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If he was translate Spanish

16,654 parallel translation
Well, even if he was...
Bueno, incluso si él era...
If he was a bad patriot, he deserved it.
Si fue un mal patriota, se lo tenía merecido.
Why you'd go to the trouble of bugging him if he was so damn peripheral.
¿ Por qué molestarse en pincharlo si era tan jodidamente periférico?
I wondered if you could tell me if he was in Miami anytime, say, around September?
Me preguntaba si podía decirme si estuvo en Miami en algún momento, digamos, en septiembre.
But what if he was there?
Pero ¿ y si estaba?
What if he was on the other side?
¿ Y si estaba del otro lado?
Luke said he'd... drive me home if he was still here.
Luke dijo que... me llevaría a casa si todavía estuviera aquí.
If he was aggressive about it?
¿ Y si se pusiera agresivo?
If he was, he wouldn't have told me.
Si lo estaba, no me lo hubiese dicho.
Like what? - If he was in trouble, or...?
¿ Cómo qué?
And I know how proud he would be if he was here... that his son is fuckin'playing Madison Square Garden.
Y sé que él estaría muy orgulloso de que su hijo toque en el Madison Square Garden, carajo.
It would create gossip if he was seen here.
Se crearían chismes si él fuese visto aquí.
You never knew if he was a boy or a girl.
Nunca supiste si era un muchacho o una niña.
If he was here he'd probably be getting my belly too.
Si estuviera aquà ­, probablemente me acariciará ­ a la panza.
I mean, once he signs it, if they make an arrest, it won't take these guys long to figure out it was me that talked to the Feds.
Cuando la firme, si arrestan a alguien deducirán rápido que hablé con el FBI.
Vonnie enchanted him, although he was too scared to ask, if she had a boyfriend.
Bobby cambió con las mujeres incluso se atrevía a preguntarles si tenían novio.
If only wish my brother, Phil was in New York. So that he could come tonight.
Si solamente Phil estuviera en Nueva York vendría esta noche.
He's just the sort of person who would feign amnesia if he felt that there was something to be gained from it.
Él es ese tipo de persona que fingiría amnesia si sintiera que habría algo que ganar con eso.
If he didn't blow, how would you know how intoxicated he was?
Si no la hizo ¿ cómo sabía lo intoxicado que estaba?
He was her Reeve. You want to know if I killed him?
Soy el mayordomo de la casa de Rheda.
He asked me if I was alone, I said no.
Me preguntó si yo estaba sola, le dije que no.
You know he'd kill me if he knew I was here.
Sabes de sobra que si supiera que estoy aquí me mataría.
He made sure that I would only ever feel safe if I was with a man just like him.
Se aseguró de que solo me sentiría segura estando con un hombre como él.
And if I did, it wasn't with my boyfriend, because he was babysitting his brother on Thursday.
Y si lo hice, no fue con mi novio, porque estaba cuidando a su hermano el jueves.
I won't know if he thinks of me, too, or if he's ever been afraid and wished that I was there.
No sabré si él piensa en mí, también, o, si alguna vez ha tenido miedo y deseó que yo estuviera allí.
Oh, I was going over those photos I took and I realized one was of a bite mark, so if Guy's story were true, it means he must have been bitten by...
Revisaba esas fotos que tomé y me di cuenta que una era una marca de mordedura, por lo que si la historia de Guy fuera cierta, esto significa que debe haber sido mordido por...
Well, if you won't let me look at the drive, then I have to talk to Goldman about what the deceased was trying to access before he died.
Bueno, si no me deja revisar el disco duro, entonces tendré que hablar con Goldman acerca de lo que el difunto estaba tratando de acceder antes de morir.
When they offered me the position of abbess I was afraid, but if I have got here, I won't run away now, because they can take our homeland from us, but not our dignity.
Cuando me ofrecieron el cargo de abadesa tuve miedo, pero si he llegado hasta aquí, no huiré ahora, porque nos podrán robar la patria, pero no la dignidad.
Why do you pity him if he had such powers? Under it all he was a tortured soul.
¿ Por qué lo compadecéis si tiene tantos poderes?
He said that if anyone in the world should have it, it was you.
Dijo que si alguien en el mundo debía tenerlo, eras tú.
