More often than not translate Spanish
201 parallel translation
More often than not, like when love is the motive, it's a temporary depression.
Pero de una cosa podemos estar seguros : muchas veces, especialmente cuando el móvil es el amor... se suele tratar de una crisis pasajera.
True, sometimes we must pay money, but more often than not... a kiss, a little wine.
A veces tenemos que pagar, pero suele ser cuestión de un beso o un poco de vino.
More often than not lately.
Últimamente esos días no son raros.
Life is a roundabout, how often it turns with you, and more often than not you've idea what it's about.
La vida es una rueda, que gira sin cesar que marca tu destino, y dicta tu final.
I paid the guinea myself, more often than not.
Pagué más veces la guinea yo que ellos.
She must have landed at the bottom more often than not.
Ella quedaría en último lugar muy a menudo.
Start, more often than not,... and it would start making the sound "DeGaulle, DeGaulle, DeGaulle."
Arranca, más bien que mal y empieza a hacer "DeGaulle, DeGaulle, DeGaulle"
And I imagine that, more often than not, he's successful.
Y me imagino que generalmente tiene éxito.
And more often than not... human blood.
En muchos de estos casos, sangre humana.
By the time he'd been persuaded to relent, so little was left of Warsaw that the supplies dropped fell more often than not into German hands.
En el momento en que había sido persuadido a ceder, por lo poco que quedaba de Varsovia que los suministros cayeron cayó más de las veces en manos alemanas.
Suspicions of marital infidelity are more often than not groundless.
Las sospechas de infidelidad, a menudo, son infundadas.
But not more often than not.
¡ Pero no con tanta frecuencia!
In the St. Louis division, they got them doubling-out more often than not.
En la división de St. Louis, les hacen trabajar doble turno.
More often than not, they forgot that I was there.
A menudo olvidaban que estaba allí.
More often than not, I'm on the right side.
Solo que mas a menudo que el, suelo estar en el lugar adecuado.
More often than not, I get the pummeling.
la mayoría de las veces, yo consigo aporrear.
The ancient Hawaiians often turned to the soothing rhizome of the ginger plant to ease the pain of profound confusion, which, more often than not, was sexual.
Los antiguos hawaianos utilizaban el rizoma relajante del jengibre para calmar el dolor de la confusión profunda, la cual, con mucha frecuencia, era sexual.
More often than not Are hotter than hot
Intenso calor No he visto algo peor
Either we don't know what part of ourselves to give, or, more often than not, the part we have to give is not wanted.
O no sabemos que parte de nosotros darles o, más frecuentemente, la parte que tenemos para dar es rechazada.
More often than not are hotter than hot
# A menudo son más calientes que calientes. #
- More often than not.
- No más a menudo que eso.
Women are about that as more often than not
Generalmente son las mujeres que los abandonan.
Problem is, more often than not, the FBI stands for "forget about it."
El problema es que FBI muchas veces significa : "Olvídalo".
You're a brave pig. And, Babe, more often than not in this uncertain world, fortune favors the brave.
Y te diré, Babe, en este mundo incierto la suerte favorece al valiente.
But more often than not, I am identified as... a homosexual.
Pero la mayor parte del tiempo me identifican como homosexual.
I was sexualized way too young and I don't wish that on anybody. I mean, sex at such a young age more often than not is a bad idea.
Me sumergí en el sexo muy pronto y eso no se lo deseo a nadie, porque conocer el sexo tan joven no suele ser una buena idea.
More often than not, I've been a convenient scapegoat.
La mayoría de las veces, he sido un chivo expiatorio.
More often than not, I get my heart broken.
Más pronto que nada, tengo el corazón roto.
Sometimes you get 30, sometimes it's 4 and... more often than not, it's just milk.
A veces compras el 30, y es 4, y muchas veces es leche.
How, more often than not... you have to compromise your thinking just to be understood.
Cómo, con frecuencia... debe relegar lo que piensa para que la entiendan.
Of course more often than not... he can't find her external genitalia through all that body armor... so dinner ends up being kind of a bust from a biological perspective.
Aunque claro, muy seguido, no puede encontrar sus genitales... por toda la armadura, entonces... termina siendo una cena interrumpida, desde el punto de vista biológico.
And It was more often than not, frequented by roughnecks... and thugs.
