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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ H ] / He got shot

He got shot translate Spanish

1,003 parallel translation
He got shot, too, trying to get away.
Lo hirieron cuando trataba de huir.
- Maybe he got shot in that scrape.
- Tal vez le hirieron en ese tiroteo.
Well, Wash... My pa had these on that day down in Tombstone... but he got shot in the back.
Bueno, Wash... mi padre llevaba estas pistolas aquel día en Tombstone... cuando le dispararon por la espalda.
I didn't ask you how he got shot.
Yo no he preguntado cómo le han herido.
- He got shot in the head.
- Lo hirieron en la cabeza.
Maybe he got shot.
Quizá le dispararon.
I know a guy who broke jail once, he got shot in the back.
Conozco un sujeto que se fugó de la prisión antes. Fue muerto por la espalda.
He got shot down over Abbeville the day he got engaged.
Fue abatido en Ravaville el día que se comprometió.
That's why he got shot, or did Carlos tell you that, too?
Por eso lo mataron. ¿ Le ha dicho Carlos eso también?
He dropped like he got shot in the head.
Cayó como si le hubiesen pegado un tiro.
He got shot in a liquor store job.
Le mataron por robar en una tienda.
His Grace was ball of nerves. After he got shot by that gameskeeper whose wife he'd been seeing.
Su Grace estaba hecha una bola de nervios... luego de que él recibió un disparo de un guardabosque cuya mujer estaba viendo.
I was in a poker game when he got shot, but I didn't kill him.
Le dispararon en una partida de póker, pero no fui yo quien lo mató.
I got into a fight and shot a rat.
Le he disparado a un tío.
He just got shot a couple of hours ago up in Buffalo.
En Buffalo. ¿ Qué es lo que sabes?
He's shot. The watchman got him.
- Le ha disparado el vigilante.
So he got his gun out from under his pillow and he aimed... and he shot a great big hole right through his own foot.
Así que sacó su pistola, apuntó, disparó, y se agujereó el pie. - ¡ No!
In the second place, if Luke did get shot he's got two brothers just as ornery as he is.
En segundo, si Luke saliera herido tiene dos hermanos tan viles como él.
He took care of me when I got shot.
Se ocupó de mí cuando me dispararon.
- but once he got in the ring... - So they shot him.
- Pero una vez en el ring...
- He's got fever. He was shot.
- Está con fiebre.
Took a shot at him but he got away.
Disparé pero se escapó.
You mean he might have got shot by a Jerry.
¿ Podría matarlo un Boche?
Le hice una foto justo cuando se sumergía
He just got a little shot up.
Lo hirieron un poco.
He got his spine shot in two He had his back to a door that had glass in it
Recuerdas que le rompieron la columna en dos. Daba la espalda a una puerta que tenía la parte superior de vidrio.
Don't be silly. Willy Morus has lived in France. And if things got dire, he could demonstrate what a good shot he is.
He escogido a Willy Morus, porque ha vivido en Francia y porque en una situación difícil podría usar su destreza al disparar.
Dude took a shot at Lengthy, tried to get him in the back of the head... just when he thought he'd got you.
Dude le disparó a Larguirucho, quiso darle en la nuca... cuando creyó que te había matado a ti.
And he got public by being shot in the back in broad daylight
Entiendo. Y decidiste disparar por la espalda a tu socio.
When I got there, they had already pulled him out. He had a hole in his throat, as if he'd been shot.
Cuando llegué ya lo habian sacado del coche tenía un agujero en la garganta... como si se hubiese disparado.
That street light was right on his face, when he got out of his car and shot at me.
Esa farola iluminó su cara, cuando salió del coche y me disparó.
He got hit when they shot at him.
Le han dado.
That fellow that got shot's a prime minister, isn't he?
El sujeto al que le dispararon es el Primer Ministro, ¿ no?
Instead, he got a hot-shot, a deadly poison injected directly into the bloodstream.
Sin embargo, le dieron una sobredosis. Una dosis mortal inyectada directamente en la sangre.
We heard the shot and when Pepe and I got there... it was stuck in the ground, as though he had tried to throw it.
Oímos el disparo y cuando Pepe y yo llegamos allí... esto estaba clavado en el suelo, como si hubiera tratado de lanzarlo.
He got a shot in the head.
¡ No! Si tiene la cabeza reventada de un plomazo. ¿ Cómo que no?
Manion came in and fired the minute he got inside that door and the first shot went through Barney's heart.
Manion entró y disparó en cuanto atravesó el umbral de esa puerta... y el primer disparo atravesó el corazón de Barney.
He says "What's doing?" "I got a big hotel." Big shot.
Digo : " Tengo un gran hotel, tipo grande.
I don't think Joe's got a friend in the world, and he won't have any unless somebody buys'em for him at $ 50 a head, like the fella that shot Wheeler.
No creo que Joe tenga amigos en este mundo. Y seguirá sin tenerlos, a no ser que alguien los contrate a 50 dólares por cabeza. Como el que le disparó a Wheeler.
Maybe he got frightened by the shot.
Tal vez se asustó con los balazos.
It was just that when he got to gambling and hitting that bottle... _ How long after the game was he shot?
Sólo que cuando apostaba y le daba a la botella... - ¿ Cuándo le dispararon?
I-I-I got no pianist on account he was shot last week ;
Yo-yo-yo no tengo pianista, le dispararon la semana pasada ;
He never fired that shot, they've got no right to arrest him.
Él no hizo ese disparo, ellos no tenían derecho para arrestarlo.
He's the guy Turpin shot in my office, and then you got Turpin.
Turpin le disparó en mi oficina y luego tú liquidaste a Turpin.
I've got an officer with a family. And he's shot up pretty bad.
Tengo un oficial, con familia, gravemente herido de bala.
I got up this morning, and I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he ever...
Me levanté esta mañana y maté a tiros a un elefante en mi pijama.
The shot resounded and he got scared and screamed
Y claro, el tiró resonó y él gritó. No se lo esperaba.
First battle he got into, an enlisted man named Tom shot him.
En su primera batalla, le disparó un tal Tom que se había alistado.
One night, he walked in on us, got her with the first shot... got me here with the second.
Una noche, nos pil / á. La matö al primer tiro... a mi me dio en el segundo.
I've got one of the two Colts taken off John Wesley Hardin... by Cons. John Selman... after he shot Hardin behind the right ear... in the Acme Saloon in El Paso on a Monday afternoon.
Tengo uno de los dos Colts que le quitó a John Wesley Hardin... el agente John Selman... después de darle detrás de la oreja derecha... en el salón Acme de El Paso un lunes por la tarde.
He means that Fairy Feet Hornsby... deployed his forces with such a masterly grasp of tactics... half of us got ourselves shot by the other bloody half.
Que el payaso afeminado de Hornsby... dispuso a sus hombres con una táctica tan magistral... que la mitad de nosotros terminó matando a la otra mitad.

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