Uh, I'm Keith. Okay, Keith, well, I don't really know why my dad's wallet would've fallen out of the pants he says he was removing if you just kissed, so I'm starting to feel like I can't really trust any of you people.
No sé cómo se le cayó la billetera de los pantalones... si solo se besaron.
If somebody else was in the house when he died, they had time to go out the backdoor.
Si alguien más estaba en la casa cuando murió, que tuvieran tiempo de salir por la puerta trasera.
But if he did something like that, I was certainly unaware of it.
Pero si lo hizo algo por el estilo, que era sin duda consciente de ello.
He never touched her, she acknowledged in an interview, and he never directly threatened her job, but she said she was 25, and she began to worry that she would soon suffer professionally if she did not submit.
Ella admite en la entrevista que nunca la tocó, y nunca la amenazó directamente. Pero dice que tenía 25 años y le preocupaba... el sufrir profesionalmente si ella no cedía.
Judge Clarence Thomas is, as surely the whole country knows now, accused by Professor Anita Hill of sexually harassing her when he was the head of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the government agency where one would file a complaint of sexual harassment if one felt they had been victimized by it.
El Juez Clarence Thomas está, como todo el país ya sabe, acusado por la Profesora Anita Hill de acoso sexual... cuando era el Jefe... de la Comisión para la igualdad de oportunidades en el empleo, que es la agencia gubernamental donde se cometió... el acoso sexual por el cual el Juez ha sido acusado.
He asked me if I was alone, I said "no".
Me preguntó si yo estaba sola, le dije que "no".
No, but he asked if I was your mother.
No, pero preguntó si yo era tu madre.
- If I saw through it, I can only imagine what Ford was thinking.
- Si yo me he dado cuenta, no me imagino lo que estaba pensando Ford.
I indicated to him that if he can beat him, lunch was on me.
Le dije que si le ganaba, yo pagaba el almuerzo.
I don't know if you guys knew this, but Greg was a bit of a mess before he got here.
No sé si sabían, pero él era un desastre antes de venir.
You know, if Dad was here, he would have totally gotten you a firetruck for Taylor's birthday.
¿ Sabes? Si papá estuviera aquí, te habría llevado en camión al cumpleaños de Taylor.
I told myself, depending on what it was, was gonna determine if I open up the door or not when he got back.
Me dije a mí mismo, según lo que era, iba a decidir si abría la puerta o no cuando llegara.
To me, Steve was successful even if he just stood doing Dim Mak Tuesdays and Banana Splits.
Para mí, Steve ya era exitoso con los Martes Dim Mak y los Banana Splits.
If Greg was willing to kill you over a flash drive, what do you think he's gonna do when he finds out that you ripped him off of $ 4,000,000 for something he can't even use?
Si Greg estaba dispuesto a matarte por esa memoria USB, ¿ qué crees que va a hacer cuando averigüe que le has sacado 4 000 000 de dólares por algo que ni siquiera puede usar?
Ryan knew if he stepped up and said that it was his idea, he'd get a slap on the wrist.
Ryan sabía que si daba un paso adelante y decía que fue su idea, conseguiría un tirón de orejas.
He was going on holiday after Bermuda anyway so if he pulls through, he can carry on.
Iba el de vacaciones después de las Bermudas de todas formas Por lo que si se tira a través, él puede continuar.
He even asked if I was going to resign at Margate because of my own health.
Incluso se preguntó si iba a renunciar en Margate debido a mi propia salud.
But I'm the one that told Sol he was a schmuck if he didn't tell Robert.
Pero yo fui la que le dijo a Sol que era un idiota si no se lo contaba a Robert.
I know he's probably still undercover, so I was wondering if you had his home address in Chicago.
Sé que es probable que todavía encubierto, así que me preguntaba si tenía su domicilio en Chicago.
And then the daddy bear's just sort of worried about what the mommy bear would think of the daddy bear if he does do the job with the muscle moose. And this other friend... he was an owl actually.
Y papá oso está preocupado de lo que mamá osa piense de él si hace algo ilegal con el alce robusto y el otro amigo que es un búho.
If Ricky was awake, he'd light this big, dirty bastard up and he'd say, "Let's fucking party all day", and that's what we're doing!
Si Ricky estuviera despierto, encenderá ­ a este gran porro y dirá ­ a : "Celebremos todo el dà ­ a",  ¡ y es lo que haremos!

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