Not at night translate Spanish
1,315 parallel translation
- No, not at night.
- No, no de noche.
100 degrees Fahrenheit, not one call coming in. 40 percent of all murders happen at night.
100 grados Fahrenheit, ni una sola llamada próximos pulg 40 por ciento de todos los asesinatos se producen de noche.
Well, I'm not so sure we were at your father's office last night.
No estoy seguro de que hayamos estado en la oficina de tu padre.
Lately, with Paul not home at night, it's hard for me to get to sleep.
Ultimamente, con Paul fuera a la noche, es dificil para mi ir a dormir.
Not going to be easy finding somewhere at this time of night.
No va a ser fácil encontrar algo a estas horas de la noche.
And as I stood steadfastly at her side and heard the jury say "not guilty"... I knew that woman had been with another man the night of that killing.
Y mientras estaba incondicionalmente a su lado y oía al jurado decir "inocente"... sabía que esa mujer había estado con otro hombre la noche del asesinato.
It's not going to keep us up at night.
No nos va a quitar el sueño.
Hey, you should not talk like that, unless you want Donna's mother finds out what were you doing last night at Marphis Point.
Oye, no deberías hablar así, a no ser que quieras que la madre de Donna se entere de lo que estabas haciendo anoche en Marphis Point.
I called Pinky at home last night, his mother answered, and she said that Pinky couldn't speak to me and that I should try not contacting him any more.
Anoche llame a Pinky a su casa. Contesto su madre Dijo que Pinky no podia hablar conmigo.
They're not the bandits who strike at night at the border.
No son los bandidos que atacan por la noche en la frontera.
Not that I lay here at night and feel myself up.
No es que me la pase masturbándome aquí.
Every Federation colonist knows you do not go out alone at night.
Todo colono federal sabe que no se debe salir solo de noche.
- Not at all. - l was up late last night.
- Me quedé despierto hasta tarde.
For the last few months, whenever we'd go out at night and check on the cattle, we never saw anything out of the ordinary - not a mountain lion, not a coyote.
En los últimos meses, cuando salíamos a mirar el ganado por la noche, nunca vimos nada fuera de lo normal, ni pumas, ni coyotes.
And then later that night, you were lying, looking up at the ceiling, and the water in your head... was not dissimilar from the landscape, and you think to yourself, " Why is it that the landscape... is moving,
Luego, aquella noche... te quedaste mirando el techo. Y el agua de tu cabeza... se parecía al paisaje. Y pensabas : " ¿ Cómo es que el paisaje... se mueve,... pero... el barco está quieto?
It's not safe to walk around campus by yourself at night.
No es muy seguro caminar sola por el campus de noche.
I do not sleep at night.
No puedo dormir.
You were not present at the hostel last night?
¿ No estuvo usted anoche presente en la residencia?
At dead of night have I not often seen you moving furtively and restlessly in the shadows?
¿ Crees que no os he visto en la oscuridad de la noche inquietos, vagar a escondidas por las calles?
And we're not going to find it at night.
Y no lo vamos a encontrar en la noche.
She's there since last night, the location has not change at all.
Ella está allí desde anoche, La posición no presentan ningún cambio.
- but you're not gonna get a reservation this time of night at Minetti's.
- Pero no vas a conseguir una reservación a esta hora en Minetti.
I see you go out there... and talk to her at night, and I know you want to make her alive, but she's not alive.
Veo que vas ahí... y hablas con ella por la noche, y sé que quieres revivirla, pero ella no está viva.
And sometimes at night when my friends are all out on dates, but I'm not because I haven't found that right boy yet,
Y a veces en la noche cuando mis amigos están todos en citas,
You know it's not good to eat after 10 at night.
No es bueno comer de noche.
Families can sleep at night here without worrying if they've locked the doors or not.
Aquí las familias duermen... sin preocuparse si cerraron las puertas con llave.
I do not take coffee late at night.
No bebo café de noche.
Anoche me lanzaste una boma y tengo la sensacion de que no encontraste la reaccion que esperabas en lo absoluto
Look, Scully, I know it's not your inclination, but did you ever look up into the night sky..... and feel certain that not only was something up there,..... but it was looking down on you at that exact same moment,...
