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It all worked out translate Spanish

790 parallel translation
I think it all worked out for the best.
Creo que todo ha sido para bien.
Oh! He has it all worked out, has he?
- Ya lo tiene todo pensado, ¿ no?
I see you've got it all worked out
¡ Vaya técnica! Me parece que tienes práctica.
I haven't got it all worked out yet, but...
Aún no lo he resuelto del todo, pero...
He had it all worked out.
Lo tenía todo planeado.
I've got it all worked out.
Lo tengo todo pensado.
Everything he said, everything he did, he had it all worked out to the end.
Ahora me doy cuenta, todo lo que decía, lo que hacía. Lo tenía todo planeado hasta el final.
You've got it all worked out, haven't you?
Se lo tiene muy pensado, ¿ verdad?
He... we, he thought that he'd got it all worked out.
Sólo para hablar del ritual, señor. Él, nosotros él pensó que lo tenía todo organizado.
And it all worked out.
Y el plan salió bien.
I know you got it all worked out, Joe, but don't we need a getaway car?
Lo has previsto todo. Pero ¿ no necesitaremos un coche?
I've got it all worked out.
Tengo una idea y ya lo he organizado todo.
You had it all worked out, but it won't help you much...
Has estudiado bien el golpe, pero te servirá de poco.
- So it all worked out?
- Así que todo salió bien?
You have it all worked out, haven't you?
Ya lo resolviste todo, ¿ o no?
I got it all worked out, honey Countess. You pack Your bags. Take the first train, first boat, and then one day your folks... are gonna get a postcard from Newark, New Jersey.
Haremos las maletas, cogeremos a los perros y el primer tren, y un día tu familia recibirá una postal que dirá "Feliz Navidad de parte del señor Virgil H. Smith y señora".
And it all worked out this way. I didn't have enough strength to resist corruption,
No tenía suficiente fuerza como para resistir la tentación de la corrupción.
I had a lot of time to think, but it all worked out.
He tenido tiempo para pensar y lo tengo todo calculado.
Well, it's about 10 o'clock now. By 12 you'd have it all worked out.
A las doce tendrías todo ensayado :...
You've got it all worked out in the way women always have.
Lo tienes todo controlado de la manera en que las mujeres siempre lo hacen.
You've got it all worked out like a sum.
Entonces había echado la cuenta.
They had it all worked out in their timetable.
Lo tienen todo resuelto en su horario.
Something like that, unless you have it all worked out.
Algo así, a no ser que usted lo tenga todo resuelto.
I've got it all worked out, every move.
Lo tengo todo planificado, cada movimiento.
Sit here for a minute, dear. I think I've got it all worked out.
Siéntate aquí un minuto, cariño.
I've got it all worked out.
Tengo todo arreglado.
- Mumsie! - I have it all worked out.
- Ya tengo todo planeado.
He's been expecting it for some time. He already had it all worked out.
Cuando quería controlarme, lo tenía todo preparado.
So it all worked out fine.
Todo salió bien.
It all worked out fine, eh?
Todo ha acabado bien, ¿ verdad?
This time it worked out all right, but next time - I don't know -
Esta vez todo salió bien, pero la próxima vez... no sé...
It's all worked out well. I'm glad to see you so happy and looking so well.
Me alegro de verte tan feliz y con tan buen aspecto
It was all worked out.
Si, me arreglaré.
I worked it all out myself.
La concebí yo mismo.
But you've got it worked out wrong, all wrong.
¡ Pero se ha equivocado en todo! ¡ Se ha equivocado!
It's one of the most authentic reproduction jobs we've ever done. Is it? And all worked out from those photographs we took of your place in Connecticut.
Es una de las mejores reproducciones que he hecho... y la saqué de las fotografías que tomamos en Connecticut.
You have it all nicely worked out.
Lo tiene todo pensado. ¿ No es así?
- Because it's all worked out for a train.
- Porque es mejor con el tren.
Anyway, it's all worked out for the best.
De todos modos, se ha hecho lo que se debía.
It ´ s worked out all wrong.
Salió todo mal.
Hello. Danny.. it's all worked out, we'll get it tonight.
- Danny, todo está solucionado.
What if I were to tell you that I've got a plan worked out to get it all?
¿ Pues si te dijera que tengo un plan para quedarme con todo?
I've worked it all out. Do you want to see?
Ya hice mis cálculos, ¿ quiere verlos?
It's all worked out now.
Ahora ya ha pasado.
Yes, you will. It's all here. I worked it out - what they should ask, what you'll answer.
lo que deben preguntar y lo que responderás.
We could have planned for this, we could have worked it all out
Se habría podido organizar todo.
We've got our schedule all worked out, and it looks pretty good now.
Ya está todo organizado y tiene buena pinta.
Well, it worked out all right for you.
Bueno, todo funcionó muy bien para ti.
It just hasn't worked out, our being apart all these years.
No funcionó estar separados tantos años.
I've worked it all out!
¡ Se aclaró todo!
It's all worked out beautifully, hasn't it?
Todo salió magníficamente, ¿ no?

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