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Kansas city translate Spanish

988 parallel translation
He married a Kansas City girl, daughter of Julius Kranz. The meat packer, you know.
Se casó con la hija de Julius Krantz, de Kansas, el rey del embalaje de carne.
Why did you leave Kansas City?
¿ Por qué dejó de Kansas City?
We were hurrying back to work, and he ran over and killed... a little girl and... then he got frightened and kept on going and... the car got smashed and.... after that I was afraid to stay in Kansas City, so I ran away.
Nos se apresuraba a volver al trabajo, y atropelló y mató a... una niña y... entonces él se asustó y continuó conduciendo y... el coche se estrelló y... después de eso tuve miedo de permanecer en Kansas City, así que me escapé.
Kansas City Dutch, that's the guy I get these 20s from, is blowing town tonight.
Kansas City Dutch, que me ha conseguido los billetes, se va de la ciudad esta noche.
I dropped him just outside Kansas City.
Lo eché en las afueras de Kansas City.
No, I was working on the Kansas City Star in those days.
No, en esos días yo trabajaba para el Kansas City Star.
The Gay Nineties unit calling from Kansas City.
El grupo Los Noventa Alegres llaman desde Kansas City.
Western Laundries installed it in all their Kansas City and St. Louis plants.
Las Lavanderías del Oeste lo instalaron en todas sus plantas de Kansas y St. Louis.
He got a cold in Vancouver, still had it in Kansas City and couldn't sing, so I...
Cogió un resfriado en Vancouver, aún lo tenía en Kansas y no podía cantar, así que...
Say, what happened to that woman who was kidnapped in Kansas City?
¡ Oiga! , ¿ qué pasó con esa mujer que secuestraron en Kansas City?
They got a hideout in Kansas City.
Tienen un escondite en Kansas City.
- Oh, you got a trip to Kansas City.
- Te dieron un viaje a Kansas City.
Bus for Kansas City leaving at gate number four.
El autobús para Kansas City. Saldrá de la dársena número 4.
Columbus, Dayton, Indianapolis, Saint Louis and Kansas City.
Dayotn, Indianápolis, San Louis y Kansas City.
Must be around Kansas city, huh?
Debemos estar en Kansas City, ¿ eh?
Kansas City and a lot of other spots too — the same bet, that Stanton wouldn't go five rounds.
Kansas City y muchos otros lugares. La misma apuesta : Que Stanton no llegaría a cinco asaltos.
Now it's Kansas City.
Ahora es Kansas City.
Nick was sober in Kansas City.
Nick estuvo sobrio en Kansas City.
Some as far as Kansas City.
Otros incluso de Kansas City.
That fella Kent reminds me of a friend of mine in Kansas City.
Ese Kent me recuerda a un amigo mío en Kansas City.
They're all going on to Wichita and kansas City.
Se marchan a Wichita y a kansas City.
No one in Kansas City, Kansas, sets a better table than my dear wife Violet.
Nadie en Kansas City, Kansas, pone la mesa mejor que mi querida esposa...
He's an easterner from Kansas City, Missouri.
Es del este, Kansas City, Misuri.
Kansas City, Kansas, brother.
Kansas City, Kansas, hermano.
Peacock. I'd like to go on, brother. I want to reach the bosom of my dear family, in Kansas City, Kansas as quickly as possible.
Es Peacock. Me gustaría continuar, hermano. Quiero llegar al seno de mi amada familia en Kansas City, Kansas tan pronto como pueda.
If you ever come to Kansas City, Kansas, I want you to come to see us.
Si viene alguna vez a Kansas City, Kansas, venga a vernos.
Johnny and I did a specialty act in a musical show in Kansas City.
Johnny y yo hicimos un acto en un show en Kansas City.
Beat it for Kansas City and stay there for when I wanna get you.
Vete a Kansas City y quédate allí para cuando vaya a buscarte.
You never heard about Kidd's arrangement in Kansas City?
¿ No ha oído el trato de Kidd en Kansas City?
They're in Kansas City. - Yeah?
Está en Kansas City.
We gotta be in Kansas City tomorrow.
Tenemos que estar en Kansas City mañana.
Don't stop till you get to Kansas City, no matter what.
No se detenga hasta que lleguen a Kansas City, pase lo que pase.
- You mean Kansas City, sir.
- Querrá decir Kansas City, señor.
But that's Jim Carter's, and he's gone to Kansas City.
Pero ahí vive Jim Carter y se fue a Kansas.
Spends most of his time in Kansas City.
Pasa casi todo su tiempo en Kansas.
Moonlight in Bermuda, moonlight in Kansas City. Moonlight in Weehawken.
Claro de luna en Bermudas, en Kansas City, en Weehawken.
- Kansas City?
- ¿ Kansas?
K. K. Maybe K for Kansas City, 25,000.
K. K. Tal vez K de Kansas City, $ 25000.
Someplace near the station.
Nos vemos en Kansas City, en la estación.
You'll get to Kansas City just as soon.
Tardará lo mismo en llegar a Kansas City.
Operator, I was talking with Kansas City.
¿ Telefonista? Estaba hablando con Kansas City.
It's one of them dang Kansas City jobs.
Te lo hizo alguien en Kansas City.
Maybe, but not in the same way you looked at me that first night in Kansas City.
Pero no como me miraste a mí esa primera noche en Kansas.
Won't Kansas City be surprised?
Cómo se sorprenderá Kansas City.
Now send the same message to Mr. and Mrs. Perry Livingston Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt and my mother in Kansas City.
Envía el mismo mensaje a Ios Livingston a Ia Sra. de VanderbiIt y a mi madre en Kansas.
A guy in Kansas City is taking them off our hands.
Un tipo en Kansas City nos las está quitando de las manos.
.. from Kansas City I got a couple of..
De Kansas City tengo un par de...
Des Moines, Minneapolis. Kansas City.
Des Moines, Minneapolis, Kansas City...
I sentence you to 31 days in the city jail but I'll suspend 30 days of that sentence if you give me your word that as soon as you get out tomorrow you'll go back to your folks in Kansas.
Le condeno a 31 días en la cárcel municipal, pero suspenderé 30 días de esa condena... si me da su palabra de que en cuanto salga mañana por la mañana... volverá a casa de sus padres en Kansas.
- Oh, Kansas City.
- Oh, Kansas City.
Buy the kid here a few clothes and meet me in Kansas City.
Compradle ropa a la chica.

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