Mira, Scully, sé que no es tu personalidad, pero ¿ alguna vez miraste hacia el cielo y tuviste la certeza de que no sólo hay algo allí arriba, sino también que te miraba en ese mismo momento,
It's not her fault at all that I dream every night of my mother's screams coming from my burning home.
No es su culpa que cada noche sueñe con los gritos de mi madre desde la casa en llamas.
But just as a favor, since it makes no difference could you not disappear in the night like a thief like you realized that you're at the wrong place, like you made this horrible mistake?
Sólo como un favor. Pero como no importa... ¿ Podrías no desaparecer como un ladrón hubieras errado y debieras irte antes de que llegue la policía?
Thou shalt not be afraid of the terrors by night nor of the arrows that flieth by day nor of the destruction that wasteth at noonday.
No temerás a los terrores nocturnos ni a la saeta que vuele de día ni a la destrucción del mediodía.
At least we're not in night after night worrying about our lesson plans.
Al menos no nos pasamos noche tras noche preocupándonos por nuestros planes de lectura.
I'm not sitting at home every night twisting my mustache and hatching a plan... to ruin this boy's life!
¡ No me siento en casa todas las noches retorciéndome el bigote y planeando... cómo arruinarle la vida a este chico!
As a matter of fact I have a practice... whenever I'm not too tired at night... Of dictating my own recollections of the day.
De hecho, tengo la costumbre, cuando no estoy demasiado cansado por la noche de escribir mis memorias del día.
My only regret is that I did not immediately deposit key number 342 at the office and leave the town, the country, the planet, that very night.
Mi único pesar es que no entregué enseguida la llave del 342 en la oficina y deje el pueblo, el país, el planeta, esa misma noche.
I don't want you going out at night. It's not late!
- No quiero que salgas de noche.
Absolutely not. And I'm still stunned by it, because I sometimes go to bed at night thinking, " Where was I?
Todavía estoy sorprendida, porque a veces me voy a la cama... ¿ Dónde estaba yo?
Noel didn't want to sit there all night waiting to... maybe not even working at all that night.
No quería estar sentado toda la noche... sin saber quizás si iría a trabajar.
Not at all, in fact, I slept with him last night. Anything for the team.
Y si me lo permiten, quiero que me miren a mi.
But I do not recall seeing anyone at last night's crime scene, that I had not seen at the crime scene the night before.
Pero no recuerdo haber visto a nadie anoche... que no hubiera estado en la escena del crimen anteanoche.
That experience is not rich enough to warrant me lying awake at night regretting that I did not have the guts to take this trip with you.
¿ Por qué crees que pasé años escribiendo un guión sobre ti? - Lo leí de un tirón.
At night I hear voices. It's not someone talking.
Por la noche oigo voces, pero no hay nadie hablando.
Do I spend my last night on Earth... watching Mom and Dad pretend not to be fighting again... or blow 10 years worth of allowance at the mall?
¿ Debo quedarme y ver como mis padres fingen que no se están peleando... o gasto diez años de paga en el centro comercial?
I'm not learning a new language just to find my way home at night.
No aprenderé un idioma sólo para encontrar el camino a casa.
I'm not the one that used to spend the night at his house.
No soy yo quien solía pasar la noche en su casa.
I'm not afraid of rats running across my face at night.
Como el Senor nos pide.
Not every night. we work on a rotational basis - two at a time.
No todas las noches, nos rotamos. Dos por vez.
Go at night. I'm not sure why but it seems more appropriate.
Ve de noche, no sé por qué pero me parece más apropiado.
I don't think I ever felt that way, at least not until last night, when I found your second letter.
Creo que nunca me había sentido así, al menos no hasta anoche cuando hallé tu segunda carta.
She does not sleep at night.
Ella no duerme por la noche.
not at all 5606
not at the moment 148
not at home 25
not at this time 60
not at 40
not at first 142
not at the same time 17
not at the time 24
not at you 17
at night 511
not at the moment 148
not at home 25
not at this time 60
not at 40
not at first 142
not at the same time 17
not at the time 24
not at you 17
at night 511
night 2638
nightmare 102
nights 96
nightingale 38
nighty 93
nightmares 72
nighthorse 18
nighter 122
nighty night 21
nightcap 16
nightmare 102
nights 96
nightingale 38
nighty 93
nightmares 72
nighthorse 18
nighter 122
nighty night 21
nightcap 16