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If he was here translate Spanish

945 parallel translation
Sure, he quit! If he was here, I'd shoot him down in his tracks.
Si estuviera aquí, lo acribillaría a balazos.
Your father would have done the same things if he was here.
Tu padre habría hecho lo mismo si hubiera estado aquí.
If he was here he'd win the race
Si estuviese aquí, ganaría la carrera
Think what would happen to us if he was here.
Piense qué pasaría con nosotros si él estuviera aquí.
And you most certainly would if he was here... but, uh, he's in town. Tooth. Mm.
Podrías hacerlo si estuviera aquí, pero ha ido al dentista a Ia ciudad.
My husband would do the same if he was here.
Mi marido haría lo mismo si estuviera aquí.
"If my Dad was here... he'd fix you!"
"¡ Si mi padre estuviera aquí, acabaría con usted!"
Then he doesn't have to tell you if someone was here.
Entonces él no tiene que decirle si alguien estuvo aquí.
I was only thinking if he were to search my rooms while I am here...
Pensaba que si registrara mis aposentos mientras estoy aquí...
If that boy was here he'd sure know what to do
Si ese chico estuviese aquí seguro que sabría qué haces
If our friend Marloff was the man behind the lights... he and his gang left here in a hurry.
Si Marloff era el hombre tras las luces, él y su banda huyeron apresuradamente.
He was here once before, and I told the boss about it, and the boss said if he comes back, to throw him out.
Ya vino antes, se lo dije al jefe... y me dijo que lo echara si volvía.
He'd be sore if he knew I was here.
Se enfadaría.
And beware : if you don't get married, it'd mean he was here for Grace.
Y cuidado, si no os casáis, significa que estaba aquí para Grace.
If Yank, God rest his soul, was here, he'd agree with me.
¿ No tienes suficiente con Io que has visto? A ver qué tiene que decir.
But if it was my own son come over here with a warrant, he'd have to be first on the draw.
Pero si mi propio hijo viniera acá con un permiso, tendría que ser el primero en disparar.
If you're looking for Mr Hartnett, he was here earlier this morning. He was?
Si buscas al Sr. Harnett, ha estado aquí esta mañana.
You know, I bet if Tom was here he'd help us.
Seguro que si Tom estuviera aquí, nos ayudaría.
Well, if we'd known he was coming here, we could have given him a lift.
De haber sabido que venía hacia aquí, Io habríamos traído.
If pride is thinking I was chosen to win over the guiltiest or the most stubborn here, I am.
Si es orgullo creer que he de ganarme a la más culpable o la más dura, entonces soy orgullosa.
If Ramirez was still here, I bet he'd be trying for Tommy Dorsey from Hollywood.
Si Ramírez estuviera aquí, estaría intentando oír a Tommy Dorsey desde Hollywood.
We felt if that was Mr. Churchill's opinion, he didn't belong here.
Pensamos que si eso opina el señor Churchill, no debería estar aquí.
If Vickery here was only using it to fish his hat out well now he wouldn't bother to wipe his fingerprints off now would he?
Si Vickery solo lo estaba usando para pescar su gorra, bueno, no se habría molestado en limpiar sus huellas, ¿ no es así?
Would you think I was losing my mind if I told you that Kay has been here to talk to me?
¿ Pensarías que he perdido el juicio si te dijera que Kay me ha visitado?
He came here to visit his sister, and finds that she ´ s gone to California... and he wants me to go to dinner with him, and I was wondering if- -
Vino a visitar a su hermana y resulta que ella se fue a California... y quiere cenar conmigo, me preguntaba si...
If I was you, I'd hightail it out of here before he comes back.
Yo que tú me iría de aquí antes de que ese tipo vuelva.
If Johnny was here, he could go to your graduation, and I'd go to Neeley's.
Si Johnny estuviera aquí iría a tu graduación y yo iría a la de Neeley.
If he knew I was here, he'd make a scene.
