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I looked around translate Spanish

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And when I looked around to see if she was going to eat me, she was gone.
Y cuando giré para ver si me comería, había desaparecido.
I looked around.
- Well, would you mind if I looked around?
- Bien, ¿ le importaría si echo un vistazo?
Well, I came and I looked around, from every angle, from the bargain basement to the Ritz Tower.
' Me vine y ya lo he visto todo, desde una cloaca hasta la torre del Ritz.
I looked around to see if anyone was looking at me.
Mire alrededor para si alguien me estaba mirando.
Would it disturb you if i looked around a little?
¿ Le molestará que mire un poco?
Murphy and Nolan had a hold of Johnny and they must have let go of him somehow because when I looked around, I seen poor Johnny lying in the road.
Murphy y Nolan iban sujetando a Johnny. Pero debió de resbalar, porque me di la vuelta y vi al pobre Johnny tirado en medio de la calle.
Well, I looked around.
Ya he visto uno.
Suddenly, I looked around and she was gone.
De repente, me di la vuelta y se había ido.
I looked around and you'd gone.
Me di vuelta y habías desaparecido.
He wasn't in the plaza, and I looked around but didn't see him.
Ya no estaba en la plaza y por más que lo he buscado no he podido encontrarlo.
So after I finished the book I looked around for something else to do.
Al terminarlo busqué otra cosa para hacer.
When I looked around, I saw him.
Cuando miré, Lo vi.
I looked around.
Miré a mi alrededor.
As I listened to this tribute to Yves Montand I looked around me.
Cuando escuché este tributo a Yves Montand miraba a mi alrededor.
Remember the last time I was here? I looked around the place.
La última vez que estuve aquí, eché un vistazo.
I looked around but saw nothing.
Miré alrededor pero no vi nada.
There were three wagons... and i... i looked around and i... what is that?
Había tres carros. Y miré alrededor y... ¿ Qué es eso?
I looked around and I saw and I'm improving myself.
Lo he visto a mi alrededor y estoy intentando mejorar.
I went inside the fence... and I looked around for some kindlin'to work on, but I didn't see none.
Bueno, atravesé la cerca... y busqué alrededor leña para trabajar, pero no vi nada.
I looked around for it like crazy.
Casi me vuelvo loca hasta encontrar uno.
When I got to the surface I looked around
Cuando salí a la superficie miré a mi alrededor.
With growing affection I looked around me at ordinary, everyday people, people who can cast off all ties.
Con afecto creciente Miré a mi alrededor... a la gente corriente, cotidiana, gente que puede abandonar todos los vínculos.
- Would you mind if I looked around?
- ¿ Te importaría si miro un poco?
When I looked around me, all I could see is envy and backbiting.
Cuando miraba alrededor, sólo veía envidia y deslealtad.
Well... I walked into the terminal, then I looked around to see if the coast was clear.
Bueno entré en la terminal, luego miré alrededor para ver si todo estaba despejado.
Then I looked around and there was the king and 99 kissing in the doorway.
Entonces vi a 99 y al Rey besándose.
I've looked around.
He estado por ahí.
This morning, when I woke up, I looked all around.
Esta mañana al despertarme he mirado a mi alrededor y he visto los viejos muebles de mi casa,..
I thought if we looked around the room..
- Pensé que si echábamos un vistazo...
You reckon the missus would mind... if I kind of looked around her room?
¿ Cree que le importaría a la señora... si me fijo en su pieza?
I looked around.. oh it was awful.
Fue horrible.
Then I just looked around.
Luego, sólo he curioseado.
When I came to and looked around...
Cuando volví en mí y miré alrededor...
"And God stepped out on space " And He looked around and said'I'm lonely,
Y Dios salió al espacio, y mirando alrededor dijo,
After I have looked around the world For a mate
Después de haber mirado por el mundo Buscando pareja
I'm sure he's seen us. He hasn't even looked around.
Seguro que nos vio.
And so I dug and looked all around.
Entonces, cavé mirando alrededor.
As we left the hotel, he took off his coat and put it around my shoulders and then I looked at him.
Al dejar el hotel, se quitó su saco y lo puso en mis hombros y entonces lo miré.
Es una locura pero no he visto a nadie por aquí.
Looked around, and here it was, and here I am.
Miré a mi alrededor, aquí estaba... y aquí estoy.
I even looked around the back, under the garbage cans.
También he buscado por atrás, debajo de los cubos de basura.
I looked for you when you weren't around.
Te buscaba cuando no estabas.
Yes. I mean, you went into a store, and you looked around, and then you - - you picked out a ring, and then - - And then you bought it for me.
Es decir, fuiste a una tienda, y elegiste un anillo, ¿ y lo compraste para mi?
- I've already looked around...
- Ya revisé...
Walking around the temple of Rishikesh, I looked for a monk who would be willing to feed his body to starving tigers.
Paseando por el convento de Rishikesh... encontré un monje dispuesto a alimentar con su cuerpo a los tigres.
Then I'd have looked around and pretended I'd just run out.
Habría mirado alrededor y fingido que se me acabó.
I turned around and looked at their faces... and they were - I was just proud.
Di un vuelta alrededor de ellos mirando sus caras... y estaban justamente orgullosos.
We were just driving along, I was doing maybe 50 miles an hour, and I turned around and looked at 99, and she was doing about 80.
Íbamos en el auto yo iba como a 80 Km. por hora volteé a mirar a 99, y parecía de 80.
I'm positive I didn't drop the scepter, because I remember when I turned around and looked, there was the king and 99 standing in the doorway, and I had the scepter in my hand.
Estoy seguro porque cuando me di vuelta estaban el Rey y 99, y yo tenía el cetro en la mano.
I was sitting there staring at all these noodles and vegetables floating around and my father walked in. He looked at it and said, "What's that?"
Estaba mirando los fideos y verduras que flotaban en el agua, y mi padre se me acercó y preguntó...

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