None of it's true translate Spanish
87 parallel translation
Nada de eso es verdad... Ni una palabra.
Mom, none of it's true, is it?
Mama, nada de eso es cierto, ¿ verdad?
But none of it's true.
Pero nada de ello es verdad.
Valeria, listen to me, none of it's true!
Valeria, escúchame... ¡ Nada es verdad!
None of it's true!
¿ Ves como nada es cierto?
None of it's true.
No hay nada cierto.
None of it's true any more then?
¿ Y entonces... no es cierto nada?
None of it's true, sir.
Nada de eso es verdad, señor.
I said none of it's true.
Dije que no era cierto.
And if it's a trap,... and none of this is true,... I'm gonna set the church on fire with all of you in it.
Si es una trampa y nada de esto es cierto... prenderé fuego a la iglesia con todos ustedes dentro.
None of it's true! Not a word!
Ni una palabra es verdad!
Even if it's true, it's none of your business.
Incluso si es verdad, no te incumbe.
It's not true. None of it's true.
No es cierto, nada es cierto.
Well, none of it's true.
Pues nada de eso es cierto.
Well, saying that the titled aristocracy are the scum of the Earth... is... - well, is obviously an exaggeration. - But it's true that the forces that oblige members of the U.H. B... to at least appear to act productively and responsibly... carries little weight, or none at all... with members of society whose social positions are secure no matter what they do.
Decir que la aristocracia con título es la hez de la tierra es obviamente una exageración, pero es verdad que las fuerzas que obligan a los miembros de la HBU a fingir que son productivos y responsables tienen poco sentido, o ninguno,
There's a lot of things going around about me, but none of it's true. Okay?
Se dicen muchas cosas sobre mí, pero ninguna es cierta, ¿ de acuerdo?
It's true that none of the bands have signed.
Es verdad que ningún grupo ha sido contratado.
It's okay if none of that is true.
Está bien, si nada de eso es verdad.
Yes, it's true, but it's none of your business.
Sí, es verdad, pero no es asunto tuyo.
But none of it's true, Josh.
Pero nada de esto es cierto, Josh.
Especially when none of it's true.
En especial cuando nada de esto es verdad.
The minister was talking about the mystery of faith, how easy it is to doubt what you can't prove, and how even though none of us saw the miracle in the Lord's tomb, all's we had to do was believe in it hard enough and it would be true.
El pastor habló del misterio de la fe. De lo fácil que es poner en tela de juicio lo que no se puede demostrar y de que, si bien ninguno de nosotros vio el milagro en la tumba del Señor, sólo había que creerlo con todas las fuerzas para que se convirtiera en realidad.
So don't believe a word he says cos none of it's true.
No le crean una palabra Todo es mentira
It's an urban legend. None of it's true.
Nada de eso es cierto.
None of it's true!
¡ Nada de eso es verdad!
None of it's true.
Pero nada es cierto.
It's not true. Tell me none of it's true. - What did they tell you?
- Dime que nada de eso es verdad - ¿ Qué te dijeron?
Even if that were true, doctor, it's none of your business.
Aunque eso fuera cierto, no es asunto suyo.
It's true none of you have the power that Faith and I do.
Es cierto, ninguna tiene el poder que tenemos Faith y yo.
I mean, it's none of my business and it's probably not even true... but did I hear correctly that you work at the Diamond Ranch?
Sé que no me incumbe y probablemente ni siquiera sea cierto... pero, ¿ es verdad que trabajas en el Rancho Diamante?
I don't want to know, because none of it's true--none of it!
- No quiero oír las mentiras. - ¿ Dónde lo encontró él?
- But Lily, none of it's true.
- Lily, nada de eso es verdad.
But if you would take the time to get to know him, I think that you would realize that none of it's true.
Pero si tomaras un tiempo para conocerlo, pienso que comprenderías que nada de eso es verdad.
If you're wondering what's true and what isn't fuck off, because it's none of your goddamn business.
Me la suda si pensáis que no es verdad. No es asunto vuestro.
It's not... None of that stuff is true.
Nada de eso es verdad.
Well, even if that were true, it's none of our business, is it?
- Bueno, aún si así fuera, no nos importa, ¿ o sí?
None of these waitresses ever seem happy. It's true.
Ninguna de estas meseras parecen felices.
You told me he's dead, that he died when you were young. You've said a lot of things and apparently none of it is true.
Me dijiste que habia muerto cuando eras pequeño has dicho muchas cosas y al parecer, nada es cierto.
- You know none of it's true.
Sabes que nada de eso es cierto.
None of it's true.
Nada de eso es verdad.
True.. What should I use.. It's none of your business!
Cierto... qué puedo usar... ¡ No es asunto tuyo!
Great. None of it's true, cousin.
Pues nada de eso es verdad, primo.
So none of it's true?
- ¿ Así que nada de eso es cierto?
All this stuff is coming at you and none of it's true but nobody believes you.
Todo esto viene a ti y nada de esto es cierto, pero nadie te cree.
None of it's true.
Nada de eso es cierto.
- It's none of my business, really. - That's true.
- No me concierne, en realidad, - ¿ De verdad?
You think I stole those pills from the lab, and that's why you took Kyle. None of it was true.
Piensas que robé esas pastillas del laboratorio, y por eso cogiste a Kyle.
None of it's true.
¡ Nada de eso es cierto!
None of it's true.
Todo mentira.
He'll tell you anything you wanna hear, and none of it's true.
Te dirá lo que quieres oír y nada es cierto.
It, s not true, Nicki, none of it.
No es verdad, Nicki, nada de eso.
none of your fucking business 29
none of your business 604
none of the above 48
none of my business 113
none of your damn business 35
none of them 95
none of us 41
none of us are 53
none of it 118
none of us can 26
none of your business 604
none of the above 48
none of my business 113
none of your damn business 35
none of them 95
none of us 41
none of us are 53
none of it 118
none of us can 26