Si se entera de que he venido, me montará una escena.
I came here day before yesterday to ask Lavery if he knew where she was.
Vine a preguntarle a Lavery si sabía dónde estaba ella.
He asked me for a light and wanted to know if I was coming in here.
Me pidió fuego y quería saber si iba a entrar aquí.
But if he'd been able to tell someone, like a psychoanalyst, what it was that happened here no murder would have been necessary.
Si le hubiese podido contar a un psicoanalista lo que había ocurrido aquí, no habría necesitado matar a nadie.
He was in here recently with a stunning blonde, that is, if you think blondes are stunning.
Vino hace poco con una rubia despampanante. Claro, si las rubias le parecen despampanantes.
Two months since, here was a gentleman of Normandy. He made confession of you, and gave you such a masterly report... for art and exercise in your defense, and for your rapier most especially, that he cried out twould be a sight indeed if one could match you.
Dos meses ha, un caballero normando habló de vos, y elogió de tal manera vuestra destreza en la defensa, en especial en el empleo del sable, que dijo : "Digno de ver sería alguien de su talla".
He called me up one night, about 1 : 30, to find out if Barbara was here... because she'd told him that she was... but she wasn't.
Llamó a la una de la madrugada para ver si Barbara estaba aquí. Eso le había dicho, pero no estaba.
I told you if anybody came up here, he was liable to get shot.
Ya le dije que si venía alguien aquí, le dispararía.
If he was killed at once, how could he have talked about me and this lady here?
Si murió en el acto, ¿ cómo pudo hablar de nosotros antes de morir?
If he was only here so I could get on my knees and apologize.
Si el estuviera aqui me pondria de rodillas y le pediria perdon.
Do you suppose this house could give a traveler rest? Let's say if he was born here?
¿ Podrían dar alojamiento a un viajero en esta casa, si en ella hubiese nacido?
If he had nabbed me the first three times while I was just practicing, I wouldn't be here now for murder.
Si me hubiera encarcelado... las tres primeras veces, cuando sólo practicaba... no estaría aquí por homicidio.
And if he was anywhere near here, we'd have had him long ago.
Si estuviera por aquí cerca lo habríamos encontrado hace tiempo.
I was telling these fellers here that if somebody would helped me fix that busted wheel that me and my passenger could be on our way tonight.
He dicho a sus muchachos que si me arreglan la rueda, podría partir esta noche.
He was here until lunch yesterday. If he came back, would your police know?
Estuvo aquí hasta la hora de comer ayer.
When Wyatt told me if he was Dutch, and if he was going to Tascosa, he'd come by here.
Wyatt dijo que si él fuese Dutch y fuera a Tascosa, vendría para acá.
I was wondering all night if you'd be here.
Me he preguntado toda la noche si estarías aquí hoy.
If Bill was a captain and I was a lieutenant, he could make out the reports and I could get here first.
Si Bill fuera capitán y yo teniente, él escribiría los informes y yo estaría aquí primero.
Mr Eastman was good enough to say that if I came through here, he might find some place for me.
El Sr. Eastman fue muy amable de decirme que si viniera, quizá me encontraría un puesto.
If your father was here, he'd carry you home on his shoulder.
Si tu padre estuviera aquí te llevaría a hombros a casa.
Why would he ask me to come down here if he didn't want me to know what was going on?
¿ Por qué me pediría que viniera... si no quería que supiera lo que pasaba?
He'd already taken pictures in the morgue, and I was afraid he'd get suspicious if didn't let him come here.
Ya había sacado fotos en la morgue y temí que sospechara si no lo dejaba venir.
I don't care if half the population came here and swore on a stack of Bibles he was a deserter.
No me importa aunque viniera media población aquí y juraran sobre la Biblia que es un desertor.
Now, Mrs. Lacey, how could the guy get here alone if he was dying?
Mire, Sra. Lacey, ¿ como pudo llegar aquí por su cuenta si estaba agonizando?

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