Mother and daughter translate Spanish
825 parallel translation
Mother and daughter, bag and baggage, without a trace.
Madre e hija, con todos sus efectos... sin dejar rastro.
My mother and daughter will find nothing to be ashamed of.
Mi madre y mi hija no tendrán nada de qué avergonzarse.
Mother and daughter, old friends.
Madre e hija, viejas amigas.
- You look like mother and daughter.
- Son como madre e hija.
Sort of a mother and daughter.
Como madre e hija.
The mother and daughter have gone to Kanda?
¿ La madre y la hija han ido a Kanda?
There's only five years between us but with my looks, people often think we're mother and daughter!
Sólo hay una diferencia de cinco años entre nosotras, ¡ pero con mi aspecto, la gente cree a menudo que somos madre e hija!
Don't get mixed up between mother and daughter.
Te han puesto entre madre e hija.
I'm searching for two women, a mother and daughter.
Busco a dos mujeres. Madre e hija.
They're mother and daughter?
¿ Son madre e hija?
He'll take mother and daughter both.
Está dispuesto a llevar la hija y la madre.
Is there no respect anymore even between mother and daughter?
¿ Es que ya no hay respeto entre madre e hija?
Between Erna, Mother Krause's daughter and the subletter, there is a gulf.
Erna, la hija de madre Krause y el realquilado, un golfo.
Between my mother and my daughter.
Entre mi madre y mi hija.
My mother killed a rat, and I'm her daughter!
Y ahora su hija va a matar a otras.
'Cause all my life I'll be seeing Nancy voorhees'daughter Standing there and asking me why I killed her mother.
Porque toda mi vida estaré viendo a la hija de Nancy Voorhes... ahí de pie, preguntándome por qué maté a su madre.
" to escort your daughter and her mother,
"... para escoltar a vuestra hija y su madre, "
Finally, after three months of this, I told her mother that I loved Concha, and that although there were certain ties I couldn't form, I wished to provide for her daughter, take charge of her education.
Finalmente, después de tres meses así... le dije a la madre que amaba a Concha... y que aunque había ciertos vínculos que no podía formar... deseaba proveer al sostén de su hija, encargarme de su educación.
Agathe and Madeleine adored their mother. Whenever one of us had enjoyed one of the daughter's favors several times in a row, she'd always tell him,
La niñas adoraban a su madre... siempre que alguno de nosotros solicitaba sus favores... nos decían :
One summer Sunday in 1860, Monsieur Dufour, Parisian ironmonger.. ... borrowed a milk cart and set off to commune with nature accompanied by wife, mother-in-law, daughter and intended son-in-law
Un domingo de verano de 1860, el Sr. Dufour, un ferretero parisino pidió prestado un carromato de leche y decidió acercarse a la naturaleza acompañado por su mujer, su suegra, su hija y su futuro yerno.
well... that's reassuring not for me, my dear not at all you see, my dear Frau Peters you as a mother must want to avoid anything that might harm your daughter's good reputation don't you think it would be better for both of you... if you and your daughter could move to another province of our beautiful and large homeland?
Bueno es tranquilizador. No para mí, querido para nada. Mire, mi querida Sra. Peters...
But your daughter can take good care of you, and maybe she don't want her mother around, kibitzing.
Pero su hija le puede cuidar y no querrá alarmarla.
I, Princess Kukachin, of the house and blood of Genghis Khan, through my father, KubIai, Khan of Khans, and my royal mother, Tarakhan, who was the daughter of HiIdeba, who was the daughter of Queen Darceen...
Yo, la princesa Kukachin... de la casa y sangre de Genghis Khan... por mi padre, Kublai, Khan de Khanes... y mi madre real, Tarakhan... que fue hija de Hildeba... hija de la reina Darceen...
of course it's my daughter and how clever she is, how quick, just like her late mother
Pues claro que es mi hija... Es tan juiciosa, tan espabilada,... ¡ igual que su difunta madre!
A decent home and a hard-working mother with a crook for a daughter.
Un buen hogar, una madre trabajadora. ... y una hija ladrona.
My daughter needs her, and as more than just a mother.
- Mi niña le necesita, más que a una madre.
In September my daughter was born and a week later my husband has the misfortune to lose his mother.
En septiembre nació mí hija-- - y una semana después-- - mi marido tuvo la desgracia de perder a su madre.
