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It has happened translate Spanish

1,215 parallel translation
It has happened to me several times.
Ya me ha pasado muchas veces.
It has happened before, but do you have knowledge that will help us?
Eso ya ha ocurrido antes, pero, ¿ sabe cómo ayudarnos?
It has happened before.
Esto ha pasado antes.
" It has happened at last.
Ha ocurrido por fin.
It has happened to all of us.
¡ A todos nos pasó alguna vez!
It has happened unexpectedly, as if by obsession.
como por la obsesión.
Fellas, it has happened.
Muchachos, ocurrió.
And it has happened sooner than I expected.
Y ocurrió antes de lo que esperaba.
It has happened several pieces. Join us and make a report.
Para detenerlos necesitamos que la gente venga a firmar una denuncia.
It has happened : the birth of the King of Heaven!
Ha ocurrido por fín. Nació el rey del cielo.
He / she wanted to warn them when it was leaving, but but guess, guess the that it has happened!
Queria avisarles cuando estaba saliendo, pero pero adivinen, adivinen lo que ha pasado!
That it has happened?
¿ Que ha pasado?
Lister, it has happened. You can't change it any more than you can change what you had for breakfast, yesterday
No lo puedes cambiar, como tampoco lo que desayunaste ayer.
But, strange as it may seem, one thing has never happened, to spark a love in myself and in another, instantly and reciprocally.
Pero aunque suene raro, nunca ha sucedido nada... para encender un amor en mí y en otro... instantánea y recíprocamente.
It has finally happened.
Al final ha pasado.
Zelig has no recollection, but admits... it could have happened during one of his spells.
Zelíg no recuerda nada, pero admíte que podría haber sucedído en una de sus etapas.
Then it is just possible that the news of what happened here last night has not reached them.
Luego es posible... que las noticias de lo que ha ocurrido aquí esta noche... no hayan llegado allí.
- Happened before, has it?
- Sucedió antes, algo así?
- Has it happened before?
- ha pasado antes?
It just happened 15 minutes ago.
¿ Ya te has enterado? Ha sido hace 15 minutos.
souls have gone... it's over... how much has happened when it has to end... Yet it still works... still works well, needs...
Pasan cosas que deberían hacerlo parar, pero continúa funcionando, y sigue funcionando...
- Lo que ha ocurrido está claro Sr. Flick
Now I suggest that we stack the bodies in the cellar, lock it, leave quietly one at a time, and pretend that none of this has ever happened.
Sugiero que pongamos los cuerpos en el sótano que lo cerremos y que nos vayamos uno a la vez y hacer de cuenta que esto nunca pasó.
Afraid to admit she was the best thing that ever happened to you because deep down inside, you know you blew it.
Con miedo a admitir que ella era lo mejor que te había pasado porque en el fondo sabes que la has cagado.
Is it unexpected, everything that has happened to me?
Todo lo que me llega es inesperado.
This tremendous thing has happened between us and it means... it means nothing must hinder us ever again.
Es algo extraordinario lo que ha sucedido entre nosotros y eso significa que nada debe impedirnos estar otra vez juntos para siempre.
The public transit system exists to deliver millions of people to their work every day, like an extension of the production-line process that runs the modern world, and that everybody has to fit into and that changed the meaning of work 200 years ago, when it first happened.
El sistema público de transporte existe para llevar a millones de personas a su trabajo todos los días como una extensión del proceso de producción que hace andar al mundo moderno y en que todo el mundo debe encajar y que cambió el significado del trabajo 200 años atrás, cuando empezó.
I beg you then, tell me exactly what has happened and what it may lead to.
Le ruego entonces que me cuente exactamente qué ha pasado y a qué puede conducir.
- It has happened a misfortune, ma'am.
Ha sucedido una desgracia, señora.
If anything has happened, I'd rather know it now.
Si algo ha sucedido, prefiero saberlo ahora.
You found my "G" spot, but this was a one-time trip to the moon. It happened, and there's nothing we can do about it now.
Has encontrado mi punto G, pero este viaje a la luna no se repetirá.
It really happened. You did it!
¡ Ha ocurrido, lo has logrado!
You see, Mr. Lester is the very image of punctuality, and if he didn't show up to see the Minister at 11 o'clock today, it means something horrible has happened.
Usted ve, el señor Lester es la imagen misma de la puntualidad, y si él no se presentó a ver al Ministro a las 11 horas de hoy, que significa algo horrible ha sucedido.
But it has happened.
Pero ha sucedido.
Nothing that's happened since has caused me to change it.
Nada de lo que ha ocurrido me ha hecho cambiar de opinion.
I mean, when you look at it, has anything that out of the ordinary really happened?
Si pensáis un poco, ¿ nos ha pasado algo fuera de Io común?
I hope it has not nothing happened.
Espero que no le haya pasado nada.
I think I should take this moment to tell you how deeply sorry I am that I didn't make it over this afternoon to personally apologize about, you know, last night, but the most incredible thing has happened to me.
Creo que debería aprovechar el momento para decirle cuanto siento no haber podido llegar esta tarde a su casa. Y una disculpa personal por lo de anoche, pero sabe, ha ocurrido algo increíble.
What has it got to do with what's happened?
¿ Qué tiene que ver... con lo que pasó?
You made it. I would have bet against that happened.
Has venido, hubiera apostado a que no venías.
for some miraculous reason... it's a wonderful feeling having a schoolteacher... you've seen dance naked in front of a mirror... but that's how it happened.
Por alguna razón milagrosa... es un sentimiento maravilloso tener a una maestra... que has visto ver bailar desnuda frente al espejo... pero fue así que sucedió.
What has happened here is so heinous, I almost can't bear to show it to you.
Lo que pasó aquí es tan atroz que casi no me atrevo a mostrártelo.
It is difficult to be sure without further investigations but I would conjecture that something has happened to Lynda during the course of her adolescence.
Es difícil estar seguro sin mayores investigaciones pero podría conjeturar que algo le ha pasado a Lynda durante el curso de su adolescencia.
Hey, it hasn't happened, has it?
No ha pasado.
It has will have going to have happen, happened but it hasn't actually... happened, happened yet, actually.
Ha tenido que haber estado a punto de pasar. Pero, en realidad, no ha pasado pasado aún.
I'm sorry it appears that something has happened to the, uh, kitten.
Quiero creerte.
Has something quite important happened to make him break it?
¿ Algo bastante importante le ha pasado para hacerle romperla?
But whatever the case, if something unsavoury has happened to Kerridge, it will reflect badly, not only on the college, but upon me.
Pero de cualquier forma, si algo desagradable le ha pasado a Kerridge, será malo. No sólo para la Facultad, sino también para mí.
It hasn't happened, has it?
No ha ocurrido, ¿ verdad?
I'm afraid it has a weak point for you it happened in the past
Me temo que hay un inconveniente... y es que el hecho ocurrió en el pasado
We can't, because if we travel into the future from this point in time, it will be the future of this reality, in which Biff is corrupt and powerful and married to your mother and in which this has happened to me.
No podemos porque si viajamos al futuro desde este punto, será el futuro de esta realidad en la cual Biff es corrupto y poderoso y está casado con tu madre y en la cual, ¡ a mí me ha sucedido esto!

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