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Let him stay translate Spanish

651 parallel translation
"Let him stay there!"
"¡ Dejémosle quedar allí!"
Why, I wouldn't let him stay.
Vete antes de que te nombre editor de noticias locales.
Just let him stay there.. sure.
No, que se quede allí.
And don't let him stay up late.
Que no se acueste muy tarde.
After another futile sermon, you'll let him stay.
Le darás otro inútil sermón y luego le dejarás que se quede.
Le dejé trasnochar para que pudiera hablar contigo.
Think I'll let him stay by himself?
¿ Cree que voy a dejarlo solo?
¿ Cómo ha podido mantenerlo alejado de su hora de oración?
he'll disturb your majesty let him stay here he doesn't disturb me
Para que no moleste a su Majestad. ¡ Déjalo! No me molesta.
Oh, let him stay in jail, it will teach him a lesson.
Deja que se quede en la cárcel, eso le enseñará.
- Let him stay and have a bite of supper.
No seas duro con él. Deja que se quede a cenar.
- But don't let him stay up too long.
- No dejes que se desvele demasiado.
I couldn't let him stay.
No puede estar aquí.
Do let him stay.
Deje que se quede.
Don't let him stay down there and tell all other fish what going on.
No lo dejes abajo para que le diga a los demás lo que pasa.
Let him stay, Lady.
Dejad que se quede, Señora.
Let him stay that way, for all I give a darn.
Pues que siga así, a mí me da igual.
You can't let him stay in there.
No pueden dejar que se quede ahí.
He wasn't even here when captain Starr came back. He didn't want to let him stay.
Ed no ha tenido nada que ver.
Let him stay Farnsworth, like he is. I'll make it well worth your while.
Que se quede en Farnsworth, tal como es.
I've brought you the translation, Madame Principal thank you, we'll talk about it some other time certainly, I'll leave no, let him stay he knows Armin as you wish, my child
Le he traído la traducción, Señora Principal, gracias, hablaremos sobre ello en otro momento ciertamente, saldré no, dejele quedarse él conoce a Armin como quiera, mi niño
Ah, Matt, let him stay.
Matt, deja que se quede.
It is too dangerous to let him go, it may be too dangerous to let him stay.
Es peligroso dejarlo ir o que permanezca.
Let him stay here in peace.
Déjalo quedarse aquí en paz.
Take good care of the boy. Let him stay in bed for a day or two.
Deje al chico quedarse en cama un día o dos.
We never should've let him stay on board.
No deberíamos dejar que se quede.
I let him stay here and approach you
Le dejé quedarse aquí y acercarse a ti.
Let him stay, will you?
- Deja que se quede, ¿ quieres? - No, gracias.
Let him stay at your place
Podría ayudarte.
Will you let him stay again?
¿ Dejarás que se vuelva a quedar?
Tucker : we'll let him stay there.
Que se quede allí.
Let him stay where he is.
Que se quede ahí.
I let him stay, it's another rap.
Le dejé quedarse, es otra acusación.
If we'd only let him stay in jail, maybe it wouldn't... Oh, Lucy, we can't be second-guessers.
Si le hubiéramos dejado en la cárcel...
No, let him stay there for now.
No, déjale que se quede allí por ahora.
Well, I can't let him stay in jail.
No puedo dejarle en la cárcel.
No... let him stay.
No... déjamelo.
Just let me get my hands on him, he'll stay at the best hospital.
Si le pesco, acabará en el mejor hospital.
We can't let that baby stay in that atmosphere another minute... now that we've found him.
Ese bebé no puede permanecer ni un minuto más en ese ambiente... ahora que lo hemos encontrado.
But let us stay just till I kill him for you.
¡ Bravo! Y si es preciso estoy dispuesto a matar.
I should've let you stay with him.
Debería haberte dejado con él.
Why don't you invite Paul to stay on for dinner? And let him drive you into town afterwards.
¿ Por qué no invitas a Paul a cenar... y que luego te lleve en coche a la ciudad?
Now you stay here and let him tell her!
¡ El la respeta!
Let him stay.
- Déjelo que se quede.
Now you stay here and let him tell her.
Ahora te quedas aquí y lo dejas contarle.
I would like to talk to your Father and get him to let you stay.
Quisiera hablar con su padre para que la deje quedarse.
If he'd rather stay with Blue Boy than eat, well, let him.
Si prefiere quedarse con Chico Azul, déjalo.
- You stay here with the Sergeant. Don't let him do anything.
Él sustituirá al sargento.
That's right, let him stay
¡ Oh, vamos!
- Let's get him! Stay down!
Vamos por él.
You gotta let me stay here... You can't chase me away! Tell him, Marion!
¡ Me tiene que ayudar!

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