I believe it is translate Spanish
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I believe it is the destiny of laura to go home.
Creo que es el destino de Laura regresar a casa.
- I believe it is.
- Yo pienso que sí.
I believe it is your blood that will make me rich... farmer boy.
Creo que es tu sangre la que me hará rico... granjero
I believe it is because she is a virgin.
Creo que se debe a que es virgen.
I believe it is, yes.
Creo que sí.
I believe it is.
Eso me temo.
I believe it is somewhat premature to reveal these images
Creo que es un poco prematuro revelar estas imágenes...
Believe it or not, i know exactly what that is.
Crealo o no se lo que significa.
The date is so early that I find it really difficult to believe that their ancestors came through that ice-free corridor.
La fecha es tan antigua que me parece muy difícil creer que sus antepasados llegaron a través de ese corredor en el hielo.
- Is she supposed to cornrow it? - I can't believe what you guys have to do, man.
No puedo creer las cosas que tienen que hacer, amigo.
I believe this is what's know as racing drivers'excuses, isn't it?
Creo que esto es lo que se conoce como excusas de los pilotos de carreras, verdad?
I'm sorry. i know it's hard to understand, believe me, But there is nothing i can do.
Sé que es difícil de entender, créame, pero no hay nada que pueda hacer.
I believe the process of cutting the cord in such circumstances is considered so hazardous that this peculiar pair of scissors is manufactured for the purpose, is it not?
Creo que cortar el cordón en esas circunstancias es muy arriesgado. Estas tijeras especiales se fabrican para ese propósito, ¿ no?
I believe Wang Xi Xiong is behind it all.
Creo que Wang Xi Xiong está detrás de todo.
I will truly believe it is destiny's will.
Creeré de verdad que es designio del destino
I can't believe how quiet it is out there.
Hay mucho silencio allí afuera.
I, in fact, believe it is a big deal.
En realidad, sí creo que es gran cosa.
Believe it or not, I know exactly what that is.
Lo creas o no, sé exactamente lo que es.
I can't believe this is how it ends!
¡ No puedo creer que así sea como esto termina!
If there is another immunity idol that gets put play, { 6 } RUSSELL * * * I'm going to find it because I'm probably gone next time so have to believe he's out here.
Si hay otro ídolo de inmunidad en juego,... voy a encontrarlo porque probablemente me iré a continuación.
And I brought my umbrella because 10 % is enough for me to believe that it's possible.
Traje mi paragüas, porque el 10 % es suficiente para mí para creer que es posible.
I really believe that mankind is now entering just barely- - it has just barely crossed the threshold of the anger phase.
Creo que la humanidad acaba de entrar acaba de cruzar el umbral de la fase de ira.
- Cheryl : what are you doing? I can't believe it. This is the second time
No lo puedo creer, es la segunda vez que me encuentro contigo, ¿ en qué, tres semanas?
It s so horrible I can't believe how horrible it is.
Tan horrible No puedo creer lo horrible que es.
I can't believe this is it.
Ahora mismo estamos en el tercer lugar, así que intentamos llegar rápido allí.
Es Jackie Onassis, de seguro que es ella.
That I believe my nephew Henry is safe when it comes to inheriting Donwell.
Creo que mi sobrino Henry está seguro con respecto a heredar Donwell.
I do not believe that Mr. Knightley is the mysterious present giver, it is not in his nature to be secretive.
No creo que el Sr. Knightley sea el misterioso obsequiante no es su naturaleza ser misterioso.
I believe that parents should understand the experiences of their children and not prevaricarle. It is, though, in my opinion, any family, far from being free from a relativism which we are accustomed by now... I said, everyone should at least aspire to that perfection the family of nazareth.
Sí, pero en mi opinión, cualquier familia,... lejos de estar libre de un relativismo al que hoy estamos habituados,... decía, todo el mundo debería por lo menos aspirar a la perfección de la familia de Nazareth.
If this is a homicide, and I believe you're right, because you always are, we're up against it. We've got nothing!
Si esto es un homicidio, y yo creo que tú estás en lo cierto, porque siempre lo estás, los tendremos en contra.
I believe that it's the parasite's lymph gland that is the real prize.
Creo que esto es la glándula linfática del parásito. Este es el verdadero premio.
I want him to believe in love, because it is the most important thing.
Quiero que crea en el amor porque es lo más importante.
But I also think it would enable politicians to run a much better government and this is a thing that I think politicians don't often believe.
Pero tambien creo que le permitiria a los politicos dirijir un gobierno mejor y esto es algo que pienso los politicos no lo creen a menudo.
