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He got scared translate Spanish

359 parallel translation
He got scared.
Estaba asustado.
I think he got scared.
Creo que se asustó.
Oh, there! Poor thing, he got scared.
Pobrecito, se ha asustado.
Any chance he got scared off?
¿ Alguna posibilidad de que haya escapado?
I guess he got scared when he seen Joe there, and I can't find Rutledge.
Supongo que se asustó cuando vio a Joe allí, y no puedo encontrar a Rutledge.
– He got scared.
- Se asustó.
- Yesterday he got scared of a calf.
- Ayer, un ternero Io asustó a él.
He got scared and ran away.
Se asustó y salió corriendo.
He got scared.
Se rajó.
- Maybe he got scared and ran away.
Habrá huido asustado.
He got scared and phoned her.
Se asustó y la había llamado.
He got scared this time, because she was watching too closely.
Se asustó porque ella le vigilaba de cerca.
I think he got scared.
Creo que perdió los estribos.
He got scared.
Él se asustó.
The shot resounded and he got scared and screamed
Y claro, el tiró resonó y él gritó. No se lo esperaba.
He got scared that the camels here would kick him!
¡ Tenía miedo de que los camellos lo cocearan!
Juez, su Señoría cuando era un niñito, y se asustaba, solía hacer Io mismo.
I guess he got scared and he hit me.
Supongo que se asustó y me pegó.
He's got me scared to death with that meat ax he carries.
Me asustó mucho con esa hacha de carnicero que lleva.
It's got things in there, like where he says he was so scared he couldn't sleep nights.
Tiene algunas cosas... como cuando dice que por las noches no dormía de tanto miedo...
Yes, but he just got scared.
Sí, pero está un poco asustado.
He finally got scared.
Al final ha cogido miedo.
I got here an hour late and was scared I wouldn't see you.
Precisamente hoy he llegado con una hora de retraso y tenía miedo de que acabase su actuación sin poder verla.
- I got scared.
- He tenido miedo...
When I saw the mummy, I got scared so I coughed it up. He's got it.
Cuando ví a la momia me asusté, lo escupí y ella se lo llevó.
When he saw you were my wife, he got very scared, went on the attack.
Cuando vio que eras mi mujer, se asustó, casi le da un ataque.
Well, he came in and wanted to know what I was doing and when he said he was a cop, I got scared.
Ese hombre entró a preguntarme qué hacía aquí, y al oír que era poli, me asusté.
What the devil's he got to be scared about?
¿ De qué? Su mundo acabó hace años.
I've still got the marks from being bounced through that barrier! Is he scared? - He thinks it's not strong enough!
Pero si está decidida a avergonzar al esposo dicen que están contratando para Loca Academia de Policía 10.
You got scared he'd change his will.
Tenías miedo de que cambiara su testamento.
I got scared, whipped the horses.
He fustigado los caballos.
He got scared.
Era su primera carrera... y es tan joven. Se asustó.
He got a bit scared.
Tenía un poco de miedo.
Oh, I got so scared today, Easy.
Me he asustado mucho, Easy.
Listen, it, it was just all, all that shooting and all those guns. I got so scared. Please, honey, I didn't mean it.
Ha sido por todos esos tiros... y las pistolas. ¡ Me he asustado mucho!
He's got jelly in the belly. Real scared.
- Siente mariposas, está asustado.
It's just that, for the first time, seeing you honest I got scared.
Es que por primera vez, al verle tan sincero, he tenido miedo.
He got scared and lost his mother in the crowd.
- Untranslated subtitle -
Aw, he's got you so you're scared to move, Captain.
Te tiene de tal modo que te asusta moverte.
"And I don't know him and he's just staring at me out here, you know, " and I was inside and I got scared I run out on the porch " and I called you, and he's still here.
No le conozco, pero no deja de mirarme desde dentro... iba a entrar pero me ha asustado y me he quedado fuera... y todavía está aquí, por eso les llamo.
Well, I must admit I was scared silly until I got the gun away from him.
Debo admitir que he pasado mucho miedo hasta que le he quitado la pistola.
Interpreter said he got cut off from his outfit. Half out of his mind - scared, cold, hungry.
El intérprete dice que se quedó aislado, desquiciado por el miedo, el hambre y el frío.
Look it, he's got you scared to death.
Mira, te tiene aterrorizado.
And when he had got us all excited, and had scared some people perhaps... suddenly, it would seem as if he were just making fun of our credulity.
Y cuando conseguía intrigarnos, y a algunos incluso meterles miedo, parecía como si sólo hubiera querido burlarse de los crédulos.
Maybe he just got scared.
¿ Quien sabe? Le entraría miedo.
He got so scared that he shit his pants.
Está tan asustado que se ha cagado.
He got all white, scared to death.
Se puso pálido como si tuviese miedo.
When Fabrizio left me I got scared. I sat down. Why did he leave me alone?
Cuando Fabrizio se alejaba y me dejaba sola me entraba el miedo y me quedaba sin moverme.
This fella Zane wears a snow white mane, which got that way'cause he's scared of redskins.
Zane usa una melena blanca, porque le tiene miedo a los Pieles Rojas.
Today I saw so many new things, I got scared.
Hoy he visto tantas cosas nuevas que he tenido miedo.
I got me three medals in two wars... and the only time I get scared is when you get smug.
Nunca me he considerado un viejazo... pero tus alardes me causan pánico.

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