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Let him up translate Spanish

2,186 parallel translation
All right, let him up. That's okay.You get blown up, Jax quits, you You okay?
Ok, levántalo. ¿ Todo bien?
I memorized it! You could have left it at that, you could've walked away, but no, you let him up!
Podrías haberlo dejado así, podrías haberte ído, pero no, ¡ dejaste que se parara!
So let's beat him up before you get a haircut.
Golpeémoslo antes de que usted se corte el cabello.
Come on, let's get him up.
Venga, vamos a levantarle.
We let him do his thing and he tells us what's up.
Nosotros le dejamos trapichear un poco, y él nos va diciendo cómo está la cosa.
I really think it would be best... if you let Mr. Tung fix him up before you see your son.
De veras creo que lo mejor... es que deje que el Sr. Tung lo arregle un poco antes de ver a su hijo.
All right, let's pack him up and get him to angio.
Cierto... Vamos a prepararlo y a llevarlo para angio.
Let's pack him up and get him up to the OR.
Vamos a llevarlo para quirófano
In your head, you know if you want Ronnie to grow up, you need to throw him out on his ass, but your heart won't let you do it.
En su cabeza, saben que si quieren que Ronnie crezca.. ... deben sacarlo a la fuerza pero sus corazones no los dejan. Este niño necesita amor duro.
Me and Randy were making up to the same guy on our lists... and since this was Randy's first time, I let him take the lead.
Randy y yo estábamos reparándole algo al mismo tipo en nuestras listas y ya que esta era la primera vez de Randy le dejé tomar la delantera.
You said that when his son James died, old Donaldson was ready to just give it all up. But you wouldn't let him.
Ud. dijo que, al morir su hijo James el viejo Donaldson estaba listo para rendirse por completo pero que no lo dejó.
You know, the real reason why the kid can't fall asleep at my place is because whenever he used to wake up in the middle of the night she'd let him climb into bed with us.
Sabe, la verdadera razón por la que el chico no puede dormirse en mi casa es porque cada vez que él se despertaba en medio de la noche ella lo dejaba meterse a la cama con nosotros.
And don't let him drink it all up for you.
Y no dejes que a beber todo para usted.
Let's go pick him up.
Vamos a atraparlo.
The least I could do is put him up for a couple of days and let him sleep in the master bedroom.
Lo menos que puedo hacer es tenerlo aquí por un par de días y dejarlo dormir en la alcoba principal.
Creo que se está calmando, así que permitámosle seguir con su horario, ¿ Está bien?
Let's get him up.
Vamos a levantarlo, ¿ sí?
All right, let's raise him all the way up.
- Muy bien, consigue todo.
Let's take the patient to seclusion and clean him up.
Lleven el paciente a aislamiento y límpienlo.
Let's really fuck him up this time.
Vamos a joderlo.
I couldn't hold on to him anymore, so I let him go. Broke my hand up real good.
Me rompio la mano
And when they finally let him out, he fucks everything up again.
Y cuando finalmente lo dejan salir, caga todo de nuevo.
Break we our watch up, and by my advice, let us impart what we have seen tonight unto young Hamlet, for, upon my life, this spirit, dumb to us, will speak to him.
Finalicemos la guardia, y, en mi opinión, vayamos a contar lo que hemos visto esta noche al joven Hamlet, porque, por mi vida, este espíritu, mudo para nosotros, hablará con él.
Don't let him mess up before I come back.
No permitas que la líe antes de que yo haya llegado.
Let him make up his own mind.
No te preocupes por eso. Que hagan lo que quieran.
He said he was in a police cell, but I read his charge sheet. He was banged up for five minutes before a mate let him out. - Let's go and get him.
Dice que estaba en una celda, pero leí su planilla del día estuvo encerrado cinco minutos antes que un compañero lo sacara.
And he just... he just let her shred him up there.
A la Clinica, a su credibilidad. Y él.. el dejo que lo hagan pedazos.
I vote we tie him up, let the police take care of it.
Voto para que le atemos, que la policía se encargue de él.
But if his mom abandoned him... gave him up for adoption, let him be raised by some loser family who never bothered telling him he wasn't theirs.
Si su madre lo abandonó lo entregó en adopción dejó que fuera criado por una familia de perdedores que nunca se preocupó en decirle que no era hijo de ellos.
Come on, let's get him up here.
Vamos a llevarle aquí arriba.
- If he comes up clean, let him go.
- Si no encuentran nada, déjalo ir.
OK, mandemos un uniformado para que lo recoja y lo traiga para acá.
Let's get him up.
Let's split up and find him.
Separémonos y encontrémosla.
Let's load him up.
Let's see that little dyke, Susie Swanson, beat him up now.
Veamos si la lesbiana de Susie Swanson puede pegarle ahora.
At least let me put a couple of bullets in him, soften him up.
Al menos déjame meterle algunas balas, para suavizarlo.
You have to open yourself up to him and let it come to you.
Hay que abrirse a Él y dejar que Él venga a ti.
Then he's, "Okay, up!"'Cause you wait and let him count.
Y entonces, dijo : "¡ De acuerdo, levántate!". Porque esperé y le dejé contar a él.
When he's down, you let him stand up, and if he wants to go on, you go on.
Cuando caiga deja que se levante y si quiere seguir, sigues.
"Don't let him chew up the rug."
"no lo dejes masticar la alfombra"
Let's bump him up a notch.
Hagámoslo más difícil.
Let him feel her up, stick his paws all over her.
Dejemoslo sentirla, pegar sus patas alrededor de ella.
Looks like Lederman's waking up, let's see if we can get that tube out of him
Nutterman se está despertando, a ver como reacciona.
Let's get him stabilized and up to the o.
Vamos a estabilizarlo y lo subimos al quirófano.
Mikey met him back in'97when he blew up a - - well, let's just saythat he really hates mikey.
Mikey lo conoció en el'97 cuando hizo que... Bueno, digamos que odia y mucho a Mikey.
Okay, let's get him into the C.T. scanner, check out that head injury. Bryce, you close him up.
Muy bien, le realizaremos una tomografía computada para revisar la herida en la cabeza.
Let's get him up.
Cuidado, que va a golpear su cabeza.
Let's get him up to the NICU.
Llevémosle a sala de intensiva de neonatales.
Let's find his phone number and call him up
Busquemos su número y llamémosle.
If they're so interested in what we're up to, I say let them see. Where did Freelander take him?
Si están interesados en lo que hacemos déjales que lo vean. ¿ Dónde lo recogió Freelander?

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