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If he sees you translate Spanish

314 parallel translation
If I'm not there, ask for Mr. Jamison, that's my secretary, and If he sees you, I'll discharge him.
Si no estoy, pregunte por el Sr. Jamison, mi secretario, y como le atienda, le despido.
Even if he sees you, he won't recognise you.
Aunque él le vea, no le reconocerá.
He'll be furious if he sees you here.
Me echaría la bronca por atenderles. Debería haber cerrado.
Si te ven conmigo, todo Thrums te criticará.
if he sees you, he'II shoot you.
- ¿ Qué tengo que que? - Que matarlo. - ¿ Yo?
If he sees you alone, he'll be afraid.
Si te ve solo, se asustará.
Burt's sick, and if he sees you...
Burt está enfermo y si le ve... ¿ Puede llevársela e irse de aquí?
If he sees you, perhaps he will go away,
Tal vez se vaya al verle.
If he sees you...
Si te ve...
Oh, you're afraid he'll be jealous if he sees you with me!
Oh, ¡ temes que sea celoso si te ve conmigo!
No more kiss and cuddle if he sees you.
No habrá más arrumacos si te ve.
He might bark if he sees you.
Cierro, porque si le ve a usted podría ponerse a ladrar.
If he sees you, he'll go away.
Si te ve, se marchará.
- Even if he sees you?
- ¿ Ni aunque lo vea?
- He's sworn to shoot you if he sees you.
- Ha jurado que te matará si te ve.
If he sees you, he won't come.
¡ Si él te ve, no vendrá!
- If he sees you, he won't give himself up.
Si me ve con alguien, no se entregará.
What if he sees you?
¿ Y si él te ve?
And if he sees any coolness between you, he'll report it to Afghanistan.
Si nota distanciamiento entre Vds. informará a Afganistán.
If Joji sees this, he'll knock you down.
Si el jefe te ve jugando al billar, te tumba.
You, too. Listen, if he sees me...
¡ Oiga, señor, si él me ve...!
If anyone sees him the way he is, the law will step in and stop you for good.
Si alguien le ve así, entrará la ley y seguro que le pararán.
If he comes in and sees you like that...
Por Dios que si viene, y te ve en ese estado...
Believe me, if Don Julian as much as sees you during the coming day he'll have you all killed. Those are his rules of war.
Créame, si don Julián los ve mañana ordenará que los maten.
If that detective sees you doing this, he wont need fingerprints.
Si ese detective te ve hacer esto, no necesitará huellas dactilares.
That's for you to decide. It's best if he sees no one, medically speaking.
Es mejor que no vea a nadie, clínicamente hablando.
He's asleep, if he wakes up and sees you with that moustache, he'll get scared.
Ah, no. Ahora duerme y si se despierta y te ve con esos bigotes, se va a asustar.
If Peppone sees you he'll blow up the bridge without waiting to see the flares.
Si Peppone le ve, que vuele el puente sin esperar los cohetes.
a big one, jealous, unemployed, who'll kill me if he sees us together, then admit you always want to scare me in this life...
un coloso, celoso, sin trabajo, que si nos ve juntos me mata. Dime por qué siempre tenéis que darme estos sustos...
If Captain Lock sees you sneaking around the Officers Club, he'll really make it tough.
Como te vea el capitán Lock fisgando en el Club de Oficiales, va a ponerse duro contigo.
If he sees me he won't let me come with you.
Si me ve no me deja irme con usted.
The flared trousers! If Salvatore sees you the way you were the first time, he might recognise you.
Qué guapo estaba con los zuavos. Marisa tengo una idea. Vístete como en la primera cita, quizá así te reconozca.
He sees Stumpy here sitting around the corner locked in with you, and if that isn't plain enough, I'll tell you why.
Él sabe por qué Stumpy se encierra en ese rincón, cerca de usted. Si no le ha quedado muy claro, le diré por qué.
Would you be good enough to let Mr. Edwards make his own deal if he so sees fit?
Deje al Sr.Edward tomar sus propias decisiones.
If he sees me, he will have to thank me in front of all of you.
Si él me ve, tendrá que agradecerme delante de todos de ustedes.
If Tortima sees you, he'll break your head.
Si Tortima te ve, te rompe la cabeza.
If Mr Rash sees you, I don't know what he'd do to me.
Si el Sr. Rash te ve, no sé qué me hará.
Andre. If Mandrill sees you at the window, He'll kill us.
André, cuando ellos vean André en la ventana él nos matará.
If the customer sees that coat, he knows you're part of the collective, so he's careful... he's careful.
Si el cliente ve la bata, sabe que eres de la tienda. Y entonces va con cuidado.
One thing I think we should remember, it's when you run, crouch very low, you see, and that way, if he sees us, he won't see us.
Hay algo que debes recordar, cuando pases, agáchate bien, así, si nos ve, no nos distinguirá.
- If the augur sees you, he'll get mad.
- Si te ve el capataz, se enfadará.
Well, if you think you're surprised, think how surprised the man in the pawnshop's gonna be when he sees all that broken glass.
Si crees estar sorprendido, piensa en cómo se sorprenderá el hombre de la prendería cuando vea todos esos vidrios rotos.
And if he finds a snake, you kill it with a stick and eat. - There are a lot of things that could be use, but he does not know until he sees.
Hay muchas cosas que se pueden utilizar Sólo lo sabrá cuando venga.
Some poor guy comes along, his car breaks down, he sees the light shining in our window, so he comes upstairs and asks us if he can please use our phone, and right away you think something wrong is happening.
Se le avería el auto a un pobre tipo ve luz en nuestra ventana sube y nos pide por favor que le prestemos el teléfono y enseguida supones que pasa algo raro.
You might get in trouble if the officer sees you so I brought you some rice balls.
Si el policía te ve, te meterás en líos así que te he traído bolas de arroz.
If the prince sees you, he might have you driven off
Si el príncipe te llega a ver, podría enfadar y hacerte devolver.
Ah yes, and you're thinking this fairy is gonna jump on a chair and scream bloody murder if he sees a mouse.
Ah si, y crees que esta hada simplemente va a saltar sobre la silla y gritar "Auxilio" Con tan solo ver un raton.
If my father sees me arrive with you two nitwits, he'll smash everything.
Si mi padre me ve con dos marginados como vosotros, la liará.
You know, if we go into the lobby and Berozski sees me, he will put me to bed like a baby.
Si entramos al vestíbulo y me ve Berozski me mandará a la cama como a un niño.
If that sergeant sees you, - he'll boot your bloody arse for you.
Si el sargento te ve, te pateará el culo.
Do you know the way to tell a friend who is true from all the friends who will ever come through, well if a friend sees you need him and stays by your side when he could've run the other way,
¿ Sabes distinguir si un amigo es verdadero, de entre todos los amigos que conocerás? Bueno, si un amigo ve que le necesitas y te quedas a su lado cuando podrías haberte ido

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