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Many reasons translate Spanish

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There are many reasons here why you did not return.
Hay muchas razones aquí por las que no regresará.
For many reasons, but let it suffice... as I told you before I am a dying woman.
- Por muchas razones, pero... como le dije antes... - ¿ Por qué? -... soy una mujer moribunda.
There are many reasons.
Hay muchas razones.
As you will recall. I've been considering opening a New York office. As the time seems right for many reasons.
Como recordarás, he estado pensando en abrir una oficina en Nueva York, ya que creo que el momento es favorable.
I hate you so much for so many reasons.
Te odio por muchas razones.
Mr. Ben will advance many reasons for bringing the mill to our town. "
El Sr. Ben propondrá varias razones para traer el molino al pueblo.
- For many reasons.
- Por muchas razones.
- Oh, so many reasons.
- Por muchas razones.
There are many reasons for this street being unfinished.
Sr. Maxwell, debe usted recordar que llevo 25 años en este negocio.
Karen, I gave you many reasons for wanting to go to England.
Karen, te di muchas razones para irme a Inglaterra.
No. There are many reasons, but.. I'd like you to believe in me.
Hay muchas razones pero debes creerme.
And I had many reasons not to.
Y tenía bastantes razones para ello.
You're to be congratulated... For many reasons.
Debemos felicitarla por muchas razones.
You've had so many reasons for not wanting to marry me.
Siempre has tenido motivos para no querer casarte conmigo.
So many reasons, Cora.
- ¿ Y por qué no? Por muchas razones.
There are many reasons Why you should rejoice
Hay muchas razones Por las que deberías regocijarte
The pipal tree is sacred to Hindus for many reasons.
El baniano o higuera de Bengala es un árbol sagrado para los hindúes por varias razones.
You had so many reasons for returning.
Tenías muchas razones para regresar.
I can think of many reasons why you shouldn't have considered me.
Puedo pensar en varias razones por las que no debiste considerarme.
- Berlin is a strange, large city. There are many reasons why a young girl should simply vanish from the streets.
- Berlín es una ciudad extraña, hay muchas razones por las que una joven puede desaparecer.
Many reasons, both.. Personal and political.
Por una serie de razones, personales y políticas.
There are many reasons for not acting as you think.
tengo varias razones para no actuar como Ud. Dice.
You were right when you said there were many reasons.
No mentías cuando decías que había muchas razones.
- For many reasons.
- Por varias razones.
You can't tell a kid to be good. He's got too many reasons to be bad.
No puede decirle a un chico que sea bueno, tiene demasiadas razones para ser malo.
No, but I believe for many reasons that this is an organic poison.
No, creo que se trata de un veneno orgánico.
You said for many reasons. What other reasons?
¿ Que otras pistas puede darnos?
Really, just between us... your husband doesn't have that many reasons to be jealous, let alone the right.
Entre nosotros... su marido no tiene muchos motivos para estar celoso, y ni el derecho.
This is a happy night for many reasons.
Ésta es una noche feliz por muchas razones.
'Men find many reasons for killing each other -'greed, revenge, jealousy'or perhaps because they worship God by different names.
Los hombres tienen muchas razones para matarse entre sí. Avaricia, venganza, celos o quizás porque nombran a Dios con nombres diferentes,
Many reasons.
Por muchas razones.
There are many reasons.
- Hay muchas razones.
I suspect there are many reasons, Sir. Reasons of a personal nature. Oh.
Sospecho que fueron muchas, señor... razones personales.
We can be certain and for many reasons!
¡ Tenemos la certeza y por varios motivos!
- It could've been for one of many reasons.
- Pudo ser por varias razones..
For many reasons.
Y qué es lo que me dio...?
Hilda could've had many reasons.
Hilda podía tener muchos motivos.
There are many reasons why I can't think of you as a cost accountant.
Hay varias razones por las que no me parece un contador analítico.
There are many reasons.
Pues, existen varias razones.
I've as many reasons as you.
¿ Por qué quieres esta revolución tanto?
I've no doubt there are many reasons, but it was the war that...
No me cabe duda de que hay muchas razones, pero la culpable es la guerra...
I'll give you my reasons for not guilty. The evidence for the defense by the doctor is to my mind conclusive. Anyone who's followed the modern trend of pscyhological investigations must be aware that any person suffering from severe mental strain, such as the prisoner may have been following on so many rehearsals and things, may bring about a sudden condition
Cualquiera que siga el giro de las investigaciones psicológicas sabe que quien sufra de una severa tensión mental... como la acusada pudo haberlo hecho, el hecho de tantos ensayos... puede causar cierta condición en la cual la paciente... ya no está consciente de o responsable por sus actos.
I myself have touched many shoulders, but, uh, for other reasons.
Yo mismo he tocado muchos hombros... pero por otras razones.
- 22. - How many for political reasons?
- ¿ Cuántos por delitos políticos?
- There might be many other reasons.
- Puede haber más razones.
But I can assure you, she's had many very good reasons for being grateful.
Pero puedo asegurarle que tuvo buenas razones para estar agradecida.
I don't know why, but nature's provided too many of these and for reasons of her own has decided that most of them must die.
No sé por qué, pero la Naturaleza hace que haya demasiados. Por eso, muchos deben morir.
But I assure you that outside of his niceness and his brightness there are many other reasons why I'm in love with him.
Le aseguro que aparte de ser tan culto y agradable hay otros motivos por los que le quiero.
I've given leave to many of you, to stay here for personal reasons.
A algunos les he permitido que se queden aquí por motivos personales.
Many years ago, wiser men than i decided to try and eliminate the reasons for inequality and injustice in this world of ours.
Hace muchos años, hombres más sabios que yo decidieron probar y eliminar las razones de la desigualdad y la injusticia en este mundo nuestro.
Many reasons.
Muchas razones.

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