It's always there translate Spanish
1,305 parallel translation
It's always there.
Siempre está allí.
People just can't handle it. There's always a few kids who lose it early in the first semester and just bail.
Siempre hay algunos que enloquecen en el primer semestre y se marchan.
It's always so busy in there.
Hay mucha actividad por aquí.
I hate it when I go to movies with kids because there's always someone... telling me I can't kill them when they get loud.
Detesto ir al cine cuando hay niños en el público porque siempre alguien... me dice que no puedo ahorcarlos cuando hacen ruido.
There's always something we can do... and you just did it.
Siempre hay algo que podemos hacer... y tú acabas de hacerlo.
I can always tell when there's something wrong with him but it doesn't seem like he wants my help right now.
Siempre sé lo que le pasa pero no quiere mi ayuda, ahora.
There's always risk, but for your husband, it's minimal.
Siempre hay riesgos, pero en el caso de su marido es mínimo.
- It's always raining there.
- Ahí siempre llueve.
It's just, you know, he's always been there for me.
Sabes, él siempre ha estado ahí cuando lo necesité.
'It's always not what you expect,'and that teaches you how little you know,'and how much there is to know.'
Nunca es lo que esperas y eso nos demuestra lo poco que sabemos y lo mucho que nos queda por aprender ".
When a cagey writer squeezes out this kind of salacious shit... there's always somebody who'll rush to put it on paper. Salacious.
Cuando un escritor reservado escribe obscenidades... siempre hay alguien que las publica.
It's like, it's like there was always a little boy trapped somewhere inside me, and now that I met you, I can finally let him out.
Me siento... me siento y ahora, al conocerte, por fi n puedo dejar que se exprese.
It's like all of your sentences always existed, just... waiting for up there in style heaven for you to fetch them down.
Es como si las frases ya existieran... y esperasen a que tú las tomaras.
It's always there.
Está siempre disponible.
They put curtains, geraniums, a television, and, after a while, it's as if everything had always been there.
La gente va a habitar y se ponen los tendederos, los geranios, la televisión y después todo forma parte del paisaje, ya existe.
There's always that hope. It's my fault.
Siempre existe esa esperanza.
What's going on out there? It always takes the guy on the scene a minute.
"¿ Qué está sucediendo?" El sonido le llega un minuto tarde.
Then. It's normal. There's always smoke the first time.
Pues es normal, la 1ª vez que se usan echan un poco de humo.
But if there's one thing I'm sure of, it's that things don't always happen the way we intend.
Pero si hay algo de lo que estoy segura es de que las cosas no siempre suceden como pretendemos.
She's always putting him down, and he just sits there and takes it.
Siempre lo critica y él se sienta allí y la aguanta.
It's just there's always been a lot of tension between Lois and me, and it's not so much that I want to kill her, it's just I want her not to be alive any more.
Siempre hubo mucha tensión entre Lois y yo. En realidad, no quiero "matarla". Es que ya no quiero que siga con vida.
While I believe it's wrong to imprison any living creature there are always exceptions.
Creo que está mal encerrar cualquier criatura viva. Pero siempre hay excepciones.
Una fiesta de la cerveza en Munich.
There's never enough blood. It's always a crisis.
Nunca hay suficiente sangre, siempre es una crisis.
There's always a contest with an ex. It's called "Who'll Die Miserable?".
Siempre se compite con el ex para ver quién morirá infeliz.
The thing of it is there's always the chance that your body won't fail him that he'll be in you forever.
Lo mejor es que siempre existirá la oportunidad de que tu cuerpo no le falle que estará dentro de ti para siempre.
There wasn't always a war with the Centauri but in my lifetime, it's all I've ever known.
No siempre estuvimos en guerra contra Centauri Pero durante mi vida... fue todo lo que yo conocí
But if somebody steals your land, then it's always there.
Pero si alguien le roba su tierra entonces estará ahí siempre.
" it's useless to see you as you'll always be there,
" No tiene sentido verte como si fueras a estar allí siempre,
When it comes, there's always a sense of self.
Cuando llega, siempre hay un sentido de ser.
There "s nothing to beat it, but when I was there I always felt very much in old Arthur Braithwaite" s shadow.
No hay nada como aquello, pero cuando estaba allí, me sentía siempre demasiado a la sombra del difunto Arthur Braithwaite.
There's always a seed of disease in it... just as there's a strong seed of health in my illness.
