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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ N ] / Not much to tell

Not much to tell translate Spanish

409 parallel translation
- There's not much to tell. The krauts had the hill, and we were ordered to take it.
La tenían los nazis, y teníamos orden de ganarla.
" There's not much to tell about my hometown
No hay mucho que contar De mi ciudad natal
Well, there's not much to tell.
No hay mucho que contar.
Then there's not much to tell anymore.
Después ya no hay mucho más que contar.
It's not much to tell really just years of research down the drain that's all
Bien, no hay mucho que contar. Sólo años de esfuerzo desperdiciados, nada más.
Well there's not much to tell really.
No hay mucho que decir.
- Not much to tell.
- No hay mucho que contar.
Well, there's not much to tell.
Bueno, No hay mucho que contar.
There's not much to tell.
No hay mucho que contar.
There is not much to tell.
No hay mucho que contar.
There's not much to tell...
No hay mucho que contar...
Not you. However much I tell myself you're doing what's best for me,... I'm so surprised to see you urging me with that voice,... that face.
Pienso que actúas por mi bien,... estoy tan sorprendida de verte insistir con esta voz,... esa cara.
You mean to tell me there's not Even that much more to do to her?
Me han dicho que ya no hay nada que hacer.
At the end of two days, if they have not been found you call your police, tell them as much of the truth it is safe for you to say.
Si despues de dos dias, no lo han encontrado llame a la policia, y digales todo lo que sea necesario para su seguridad.
Just tell Mr. and Mrs. Lamont not to question her too much.
Solo dígale a los Sres. Lamont que no le hagan demasiadas preguntas.
Mr. Gerard, I'm not sure why I was engaged to meet you, I can tell you that much.
Señor Gerard no estoy seguro de por qué me contrataron. No puedo decirle más.
Not much cover. Pretty hard to tell just what the story is.
Está muy descubierto.
Did he not tell you how much in the past it would be easy to rob the bar 380?
¿ No le dijo en el pasado lo fácil que sería asaltar el bar 380?
And I respect you too much not to tell you that we've decided to tie the knot without further ado.
Y te respeto demasiado para no decirte... que hemos decidido ser el uno del otro... en el plazo más breve posible.
Luke, how many times I got to tell ya... not to put too much sugar in the squeezing's?
Luke, ¿ cuántas veces te he dicho... que no le pongas demasiada azúcar?
And let me tell you, Favell, blackmail is not much of a profession, and we know how to deal with it in our part of the world, strange as it may seem to you.
Deje que le diga, Favell... que el chantaje no es una profesión y sabemos qué hacer con él.
Don ´ t tell me not to scream! I ´ ll scream as much as I please!
No me diga que no grite, gritaré lo que me plazca.
- Ah, thank you very much. And I have to tell you that since the Delegate's visit, I have not slept a wink.
Y debo confesarles que después de la visita del Delegado no he podido pegar un ojo en toda la noche.
Lucy, there may not be another chance for me to tell you... how much meeting you has meant to me.
Lucy, quizá no tenga otra oportunidad para decirte... Lo importante que fue para mí conocerte.
Also tell her not to drink so much water.
Dile también que no beba mucha agua.
That's not too much for one friend to tell another, is it?
No es mucho pedir entre amigos, ¿ no?
To tell the truth, she's not much for these smash and grab rackets.
A decir verdad, a ella no le van las redadas.
And tell Ryokichi not to drink too much.
Y dile a Ryokichi que no beba demasiado.
Bueno, no hay mucho más que decir.
I hope it's not too much... but would you write my wife and tell her to do like you and come out to see me?
Espero que no piense que le pido mucho, pero- - ¿ podría escribirle a mi mujer y decirle... que venga a verme como usted lo hizo?
You drink too much, but that's not what I want to tell you.
Primero, bebes demasiado. Pero no era lo que quería decirte.
There's not much that I can add except to tell you that the situation is far from hopeless.
No puedo agregar mucho excepto que la situación puede ser remediada.
It's not going to make much of an impression, I can tell you that, Mr. K.
No dará muy buena impresión, Sr. K.
I tell those women not to put so much food on the table.
Les digo a esas mujeres que no pongan tanta comida en la mesa.
I hate you so much, I'm not able to tell you how much in front of your wife.
Y te odio tanto que no soy capaz de decírtelo frente a tu esposa.
There's not really very much to tell.
No hay mucho que contar.
Maria Grazia, we have not talked for so long, I have so much to tell you...
María Grazia, hace un siglo que no hablamos. Quiero decirte muchas cosas.
There's not very much to tell.
No hay mucho que contar.
Well, tell them not to make so much noise.
Bueno, pero diles que no hagan tanto ruido.
I can't tell you how much this talk has meant to me. Not at all at all.
No sabes cuánto me ha ayudado esta charla.
Tell them not to drink too much.
Diles que no beban demasiado.
I would appreciate it if you would not worry so much about my schooling and tell your hands to do their stuff or I'll blow'em off your wrists!
Podría dejar de preocuparse por mi educación y decirles a sus manos que trabajen ¡ o se las vuelo de un tiro!
There is not very much to tell because his cello playing was just terrible.
No hay mucho que decir... porque tocaba el violonchelo de una manera terrible.
As you can tell, Carol did not have a motive for hating Miss Durer. Much less wanting to kill her.
Como ven, Carol no tenía motivos para odiar a Durer, mucho menos para desearle la muerte.
You'll thank them very much but tell them I'm not interested, I have to return to my house.
Agradézcaselo mucho, pero dígales que no estoy interesado, tengo que regresar a casa.
Margaret, I want to tell you how much last night meant to me. I want to know you're not playing games.
Quiero que sepa cuánto significó para mí lo de anoche, que esto es serio.
Father, I feel like I am waking up from a nightmare. A nightmare you have not helped me much with, to tell you the truth.
Es como despertar de una pesadilla... que usted no ha ayudado a disipar.
To tell you the truth, I may not be in the hiring business much longer.
Le diré la verdad. No creo que siga en este negocio por mucho más tiempo.
Alice? Can you tell the hairdresser not to cut away too much?
Alicia, dile que no demasiado corto.
- But that's not enough, you have to tell me much more.
Sino, lo pondré en la cárcel. - El mundo quiere mucho de mí.
Tell the warehouse... not to issue any goods to Frumkin, he owes us too much.
Dile a los del almacén... que no le damos a Frumkin nada de la mercancía.

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