Her mother and father couldn't have been nicer to me if I'd been their own daughter.
Sus padres no pudieron ser más amables conmigo de haber sido su hija.
So I've decided never to take a wife. Because, uh, a mother-in-law and a daughter-in-law... Well, that doesn't work out so well.
Así que he decidido no casarme porque una suegra y una nuera bueno, no suelen llevarse muy bien.
My darling daughter, it is terrifying to think that so many years have passed and we still haven't seen each other but Mother misses you, and...
Mi querida hija : Aterroriza el pensar que pasaron tantos años sin que pudiéramos vernos pero madre te extraña y...
The mother takes the daughter, and the father is left with the son.
La madre se lleva a la hija y el padre se queda con el hijo.
The mother smiles and the daughter looks like a fool.
La madre no para de sonreír y la hija tiene la mirada de una completa idiota.
Mary, this is Colonel Thursday's daughter and this is Mrs. O'Rourke, the wife of our sergeant major and the mother of a very fine young officer.
Mary, es la hija del coronel Thursday. La Sra. O'Rourke, esposa del sargento... y madre de un joven oficial brillante.
Hail, daughter and handmaid of our heavenly Father, mother of our beloved Lord Jesus Christ, and spouse of the Holy Spirit.
En Ti toda plenitud de gracia y de virtud.
look down and see this mother here on earth who wishes to see her daughter but can't because your mother won't let her.
mira a esta madre en la Tierra que quiere ver a su hija pero no puede porque tu madre no la deja.
I took your daughter in out of pity, to save her from misery and make a decent woman out of her, with no father or mother to be ashamed of!
Recogí a su hija por compasión, para salvarla de la miseria, del mal, y hacer de ella una mujer honrada que no tuviera que avergonzarse de su padre ni de su madre.
You're trying to split a mother and her daughter up?
¿ Cómo se le ocurre llevarse a una chica sin su mamá?
"I'm going to kill my father, or my mother, or my daughter and all I have to do is get Aubanel as my lawyer"?
"Voy a matar a mi padre o a mi madre o a mi hija. " Al final mi abogado Aubanel me salvará "
My dear Daughter Your father and mother have been recalled by the Lord
Querida hija, sus padres han sido llamados por el Señor. ¿ Y mi hermana Denise?
The mother opened the door and saw her daughter dressed in white, a bride, with the veil on top, so beautiful like a dream!
La madre abrió la puerta... y vio a la hija vestida de blanco, de novia,... con el velo en la cabeza, tan hermosa que parecía un sueño.
Burned up the father and the mother and the daughter.
Se quemaron el padre, la madre y la hija.
And anyway, Mother... he's probably engaged to marry the daughter of the adjoining ranch... who, though beautiful, is comparatively poor.
Y de todos modos, madre, seguramente estará comprometido con la hija del rancho colindante, quien, aunque bonita, en comparación es pobre.
You've been both a daughter and a mother.
Has sido tanto hija como madre.
I said you were the daughter and she was really your mother.
Dije que usted era la hija y ella era su madre.
Mother, I'm thirty years old, and I have a daughter...
Madre, tengo treinta años, y tengo una hija...
You're gonna pack every mother, son and daughter of them...
Empaquetarás cada madre, hijo e hija langosta...
She's a fine mother, and you're quite a good daughter.
Ella es una buena madre, y tú eres muy buena hija.
The daughter comes in, finding her mother and father gone, leaving only the guests with drinks in their hands and then...
Cuando la hija llega y descubre que sus padres han desaparecido... y sólo quedan los invitados con sus copas en la mano y...
Father and daughter is OK, but when a girl gets to a certain age, that's when she misses a mother.
Padre e hija está bien, pero, cuando una chica llega a cierta edad, es cuando más echa de menos a su madre.
I believed that she was my daughter, and that I was her real mother.
Creía que era mi hija y que yo la había parido.
She was both... mother and doting daughter at the same time.
Era a la vez mi madre y mi hija cariñosa, pero...
daughter 495
daughters 66
daughter time 24
daughter dance 36
daughter thing 16
mother 8072
motherfucker 2207
motherfuckers 280
mothers 67
motherfucking 21
daughters 66
daughter time 24
daughter dance 36
daughter thing 16
mother 8072
motherfucker 2207
motherfuckers 280
mothers 67
motherfucking 21