If i knew that translate Spanish
1,848 parallel translation
I never would have agreed to this if I knew that was gonna happen.
Nunca habría accedido a esto si supiera que esto iba a ocurrir.
But if I knew that you will be.. .. punished for my actions..
Pero de haber sabido que tú serías castigado por mis acciones
I would feel better if I knew that the shop was run by you.
Me sentiría mejor si supiera que la tienda la llevas tú.
If I knew that it'd make him less confused, I'd tell him right now.
Si supiese que eso lo haría estar menos confundido, se lo diría ya mismo.
If I knew that baby was here, I would have gotten us out of there a lot faster.
De saber que esta monada estaba aquí, habríamos salido mucho más rápido.
If I knew that it was you again to run the Bolshoi, I would have sent you that fax directly
De haber sabido que había vuelto al Bolshoi, le habría escrito el fax a usted.
I knew he was my size, so I went to see if Daniel might have a pair of shoes that fit me.
Sabía que eran mi talla así que fui a ver si Daniel tenía un par de zapatos que me sirvieran
I paint people who look dead, and you would weep if you knew how much I make doing that
Pinto gente que luce muerta, tú fliparías si supieras cuánto gano haciendo eso.
Chris, when I saw your name on the register, I thought, if you hadn't gotten shot, ended up slinging rock, or become a baby daddy over the summer, that you'd want to get back to something you knew.
Chris, cuando vi tu nombre en la lista, pensé, si no te han disparado, no terminaste vendiendo cocaína, ni te convertiste en padre durante el verano, que querrías volver a algo que conocieras.
I knew I could never stay married to Alice if I could feel a passion like that for somebody else.
Sabía que nunca podría permanecer casado con Alice Si podía sentir una pasión como esa por alguien más
Because in the back of my mind, I probably knew that if i didn't, You'd never know how into you i was.
Porque en el fondo seguramente sabía que si no lo hacía no sabrías cuanto me importas.
You know, I wonder who í to Habr said Hiko if it knew that its best friend est á encariando with his sister.
Sabes, me pregunto que habría dicho Hiko si supiese que su mejor amigo se está encariñando con su hermana.
Look, detectives, if you knew anything about this business, you'd know that I made Isabelle.
Miren, detectives, si supierais algo de este negocio, sabrían que yo creé a Isabelle.
Don't you think... that if I knew anything I would tell you?
- ¿ No crees... que si supiera todo te lo contaría?
Listen... Yeah, don't look at me like that because if your Dad knew the truth, he wouldn't have helped me and I need the book.
Escucha, no me mires así... porque si tu papá sabía la verdad, no me hubiera ayudado... y yo necesito el libro.
But I also knew that if anything happened to me, you were gonna blame yourself, and you would spend the rest of your life punishing yourself for it, and...
Pero también sabía que si algo me pasaba a mí, te culparías a ti mismo, y que estarías el resto de tu vida castigándote por ello, y...
I knew that if I got in the car with Momo, there was a better-than-even chance I'd end up in jail.
Sabía que si me subía al auto con Momo, había una buena posibilidad que terminaría en la cárcel.
If I knew you played tennis, I never would have signed that marriage certificate.
De haber sabido que jugabas al tenis nunca habría firmado la partida de matrimonio.
Even if I had a different opinion, even if I felt I had been demoted, I knew Fidel had his reasons, and you can be sure of that.
Así tuviera otra opinión así sintiera que me habían bajado de rango yo sabía que Fidel tenía sus razones.
Well, if I knew what charcuterie meant, I might have some of that.
S ¡ supiera lo que es charcutería, lo pediría.
If I knew the answer to that, I'd probably know the answer to the other.
Si pudiera responder a eso, seguramente sabría la respuesta de lo otro.
See, I knew if I did I wouldn't get that good feelin'back that I was daydreaming'on.
Sabía que eso no me traería ese bienestar con el que soñaba.
I knew if I could win her confident, I'd be able to get that key.
Sabía que si me podía ganar su confianza podría obtener esa llave.
If they knew that I'm a fugitive that I'm wanted for murder.
Si sabían que soy una fugitiva y que se me busca por asesinato.
But if he came back and fought for it over and over, I knew it was something that I'd have to take a look at.
Pero si volvía y peleaba por ello una y otra vez, sabía que era algo que debería revisar.
And I knew that if I threatened to destroy his career he would, he would do just about anything.
Sabía que si lo amenazaba con destruir su carrera que haría cualquier cosa.
I know that if you guys knew the truth, you'd hate me. No.
Sé que si ustedes supieran la verdad, me odiarían.
Well, you know, Renee, I might be saying that if I knew what the hell Bauer was doing here in the first place.
Bueno, Renee, quizá esté diciendo que si hubiese sabido qué diablos hacía Bauer aquí en primer lugar...
If only you knew how much I suffer... to think that right next to me another life is wasted-yours!
