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It happened to me translate Spanish

2,261 parallel translation
I'm grateful it happened to me, and I wish the same for everyone like me.
Estoy agradecida de que me pasara a mí. Le deseo lo mismo a todos los que son como yo.
My first month in baghdad, It happened to me three times.
Mi primer mes en Bagdad, me pasó tres veces.
It happened to me, too, Russell.
Me ocurrió a mí tambíen, Russell.
OK, so this is the freakiest thing ever. It happened to me last night.
Lo que me pasó anoche fue lo más miedoso del mundo.
But you know, the day it happened to me, Jenny, I had this strange feeling.
Pero ya sabes, el día que me pasó a mí, Jenny, tuve esta extraña sensación.
Yeah, you know, I remember when it happened to me. It... I didn't even know what to think.
Si, sabes, recuerdo cuando me paso a mi, tampoco sabía que pensar.
It happened to me.
A mí me pasó.
It happened to me three times during her dead-cat story.
Me pasó tres veces durante su historia del gato muerto.
But it happened, and it happened to me.
Pero ésto me pasó, y me pasó a mí.
Nothing happened to me, it all happened to them.
No me pasó nada, que no les haya pasado a ellos.
It's been known to have happened.
Me suele suceder.
It, uh... it might help me if I knew exactly what happened to your brother.
Me, eh... me podría ayudar el saber... exactamente qué le pasó a tu hermano.
This is the Worst thing that's ever happened to me, and it's all because of you.
Esto es lo peor que me ha pasado en la vida, y todo por tu culpa.
It's never happened to me!
A mí no me ha pasado.
It was the best thing that ever happened to me.
Es lo mejor que me ha pasado.
I hope i screamed less when it happened to me.
Espero que yo grite menos cuando me ocurra a mí.
It's only happened to me twice in five years.
Isaac, dos ataques en cinco años, por favor.
- It's happened to me a million times.
- Me ha pasado miles de veces.
But it occurred to me... That my actions had betrayed him and that everything that had happened to me since was God punishing me.
Pero me pasó a mi... mis acciones le habían traicionado y que todo lo que me ha pasado desde entonces es porque Dios me está castigando.
Oh, arlo could have done most of it by himself, but that bag of oxycontin that was planted there for me to find, arlo was here when that happened.
Oh, Arlo podría haberlo hecho casi todo él solo, pero esa bolsa de Oxycontin que estaba aquí para que la encontrara, Arlo estaba aquí cuando sucedió.
Well, I heard about what happened with my predecessor, and it's pretty clear to me that you expect the hasher to be your personal concubine.
Bueno, supe lo que pasó con mi antecesor, y tengo bastante claro que tú esperas que el limpiador sea tu concubino personal.
Soraya, it were the worst thing that's ever happened to me in my life. I thought it were you!
Soraya, fue lo peor que me ha pasado en la vida. ¡ Creí que eras tú!
It's probably the biggest thing that's ever happened to me.
Es lo más importante que ha pasado en mi vida.
And it just happened to coincide with me defending my home world?
¿ Y ocurrió justo después de que defendiera a mi mundo?
I feel kind of heartbroken that it happened, but I guess I'm glad to have my job.
Estoy desconsolada por lo que ha pasado, pero me alegro de tener mi trabajo.
Who had their own little things that they were talking about And why this happened to me. "You know anybody else that's a heterosexual that got it?"
Había algunos de mis compañeros que tenían sus comentarios al respecto, las razones por las que me había ocurrido aquello.
Because if it's the same thing that happened to me, then we're on to something.
Porque si es lo mismo que me pasó a mí, entonces hemos encontrado algo.
It's never happened to me before.
Nunca me había pasado antes.
It's just, um... The worst thing that ever has happened to me happened on Valentine's Day.
Es sólo que la cosa más horrible que me ha sucedido en mi vida pasó el Día de San Valentín.
Everything that's happened to me has made me who I am, but it can't explain what I've become.
Todo lo que me ha pasado me ha hecho lo que soy Pero no puedo explicar en que me he convertido.
It has happened to me before. [chuckles]
Me ha ocurrido antes.
It definitely happened to me.
Definitivamente a mi me pasó.
What happened to you- - it almost happened to me, too.
Lo que te ha pasado a ti, casi me pasa a mí.
It's happened to me.
Me ha sucedido.
Actually never happened to me before, and it's kind of awkward.
En realidad nunca me ha pasado antes, y es algo incómodo.
you know, it was at that point that I realized that maybe Thierry wasn't actually a filmmaker and he was maybe just someone with mental problems who happened to have a camera.
En ese punto, me di cuenta que quizá Thierry no era un director, sino alguien con problemas mentales, que por casualidad tenía una cámara.
Master, I want to thank you for all the affection you've shown me,... well, maybe I'm wrong, but it seems to me you've been more caring about me than your investigation,... and I know how important that is to you... to know what happened!
Amo, quería agradecerle el afecto que ha tenido para conmigo, que, le parecerá mentira, pero ha estado más pendiente de mi persona que de la investigación, y yo sé lo importante que es para usted conocer su pasado.
Then you know how important it is that you help me figure out what happened to your friend last night.
Entonces sabes lo importante que es que me ayudes a descubrir lo que le ocurrió a tu amigo anoche.
Tell you what happened to me today, but it seems like all the real action is up here.
Pero parece que las auténticas novedades están aquí.
It's just... I like Rose, and I don't ever want to hear that something bad's happened to her kid.
Me cae bien Rose, y no quisiera enterarme de que a su hija le pase algo malo.
I'm telling you, ending it is the best thing that could have happened to me.
Terminar es lo mejor que me pudo pasar.
I was coming up here to tell you what happened to me today, but it seems like all the real action is up here. He's still here.
Venía a decirte lo que me ha pasado hoy, pero parece que la verdadera acción está aquí.
That's what happened to her, to Mom, and it would happen to me, too.
A ella le pasó, a mamá también, y a mí también me pasará.
Because as lousy as it is, worse things have happened to me.
Porque, por asquerosas que sean, me han pasado cosas peores.
I mean, what happened last time, it would make perfect sense for you to not want to go back.
Me refiero a lo que pasó la última vez. Es perfectamente lógico que no quieras volver.
It's just... I saw Liam and.. I thought he'd be happy to see me, after everything that's happened with Naomi, but... nope.
Es sólo que... vi a Liam y... pensé que estaría contento de verme, después de todo lo que ha pasado con Naomi,
I don't know how it happened, ma'am, but I was up before dawn and I just had it in me to clean and rub and scrub and polish.
No sé cómo ha pasado señora, pero estaba levantada antes del amanecer y simplemente me salía de dentro. Limpiar, frotar, restregar y pulir.
It's never happened to me before, but they can, like with Adrian and Ben.
Normalmente no se rompen. Nunca me ha pasado antes, pero puede que sí, como a Adrian y Ben.
It's unfortunate that my concern about this murder led me to... Inadvertently hold you responsible for what happened to commissioner Ross.
Es una desgracia que mi preocupación por este asesinato me llevase a... creer, involuntariamente, que era responsable de lo que le pasó a la comisionada Ross.
Yeah, but if it's happened to me, there'll be another one in there.
Si pero si me hubiera pasado a mí habría otro ahí adentro.
I just know in my heart that if anything ever happened to me, you would do whatever it takes to help Stan grow up to be the man that... you're not.
En el fondo de mi corazón sé que si alguna vez me pasara algo, harías lo posible para ayudar a Stan a crecer para ser el hombre que tú no eres, ya sabes.

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