Hay en ella una simiente de enfermedad, así como en ésta hay una poderosa simiente de salud.
There's an old saying - what goes up..... must come down. Thing is, it's not always true.
Hey, it ´ s one thing I know there ´ s always a way out of it.
Algo que sé es que siempre hay una forma de salir de lo que sea. Así que dime lo que quieras.
There's always help if you need it.
Hay ayuda, si la necesita.
There's always a due date, something to pay... I didn't expect it to go like this.
Siempre hay una fecha de vencimiento, algo que pagar... No esperaba que se vaya de esta manera.
now that you've mentioned this, it reminds me a monk once told me there's an old man who lives in a hut by Lumplee field always welcoming strangers.
ahora que lo mencionas, recuerdo que un monje me dijo en una ocasión que hay un viejo que vive en una choza en la explanadada de Lumplee y siempre recibe a los extranjeros.
and... uhh... when I'm not touring... you know... his heart and soul always lay in Ireland in Tipperary that's where his spiritual home was it's where... you know... the whole his heart was there really
Y cuando no... estoy de gira... Su corazón y alma siempre están en Irlanda en Tipperary. Esa es su casa espiritual... es donde... reside su corazón...
You told me there's always a perfect possible future, so what is it today?
Me dijiste que siempre hay un futuro perfecto posible, ¿ cual es el de hoy?
I guess it's true what they say : "No matter how powerful you are, there's always someone bigger and stronger than you."
"No importa lo poderoso que seas, siempre hay alguien más grande y más fuerte que tú."
And don't tell us it can only go up. Because there's always more down.
No nos digas que las cosas sólo pueden mejorar, porque siempre pueden empeorar más.
But if there's one thing you've learned over the last three years it's that there's always a reason for everything.
Pero si una cosa has aprendido en los últimos tres años es que todo tiene una razón de ser.
It's just that I've always seen you sitting over there, and i could only see the back of your head.
Es que yo siempre te veo sentada ahí y solamente puedo ver la parte de atrás de tu cabeza.
This is why I'm always on you because it's not safe out there.
Por eso siempre estoy pendiente de ti, porque no estás a salvo afuera
Every other time I go there's always another overzealous geek using it.
Siempre que voy, ya algún otro de mi clase lo ha pedido.
It's nice to know no matter how big the universe is, there's always a Vulcan ship nearby.
Al contrario, es bueno saber que no importa cuán grande es el universo siempre hay una nave Vulcana cerca.
There's always college, unless my parents get their way... and then it's,'I take thee, Jesus, to be my lawful wedded husband.'
Puedo ir a la universidad, a menos que mis padres ganen... y termine diciendo : "Te acepto, Jesus, como mi esposo."
But there's a part of me... that's always gonna be thrilled for you... and then there's another part of me that's gonna hate it.
Pero hay una parte de mí que estará encantada por ti pero hay otra que lo odiará.
New York City, no matter how well you think you know it... there's always somewhere or someone new to discover.
Aun cuando uno cree que conoce muy bien Nueva York siempre hay algún lugar o alguna persona nueva para descubrir.
It's not that easy, there's always a new face coming out and, um, she could be forgotten.
Llegan caras nuevas siempre y pueden olvidarla.
I'm trying to figure out why anytime there's terrorist activity people always assume it's Arabs.
Intento imaginarme el porqué porqué cada vez que hay terrorismo la gente siempre asume que son los árabes.
it's always been you 39
it's always something 28
it's always you 16
it's always the same 117
it's always been there 23
it's always me 21
it's always a pleasure 23
it's always the same thing 20
it's always like that 28
it's always like this 28
it's always something 28
it's always you 16
it's always the same 117
it's always been there 23
it's always me 21
it's always a pleasure 23
it's always the same thing 20
it's always like that 28
it's always like this 28
it's always good to see you 18
it's always about you 25
it's always 69
therese 78
there 14012
theresa 292
there you go 7508
therefore 1419
there you are 4720
there's always hope 39
it's always about you 25
it's always 69
therese 78
there 14012
theresa 292
there you go 7508
therefore 1419
there you are 4720
there's always hope 39
there we go 2292
there aren't any 65
there isn't 382
there you have it 213
there he is 3176
there's no time like the present 22
there is no such thing 30
there it is 2912
there aren't 60
there's no way 389
there aren't any 65
there isn't 382
there you have it 213
there he is 3176
there's no time like the present 22
there is no such thing 30
there it is 2912
there aren't 60
there's no way 389