En su mayoría, lo frecuentaban vagabundos... y malandros.
More often than not, Molly would hear him.
La mayoría de las veces, Molly lo oía.
Well, more often than not, it tends to be somewhat abbreviated.
La mayoría de las veces el asunto tiende a abreviarse.
More often than not it's gonna be the other way around, so...
A menudo será de otra manera, por eso...
Because you know once Joey sets his mind on something more often than not, he's going to have sex with it.
Sabes que cuando Joey tiene algo en mente pues tú entiendes... Él se acuesta con eso.
Because you have to know that if you're hiding, more often than not, your fears will come looking for you.
Porque sabes que si te escondes... más seguido que si no lo haces... tus miedos te buscarán.
But more often than not, the answers we've been looking for have been inside us all along.
Sin embargo, a menudo,... esas respuestas que buscabas llevan tiempo dentro de nosotros.
And, more often than not, you're gonna trade in the shot glass for a dozen Krispy Kremes and start pounding them away with both hands.
y a menudo trata de conseguir un trago por una docena de donuts y empieza a machacarlos con ambas manos.
Germans or descendants of Germans. Often With no more than a drop..... of German blood in their veins, suddenly learned they Were God-like. Not subject to the land in Which they live or..... to Which they owe their allegiance..... Whether it be Czechoslovakia....
Alemanes o descendientes de alemanes, frecuentemente con o mas... de que una gota de sangre alemán en sus venas, repentinamente... aprendlerón que ellos eran como dioses, y no estaban mas sujetos... a leyes de la tierra donde vivían y donde ellos eran devotos de sus religiones... fuese en Checoslovaqula...
Yes, look, Miss. I've noticed that children in the city,... are distracted by certain things, not always appropriate to their age,... and that most of the time, are often more harmful than recreational... like cinema, radio, television,... sports, comic books,...
Sí, mire, señorita, he notado que los niños en la ciudad, se distraen con ciertas cosas, no siempre apropiadas a su edad, y que la mayor parte de las veces, son más dañosas que recreativas,
Which domestic problem as it is, if not more than any other, often disruption to your mind?
¿ Qué problema doméstico le preocupaba tanto o más que cualquier otro que tuviera en mente?
I mean, not that it's much better with my mother, who sees Lindsay much more often than I do.
Quiero decir, no si también está mi madre quien ve a Lindsay mucho más a menudo que yo.
It's not often you come out of an attack with more people alive than you went in with.
Rara vez se sale de un ataque con más gente viva que con la que entraste.
Time travel is not unknown in history. There is evidence that it happened more often than any suspect.
Viajar en el tiempo no es imposible, hay pruebas de que ello sucede a menudo.
I'm not worried about celestial battles, but about those down here, where the wounds are often more mortal than the sins.
No me preocupan los combates celestiales si no los de aquí abajo, dónde las heridas suelen ser más mortales que los pecados.
Not always, but more often than you think.
No siempre es así, pero más a menudo de lo que creen.
I'm not gonna let you do it. Better me than someone else saying you need to brush more often.
Mejor que te lo diga yo y no otra.
So... we simply ask a question and the subject responds, but often what is not said... is far more important than what is said.
Así que simplemente le hacemos una pregunta y ella responde. Pero lo que no dice es más importante que lo que dice.
And what's... What's not being said is often more important than what's stated, particularly by Congress.
Y lo que no se dice, es a menudo lo más importante que lo que declara el Congreso.
I mean, not that it's much better with my mother, who sees Lindsay much more often than I do.
Quiero decir, no es que esté mucho mejor con mi madre. La cual ve a Lindsey con más frecuencia que yo.
more often 24
more or less 614
more than you know 97
more than you think 24
more drinks 21
more than ever 118
more than you can imagine 30
more than anything else 28
more than enough 37
more tea 49
more or less 614
more than you know 97
more than you think 24
more drinks 21
more than ever 118
more than you can imagine 30
more than anything else 28
more than enough 37
more tea 49
more than you 43
more than you'll ever know 22
more to the point 94
more than me 30
more than anything 252
more than once 124
more than likely 53
more than that 286
more time 37
more important 47
more than you'll ever know 22
more to the point 94
more than me 30
more than anything 252
more than once 124
more than likely 53
more than that 286
more time 37
more important 47