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I know it's weird translate Spanish

660 parallel translation
It's weird, Donatella, we know you recently, in fact,... yet for me it's like if I've known you forever.
Es extraño, Donatella, nos conocemos desde hace poco, pero para mí es como si la conociera desde siempre.
It's weird, I know.
Ya sé que es absurdo, pero...
I don't know what's the matter, but i was listening to my radio while i was studying and all of a sudden, it began picking up these weird voices.
No sé de que se trata, pero estaba escuchando mi radio mientras estudiaba y de repente, empezó a captar esas extrañas voces.
I don't know. It's weird.
No lo sé, es raro.
I know it's happening, but it's weird.
Sé que está pasando, pero es raro.
I don't know what the hell's in there, but it's weird and pissed off, whatever it is.
No sé qué diablos hay ahí dentro. Pero es muy raro y está enojado.
I don't know what the hell's in there, but it's weird and pissed off, whatever it is.
No sé qué diablos hay ahí, pero es raro y está enojado, sea lo que sea.
You know, it's weird, but I do feel something.
Es extraño, pero sí siento algo.
I know it's kind of a weird time, but I was just wondering, what is going to happen to us on Monday, when we're all together again?
Sé que es un momento raro, pero me preguntaba... qué nos ocurrirá el lunes... cuando estemos todos juntos otra vez.
- I don't know, it's just weird.
- No sé, es raro.
It's so- - I don't know, it's kinda- - kinda weird.
Es tan... tan... no sé, un poco rara.
It's so weird having a brother-in-law... that I don't even know.
Es tan raro tener un cuñado que ni siquiera conozco.
All right, I know it sounds weird. - But it's genuine. I'm convinced.
Ya, ya sé que suena extraño, pero es un informe auténtico, estoy segura.
I don't know. It's weird, though.
No lo sé, pero es raro.
But, you know, it's weird that I - I've leaped into a guy that's sharing the same fate.
Cuántas noches sin dormir deseando repetir ese juego. Acaban de concederte el deseo, muchacho. - ¿ Bromeas?
I know you think it's a little weird...
Sé que piensas que es un poco raro...
I know, it's weird.
Sí, es muy extraño.
I know, it's weird, isn't it?
Lo sé, es muy extraño.
I don't know, it's kind of weird, I mean...
No se, es tan raro
I know it's weird, but if we follow the law, it just might save us.
Sé que suena raro, pero si seguimos la ley... podemos salvarnos.
Ahem. Not that I'm drawing any parallels here... but don't you think it's kind of coincidence... you know, it's kind of weird... that you're doing this, and in "Hot Shots"...
No estoy tratando de copiarles nada aquí pero no te parece que tanta coincidencia tu sabes, es raro que estés haciendo esto aquí y en "Locademia de Pilotos"...
I know it sounds weird, but it's the only thing I have from when I was found.
Se que suena raro... Es lo único que tengo desde que me encontraron.
I don't know. It's weird.
No sé, me siento raro.
You know, it's weird when you tell the story of your life, but when you're in it, it just seems just as normal as anything else, you know what I mean?
Es raro cuando cuentas la historia de tu vida, pero cuando estás en ella, parece tan normal como cualquier otra cosa, ¿ entiendes lo que digo?
I mean, it's really weird because, um you know, it's just like this thing's happening really quickly.
Es muy raro porque todo esto está pasando tan rápido.
I mean, it's like a feeling a newfeeling, that makes you like weird, you know, you feel, like, weird.
es una sensación.. nueva que te hace sentir extraña
I just think it's weird, you know?
Sólo me parece raro.
I know things have been weird but you're my oldest friend, except for Laurie who's bitter because she lost weight and it turns out, she doesn't have a pretty face.
Sé que las cosas han sido raras pero eres mi amiga más antigua, excepto por Laurie que está amargada porque perdió peso y resultó no tener una cara bonita.
You know, it's weird... Because I already kind of miss my old one, you know?
Es raro, pero echo de menos mi viejo escritorio.
Even with some girls I know, when I put my hand there, it's weird.
Incluso con algunas que conozco, al poner mi mano allí, es insólito.
I liked it, you know. It's weird, but it's good.
Es raro, pero está bien.
I know it's kind of weird, but she was a big part of my life.
Sé que suena un poco raro, pero era una parte importante de mi vida.
I know I've been acting really weird lately and it's just because I'm crazy about you and I just got stupid and scared and stupid a couple more times.
Sé que he actuado un poco extraño últimamente. Pero es porque me traes loco y me vuelvo estúpido y me asusto y estúpido otro par de veces.
I know it's weird.
Sé que es extraño.
I don't know. I guess it's just weird thinking about you at home in a driveway.
No sé, es muy raro imaginarte frente a tu casa.
Hi, I know this looks weird, but it's not what you think.
Hola, se que ésto se ve extraño, no es lo que piensas.
I know it sounds weird But, The Goat's very snotty
Si que suena extraño pero... la cabra era molesta.
You know, it's weird. I think... I think about that stuff.
Es raro, pienso en esas cosas, pero es raro hablar de ello.
- I know it's weird.
- Ya sé que es extraño.
I know you're gonna get drum major because Jamey, who was it before... had something really weird about him that Mr. Fontaine hated... and you completely don't have, and that's when you conduct... your whole body is really in it, and not just your arms.
Se que lograrás ser tambor mayor, porque Jamey, el anterior... tenia algo realmente extraño que el Sr. Fontaine odiaba... y que tú definitivamente no tienes... y es que cuando diriges Se nota tanto que pones todo tu cuerpo en ello. Y no solo los brazos.
I know, it's weird
- No.
Kids love to be scared, you know what I mean, it's weird but they do.
A los niños les encanta que les asusten, me entiendes, es raro pero les encanta.
I know. It's weird, isn't it?
Ya ves, es extraño, ¿ no?
You know, what's weird is--is you can smell it every night, you know what I'm saying?
Dick, eso lo puedes oler toda las noches, entiendes lo que digo? De qué está hablando, A.J.?
I-I know it's weird'cause it's your life and all, but... I wanted to make you proud, Sidney. Oh.
Sé que resulta extraño que yo interpretara tu vida pero... quería que estuvieras orgullosa, Sidney.
I know, but it's so weird.
Lo sé, pero es tan extraño.
I don't know. I mean, it's weird.
Es algo raro.
I don't know. l- - l'm sure it's just some kind of weird delayed-reaction thing.
No lo sé. Estoy segura de que se trata de una acción retardada.
I know. It's weird.
Lo sé, es raro.
It's so weird. I mean, we make this small talk, you know... how my classes are, how work is for him.
Es tan raro, conversamos tonterías, ¿ sabes?
Look, I know that it's weird with me teaching this class... but we'll get through it.
Sé que es raro que yo enseñe esa clase pero lo superaremos.

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