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If he shows up translate Spanish

266 parallel translation
It'll be funny if he shows up before the devil in those.
Será gracioso si se presenta ante el diablo así.
If he shows up, let me know.
Si aparece, dígamelo.
If he shows up.
- Si es que aparece
If he shows up again, phone us.
Si aparece de nuevo, llámenos.
So what difference will it make if he shows up and he's killed?
¿ Qué más da si aparece y le matan?
If he insists, if he shows up, send him away.
- ¡ Si insiste, si se presenta, dile que se marche!
- What if he shows up?
- ¿ Y si viene?
- If he shows up, let me know.
Prevenga a sus centinelas.
What do we do if he shows up?
¿ Qué hacemos si aparece?
If he shows up at your post,
Si se aparece por su puesto,
If he shows up here, I'll take him right to the authorities!
¡ Si se presenta aquí, le llevaré directamente a las autoridades!
Boss lioka wants us to stop him if he shows up.
El jefe Iioka quiere que le paremos si aparece.
The other day he ran away and I'm leaving town for a couple of days, I'd appreciate it, if he shows up if you could look after him or give him a bowl of milk.
El otro día se escapó y me iré de la ciudad por unos días, si aparece, les agradecería que lo cuidaran o le dieran un tazón de leche.
If he shows up... I'll phone.
Y si aparece por allí, le llamo ¿ no?
If he shows up again, I'll throw him down the stairwell! Upside down.
Y si vuelve a aparecerse por aquí, lo echaré rodando por la escalera.
If he shows up, that is.
¡ Si es que aparece!
Don't be afraid of the ghost. If he shows up again, give him some shochu.
Y si se te aparece... dale de beber aguardiente.
I mean, I don't care if he shows up with a 20 mm cannon.
Me da igual si aparece con un cañón de 20 milímetros.
Your Five Lohans Formation is really powerful, we could beat him even if he shows up.
Tu formación de los cinco Lohans es muy poderosa, podríamos darle una paliza si atacara.
- They'll shoot him if he shows up.
- ¡ Buena, buena, buena!
- If he shows up, don't chase him away.
- Si vuelve, no lo corras.
If he shows up, you can spend all day tomorrow in bed.
Si aparece, mañana puedes pasarte el día en la cama.
If he shows up.
Si así aparece...
If he shows up, take his copy from him, lock it in Gomelauri's drawer, and give the keys to Tina.
Si él se aparece por aquí, quítale el ejemplar que él tiene, enciérralo en el cajón de Gomelauri y dale la llave a Tina.
I don't know if he's around. But if he shows up, bring him in.
No sé si está por ahí, pero si aparece, arréstenlo.
- They'll call me if he shows up.
- Me llamarán si aparece.
If he shows up at roll-call we can get him there.
Si se presenta en el pase de lista podemos agarrarlo ahí. Si no...
And if he shows up over here, it's over, and...
Pero si él se aparece por aquí, se acabó.
If he shows up, I'll listen.
Si aparece, le escucharé.
Well, if he shows up, please call me.
Si va para allá, llámame, por favor.
That's if he shows up.
- Sí. Si es que va.
If he shows up, it wasn't him for sure. Then i'll fall around his neck.
Si viene, entonces no será el ladrón y yo caeré en sus brazos.
Well, call me if he shows up.
Bueno, llámeme si se aparece.
- And what if he shows up there?
- ¿ Y si se aparece por ahí?
I told myself, "if he shows up, we stick with him."
Me dije a mí mismo : Si viene, nos quedamos con él.
If he shows up...
Si aparece...
Well, if he shows up, tell him he's forgiven and give him a warm supportive hug for me.
Si aparece, dile que lo perdono y... dale un abrazo cálido de apoyo de parte mía.
You don't care if he never shows up.
Te da igual que no venga.
If anything happens, if Thornton shows up, you know who he is and what he's trying to do.
Si algo sucede, si Thornton aparece sabes quién es y qué intenta hacer.
I'll take care of him if he ever shows up.
- Si se presenta, me ocuparé de él.
If he's wrong, it shows up.
Si anda en algo malo, se muestra.
If his name shows up in the newspaper, he's as good as dead.
Si su nombre aparece en los periódicos valdrá tanto como muerto.
But I'll tell you something, when that Mr. Munster shows up to play golf, if he doesn't turn out to be our idea of a human being, I'll throw them out personally.
Pero eso sí, cuando el Sr. Munster venga a jugar golf... si no es lo que nosotros consideramos un ser humano... lo echaré personalmente.
As a matter of fact, we're playing an encore this evening, if he ever shows up.
Y esta noche vamos a hacer exactamente lo mismo. Suponiendo que aparezca.
If I were you, I'd get outta here before he shows up and turns your ugly face into a punching bag.
Si fuera tú, me largaría antes de que él llegue y convierta tu horrible cara en un saco para boxear.
What if he actually shows up?
¿ Y si de veras viene?
If He Ever Shows Up Within 1,000 Yards Of Me, He'll Find Out What The Word Punished Really Means.
Si se acerca a menos de 1000 yardas de mi sabrá lo que la palabra "Castigado" significa.
- If she shows up, tell her I went fishing.
- Si llega, dile que me he ido a pescar.
I've always felt, if they were written up, they might make good shows, or a series.
He pensado que, si las escribiera, se podría hacer un programa o una serie.
If he shows, pick him up, OK?
Si aparece, arréstalo, ¿ vale?
He only shows up if there's trouble.
Sólo aparece si hay problemas.

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