Ojalá supieras lo mucho que sufro... al pensar que junto a mí otra vida se desaprovecha : ¡ la tuya!
"if only I knew that you were running into the second tower" bullshit.
"si hubiera sabído que te metiste corriendo en la segunda torre", mentira.
I knew that if I quit my job, I would need resources to take care of Erica.
Sabía que si renunciaba a mi trabajo necesitaría fondos para cuidar a Erica.
I think it's better for both of us if they knew that this was an accident.
Pienso que es lo mejor... para los dos, que piensen que fue un accidente.
I knew that if he got me in, that he would...
Sabía que si me llevaba ahí, él me- -
That's when I knew if you want the best, you got to pay for it.
Eso es cuando supe que si quieres lo mejor, debes pagar por ello.
I knew that if something happening here.
Yo sabía que algo sucedia aquí.
And I knew that if I told them that I was fine, all that would go away.
Y sabía que si les decía que estaba bien, todo eso desaparecería.
But I left one big what-if behind. And I knew that someday I'd have to go back and find out the answer.
Pero dejé atrás una gran interrogante y sabía que algún día tendría que regresar.
Even if I knew how to do that, I wouldn't.
- Aunque supiera cómo, no lo haría.
And I just started laughing,'cause in that moment, I realized that if he ever knew that I was pregnant with his kid, I would never be free of him.
Empecé a reírme porque en ese momento me di cuenta de que si alguna vez se enteraba de que estaba embarazada con un hijo suyo jamás me libraría de él.
I knew that if I didn't play this perfectly, I'd be joining Ivan.
Sabía que si no hacía una buena jugada, terminaría como Ivan.
That was the moment I knew this was what I was meant to do, but I also knew that if I were ever wrong, I'd probably blow my own brains out.
Ese fue el momento en el que supe que era mi destino pero también supe que si alguna vez cometía un error probablemente me volaría los sesos.
You knew I'd yell if you did that!
Sabes que gritaría si lo hicieras!
Would you feel differently if you knew that I was beaten as a child?
¿ Te haría sentir mejor si supieras que me golpeaban cuando era pequeño?
God, I knew what the risks were with you... and I took them because... I love you, and... putting Buddy in your hands... I don't know if I'll ever be able to get over that.
Yo sabía cuáles eran los riesgos... y los acepté, porque... te quiero, pero... dejar a mi hijo en manos de un alcóhólico... no creo que lo supere nunca.
I wonder how much of that trust would remain If he knew how much of his company's money You were siphoning into a project called Prometheus.
Me pregunto cuánta de esa confianza quedaría si supiera cuánto dinero de su empresa estabas desviando a un proyecto llamado Prometeo.
I knew that if I looked into your eyes, I'd never be able to say this.
Sabía que si te miraba a los ojos, nunca podría decírtelo.
I knew that giving her the drug would be bad for me if I got caught.
- Sabía que darle la droga sería malo para mí si me descubrían.
Well, I wouldn't say that exactly, but... if Antigone, if she knew what I knew...
No, bueno, yo no diría eso exactamente, pero si Antigone supuera lo que yo se...
But I knew that if the truth came out, we'd all be screwed.
Pero sabía que si se sabía la verdad, estaríamos todos en problemas.
I've put my ass on the line for this crazy idea of yours... if this goes bad... it means there will be a terrorist attack that we knew about and did nothing... that makes us accomplices...
He puesto mi trasero en la línea de esta loca idea tuya... Si esto va mal... significa que eso Será un ataque terrorista que se sabía y no se hizo nada...
- I'm so stupid! - Listen, if I knew for a split second she was your girlfriend, I wouldn't ever go near that.
- Escucha, si hubiera sabido por un segundo... que era tu novia nunca lo hubiese hecho,
if it's meant to be 16
if i didn't know better 127
if i were you 923
if it wasn't for you 99
if it's not too much trouble 48
if it is 191
if i knew 98
if i may ask 88
if i can 158
if it isn't 54
if i didn't know better 127
if i were you 923
if it wasn't for you 99
if it's not too much trouble 48
if it is 191
if i knew 98
if i may ask 88
if i can 158
if it isn't 54
if i may 812
if it's a girl 43
if it's any consolation 226
if i do 197
if it wasn't 30
if it was 105
if i could 203
if it were up to me 123
if it's the last thing i do 21
if it's okay with you 83
if it's a girl 43
if it's any consolation 226
if i do 197
if it wasn't 30
if it was 105
if i could 203
if it were up to me 123
if it's the last thing i do 21
if it's okay with you 83
if it's all right 48
if i did 272
if i'm not mistaken 223
if it's a boy 49
if i do say so myself 43
if it's ok 18
if it's me 22
if it's not 54
if i win 152
if it helps 159
if i did 272
if i'm not mistaken 223
if it's a boy 49
if i do say so myself 43
if it's ok 18
if it's me 22
if it's not 54
if i win 152
if it helps 159