patient's husband today.
He estado almorzando con el marido de mi paciente hoy.
I am not having an affair with my daughter's karate instructor - and I did not give my husband herpes.
No tengo una aventura con el instructor de kárate de mi hija y no he contagiado herpes a mi marido.
And once he learns this, my replacement will make a few phone calls, write a few letters, and seek out your husband's most distant and forgotten relative.
Y una vez que lo sepa, mi reemplazo de aquí hará algunas llamadas, escribirá algunas cartas y buscará a los más distantes y perdidos familiares de su esposo.
My husband comes home - he's tired too.
Mi esposo llega a casa, también cansado.
that look he has on his face, that's how my husband would look at me if he knew about any of this.
Esa mirada que tiene en la cara, así es como mi marido me miraría su supiera algo de esto.
I tried to carry out my dear husband's wishes, but you have made it impossible.
Lo he intentado tanto, pero tú lo has hecho imposible.
This, Robbie's been excluded from school for a week for peeing on the Virgin Mary and my husband's thinking about leaving me for Rosie pin-legs, slitty-eyed Kendall, but he hasn't decided yet, so here's hoping the day gets a teensy bit better!
Esto, Robbie ha sido expulsado del colegio una semana por mear sobre la Virgen María y mi marido está pensando dejarme por Rosie - piernas de cabra, achinada - Kendall, pero aún no se ha decidido, ¡ así que espero que el día mejore un mínimo!
He's my husband!
¡ Es mi marido!
I've had to become a house husband, give up my job, so it's totally different.
Me he tenido que convertir en amo de casa, dejar mi trabajo entonces es totalmente diferente.
It's not the money I object to, it's the fact that my husband is hearing voices from a wall and instead of talking to his wife about it he pays someone to feed his paranoid fantasies.
No es el dinero lo que objeto, sino el hecho de que mi esposo escucha voces de una pared y en vez de hablarlo con su esposa le paga a alguien para que alimente sus fantasías paranoicas.
It was my husband's, but... he got sick. He wanted to sail to the Mediterranean, but he never...
Era de mi esposo, pero se enfermó, y él quería navegar hacia el Mediterráneo, pero nunca...
So as I was leaving my ex-wife's house I ran into your ex-husband.
Cuando me iba de la casa de mi ex mujer he tropezado con tu ex marido.
He saved my husband's life.
Salvó la vida de mi marido
I'm not currently at liberty to discuss this... He's my husband.
actualmente no estoy en libertad de discutir esto... es mi marido.
Before Wang-jae was my little sister's husband, he was my friend, you know?
Wang-jae fue el marido de mi hermana menor, fue mi amigo, ¿ no lo sabes?
- He's my husband.
- Es mi esposo.
Yeah, I could dump him there. Except... he's my husband.
Sí, podría tirarlo ahí salvo que es mi marido.
He's my husband.
Él es mi marido.
My husband has just spent five months in Colombia trying to oh, he's one of the rare good ones.
Mi marido estuvo 5 meses en Columbia... Él es uno de los buenos.
He's my husband, Jay.
- ¿ Qué? - Él es mi marido, Jay.
He's my husband!
Es mi marido.
My husband and i had some troubles when we first moved in, and he's pretty handy.
Mi esposo y yo tuvimos algunos problemas cuando nos mudamos, y él es bastante hábil.
He's my husband.
- ¡ Es mi esposo!
No, but he took all our money and my husband's watch.
No, pero cogió todo nuestro dinero y el reloj de mi marido.
My husband thinks we have to do as he says, because he's the only one who knows how to sail.
Mi esposo cree que tenemos que hacer lo que él dice porque es el único que sabe cómo navegar.
My husband's brother's ghost visits me at night - "and I think I'm falling in love with him."'
"El fantasma del hermano de mi marido me visita y creo que me he enamorado de él."
it's just that my ex-husband... well, he kind of pointed out that I tend to be closed off to new opportunities.
Es sólo que mi ex esposo bueno, me dijo que tiendo a cerrarme a las nuevas oportunidades.
He's not my husband
Él no es mi marido.
Well, yeah, but he's my husband.
Bueno, si, pero el es mi marido.
But he's still my husband, he needs me.
Pero es mi marido. Me necesita.
I have managed to get through my entire lifetime without ever touching anyone else's husband.
He estado toda mi vida entera sin tocar al marido de otra mujer.
He's my husband.
El es mi esposo.
My husband knows about my lover, and he's demanded I "disappear" until after our 10th anniversary.
Mi esposo sabe acerca de mi amante y me obligó a desaparecer hasta después de nuestro décimo aniversario.
I took over my husband's pharmaceutical business in Cali while he was in jail.
Me hice cargo del negocio farmacéutico de mi marido en Cali cuando estuvo preso.
he's my uncle 44
he's my brother 335
he's my baby 20
he's my best friend 106
he's my cousin 54
he's my dad 94
he's my man 22
he's my hero 20
he's my friend 298
he's my father 168
he's my brother 335
he's my baby 20
he's my best friend 106
he's my cousin 54
he's my dad 94
he's my man 22
he's my hero 20
he's my friend 298
he's my father 168
he's my little brother 20
he's my nephew 35
he's my boyfriend 93
he's my partner 54
he's my son 345
he's my responsibility 17
he's my ex 34
he's my family 23
he's my 53
he's my patient 35
he's my nephew 35
he's my boyfriend 93
he's my partner 54
he's my son 345
he's my responsibility 17
he's my ex 34
he's my family 23
he's my 53
he's my patient 35
he's my boss 62
he's my lawyer 20
he's my kid 16
my husband 853
my husband is dead 36
my husband and i 38
my husband's 17
husband 1195
husbands 45
husband and wife 36
he's my lawyer 20
he's my kid 16
my husband 853
my husband is dead 36
my husband and i 38
my husband's 17
husband 1195
husbands 45
husband and wife 36