No, I feel like this is my fault because, believe it or not, I used to be a bully, too.
No, siento que esto es mí culpa porque, créanlo o no, yo era una matona, también.
Don't say that I cried No one is going to believe it
No digas que lloré Nadie va a creerlo
This is fantastic. I can't believe it!
¡ Esto es fantástico, no lo puedo creer!
It is strange that you know me, a complete unknown I believe in meeting all brothers
Es extraño que me seáis completamente desconocido creía conocer a todos los hermanos
Believe me, I know it is.
Créeme, sé que lo es.
If it is in Your power, God, to save her then I will believe in You for the rest of my days.
Si está en vuestro poder, Dios, sálvala... y entonces creeré en Vos el resto de mis días.
It's a very advanced step which I know is hard to believe because I make it look effortless.
Es un paso muy avanzado, lo cual es difícil de creer, porque lo hago parecer fácil.
No. I believe that once there was modernism, then it ended, now there is only decline and decay.
Yo creo que una vez que hubo modernismo, se acabó, sólo hay declive y decadencia.
And win or lose, you've taught our children what a real woman is. What it is to believe in yourself, and I never could have taught those things.
Y aunque pierdas les enseñaste lo que es una mujer de verdad y lo que es creer en ti mismo.
But I truly believe that it is only a matter of time To return.
Pero yo creo de verdad que ya es sólo cuestión de tiempo que que vuelva.
I do believe it is.
Estoy seguro que sí.
What I believe to be true and the evidence supports it, is a hypothesis which many people find jarring and disturbing.
Lo que creo que es verdad y apoya la evidencia, es una hipótesis de que muchas personas les resulta sorprendente e inquietante.
I believe in what is real, and it's about time you started doing the same.
Creo en lo que es real, y ya es hora de que empieces a hacer lo mismo.
I believe there is something wrong with you, Miss Murdoch, but we don't have any idea what it could be.
Creo que usted tiene un problema, Srta. Murdoch pero no sabemos qué pueda ser.
But I find it hard to believe that this door is the only way in.
Es difícil de creer que esta puerta es la única entrada.
And even though your pecs make me wanna kill myself, and your girlfriend is so hot it's like looking through a shimmering jet engine, I know, and I believe, that there is a real person that understands exactly what I'm going through right now.
Y aunque tus pectoralas me dan ganas de matarme, y tu novia es tan caliente que se siente como mirar a través de un motor a reacción, estoy convencido que ahí adentro hay una persona real, que entiende exactamente por lo que estoy pasando ahora mismo.
Maybe this is gonna sound stupid and, believe me, it's not like I was expecting, you know, fireworks or a string quartet or anything but I always thought pretending to lose my virginity would be a little more I don't know, special?
Tal vez esto va a sonar estúpido Y, créeme, no es como Yo estaba esperando, ya sabes, fuegos artificiales O un cuarteto de cuerda o cualquier cosa Pero yo siempre pensé que fingir de perder mi virginidad Sería un poco más No sé, especial?
I can't believe it. This is ridiculous...
No puedo creerlo.
i believe i can fly 18
i believe in god 50
i believe in you 281
i believe that 143
i believe you 1112
i believe her 65
i believe i am 28
i believe 1269
i believe i will 16
i believed you 55
i believe in god 50
i believe in you 281
i believe that 143
i believe you 1112
i believe her 65
i believe i am 28
i believe 1269
i believe i will 16
i believed you 55
i believe i do 40
i believe so 315
i believe him 92
i believe i can 17
i believe this is yours 37
i believed in you 45
i believed it 24
i believed him 56
i believe in him 25
i believe you're right 23
i believe so 315
i believe him 92
i believe i can 17
i believe this is yours 37
i believed in you 45
i believed it 24
i believed him 56
i believe in him 25
i believe you're right 23
i believed her 16
i believe it was 28
i believed 28
i believe this belongs to you 27
i believe it 129
i believe mr 26
it is 11007
it is good 116
it is what it is 220
it is not okay 24
i believe it was 28
i believed 28
i believe this belongs to you 27
i believe it 129
i believe mr 26
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it is good 116
it is what it is 220
it is not okay 24
it is done 137
it is mine 58
it isn't 1519
it isn't worth it 21
it is me 119
it is not possible 57
it isn't real 27
it is beautiful 109
it isn't possible 18
it is possible 151
it is mine 58
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it isn't worth it 21
it is me 119
it is not possible 57
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it is beautiful 109
it isn't possible 18
it is possible 151