I believe in him translate Spanish
529 parallel translation
I believe in him.
Creo en él.
Before I take a man into this bank and extend credit to anyone, I satisfy myself on one thing, do I believe in him?
Antes de hacer un nuevo cliente o de extender cualquier crédito, debo saber una cosa, ¿ creo en él?
Paul, I believe in him, In his sincerity, his divine power.
Paul, creo en él, en su sinceridad, su poder divino.
- Because with all my heart I believe in him.
Porque confío en él con todo mi corazón.
Elliott, I believe in him, I wish...
- Creo que lo debía saber. Elliott, yo creo en él.
I believe in him as I never believe in another human being.
Crei en el como nunca crei en otro ser humano.
And I believe in him.
Y yo creo en él.
Not yet, but I think I believe in him, Harry, in Father Doonan.
Aún no. Pero pienso que creo en él, Harry... - en el padre Doonan.
Even though I can't believe in him, I will respect him.
Aunque no pueda creer en él, lo respetaré.
You will not believe me, but Nicholaus means so little in my life that when you ask me about him, I forget.
No me va a creer, pero Nicholaus supone tan poco en mi vida... que cuando me preguntó por él, me olvidé.
My brother in Segovia won't believe what I tell him
Cuando escriba a mi hermano en Segovia y le cuente el tremendo progreso de por aquí, no se lo cree.
I even believe you have the courage to save him... by giving me the right to go in your place.
Incluso creo que tendrás el coraje de salvarlo dejándome ir a mi en tu lugar
But I'm also convinced that stories of this creature... have been so greatly exaggerated in the telling and the retelling... that the simple folk of this neighbourhood now believe him to have been... the most fiendish monster that ever walked this earth.
Pero tengo claro que las historias de la criatura... se han exagerado tanto a fuerza de repetirlas... que ahora el pueblo llano de esta región le cree... el monstruo más diabólico que jamás ha pisado esta tierra.
I believe in you. I know you can save him.
- Confío en usted Sé que le salvará.
- It isn't that... but I don't believe we'd have much chance against him in the jungle.
- No es eso, no creo que tuviéramos ninguna posibilidad contra él en la jungla.
Le hizo creer que yo aún estoy enamorada de él.
- I'll always believe in him.
- Siempre creeré en él.
And if I'm willing and satisfied to believe in him, why can't you?
Y si yo estoy dispuesta a creer en él, ¿ por qué Uds. No? Caray.
I believe I can hide him in the car.
Creo que puedo meterlo en el coche.
Well, i know, but now i got a sort of a personal interest in him. I have every reason to believe that i'm the long-Lost duke of canterville,
Ahora tengo un interés personal por él.
No, it's hardly fair to drag him in. I don't believe he'd be prejudiced.
Es lícito pedírselo y no creo que le perjudique.
I believe I'm in love with him.
Creo que estoy enamorada de él.
And if I do, Then I've got to believe in him...
Siendo así, debo creer en él.
I didn't look at the brand on this steer when I shot him, but I don't believe there's a man in New Mexico mean enough to make a fuss under the circumstances.
No me fijé en la marca de la vaca al dispararle, pero, en esta situación, no creo que nadie se enfade.
I believe you'll find him in the Casino Room.
Creo que le encontrará en el salón del casino.
Been many times I've wondered. But I made myself believe in him because I had to.
A veces he dudado si lo era o no.
My dear Storm, whether you believe Bill is alive or dead... in Mexico City, or whether I killed him... One thing is quite certain...
Querida Storm, aunque creas que Bill esté vivo o muerto en México o donde le haya matado hay una cosa segura :
What Smithers said makes me believe that the bullet that killed him wasn't German. In fact, I think that Hank was murdered by one of the other Commandos on that raid.
Es la única que se me ocurre, es en Escocia.
A reporter's invention! I don't believe in Garou-Garou, you see, I don't believe in him.
No creo en Garou-Garou.
Sir, men in rage strike those that wish them best, yet surely cassio i believe received from him that fled some strange dignity, which patience could not pass.
Señor, la furia no perdona al más amigo,... me parece que Casio recibió algún insulto que su dignidad y paciencia no podían tolerar.
Believe it or not, I had never seen him before in my life and... if I ever had, I never would have married him.
No lo había visto en mi vida. Y aunque lo hubiera visto, jamás me habría casado con él.
But in all fairness to him, I believe she's been leading him on.
Pero para ser justos con él, creo que ella le coqueteaba.
Believe me, the next man I meet I'm gonna forget that so-called American-emancipated-woman type of independence and treat him just the way the girls in Japan do. Good luck.
... el tipo de mujer americana emancipada, independiente... y lo tratare como lo hacen las chicas de Japon buena suerte
I didn't believe in them any more than you do, until I'd known him a while.
Como tú, no le creí hasta después de conocerlo un tiempo.
And you believe in me and in him, from whom I was sent.
Y creen en mí y en Él, por quien he sido enviado.
I believe he said this reminds him of the gay old days in Moscow.
Creo que él, eh... Recuerda nuestras diversiones en Moscú.
I believe in Lord Konpira, so I dreamed with him a lot.
Creo en el Dios Konpira, así que sueño mucho con él.
I swear I believe that boy has nigger blood in him somewhere.
A veces me pregunto si no tendrá sangre negra en sus venas.
They made him die like a criminal. I believe in you, Chamberlain.
Sabes bien que murió como un vulgar criminal.
Dr Longman was with him in America, I believe.
Creo que el Dr. Longman estuvo con él en América.
Why, Honor, I do believe you're in love with him.
- Ya lo creo que estás enamorada de él.
- Her husband, Johannes. I believe you have him in prison somewhere.
Según parece tienes encerrado a su marido Johannes en alguna parte.
No, I haven't met him yet, but believe me, when he climbs into the ring, he'll have the people falling in the aisles.
Todavía no lo conozco, pero créeme... cuando suba al cuadrilátero, sólo se oirán los aullidos del público.
I believe if God was not in Him He would not have been able to make me see.
Creo que si dios no estuviera en él no hubiera sido capaz de hacerme ver.
If you don't return him, I'll never believe in you again!
Si no me lo devuelves, ¡ nunca más creeré en ti! .
Though Cassio did some little wrong to him as men in rage strike those who wish them best yet surely Cassio, I believe, received from him that fled some strange indignity, which patience could not pass.
Aunque Cassio le agraviara un poco, como hace el enojado al que más le quiere, pienso que Cassio recibió de aquel que huía una afrenta que agotó su paciencia.
I furtively entered your home in disguise, to make your husband believe that a self-styled road worker was flirting with you. Make him come out and seize him.
Entré en su casa furtivamente disfrazado, para hacer creer a su marido que usted era cortejada, insidiada, por un peón de carreteras, para hacerlo que saliese y pillarlo.
Your people have been in contact with him, I believe.
Los suyos han hablado con él antes, creo.
I thought Mr. Smith would strike him, and he doesn't believe in violence, only love.
Creí que el Sr. Smith le golpearía, y él no cree en la violencia, sólo en el amor.
You met him this morning in the bathroom, I believe.
Lo conoció esta mañana en el baño, me parece.
I'm sure you must believe in him.
Estoy seguro que debe creer en él.
i believe i can fly 18
i believe in god 50
i believe in you 281
i believe that 143
i believe you 1112
i believe her 65
i believe i am 28
i believe 1269
i believe it is 47
i believe i will 16
i believe in god 50
i believe in you 281
i believe that 143
i believe you 1112
i believe her 65
i believe i am 28
i believe 1269
i believe it is 47
i believe i will 16