Not that i saw translate Spanish
688 parallel translation
Not that I saw.
No que la haya visto...
And I saw not one slave in all that house with a new coat like mine!
Y no vi a ninguna esclava en toda la casa con un abrigo nuevo como el mío.
When I saw you last time, wasn't that not going so badly?
La última vez que te vi las cosas no te iban tan mal.
When I first saw you, I knew that you do not belong to Paramatta.
Enseguida supe que no lo era.
well, he was dying not my uncle, mind you, the bull, so I saw him and I thought that maybe, you know.
Por no llevar libros por no recibir la visita de los inspectores. - Pues fue una injusticia.
Perhaps because that other time we met in such a brief encounter and I saw that even then you were not happy.
Tal vez, porque cuando la conocí en ese breve encuentro vi que no era feliz.
That's not the Shaw I saw...
No es el que yo vi.
No, it is just that... I saw that girl and his father and... I knew that he was not for me.
No, es que... vi a esa muchacha y a su padre... y supe que él no era para mí.
I saw her first. Let's not forget that.
Yo la he visto primero.
when Neri was sane and happy, and I saw him pass with Ginevra from that window, and he, not looked at me ever...
cuando Neri estaba cuerdo y feliz, le veía pasar con Ginevra por esa ventana y él nunca me miró...
Massi, I saw not long ago that number 38 was delayed in taking off.
Massi, el piloto del 38 no ha retirado el parte de vuelo aún.
- Not that I mention, she even saw me.
¿ Qué te parece? Ni me ha visto.
One night I saw you kissing on the landing. Is that not true?
Una noche les vi besarse en el rellano. ¿ Eso no es verdad?
I should report that which I say I saw, but know not how to do it.
¡ Debo informaros de lo que vi! ¡ Aunque ignoro como hacerlo!
Then I saw that it was not that at all, it was cowardice
Pero luego vi que no era así, era pura cobardía
President Bercholdt and I saw each other this morning, and we did not disagree in thinking that the distinction you are pleased to make between murderer and criminal might be disturbing to people's consciences.
Vi al Presidente Bercholde esta mañana... y creemos que la distinción que hace entre el homicida y el criminal preocupan a algunas personas.
Not long ago, I saw a ship sailing through the skies of France... supported by a great bag filled with air that was lighter than air.
No hace mucho, vi una nave surcando el cielo de Francia... sostenida por una gran bolsa llena de aire que era más liviano que el aire.
When I first saw you there, in that place of bad people, I knew that you were not bad.
Cuando te vi allí por primera vez,... en aquel lugar lleno de gente malvada,... supe que tú no eras malvado.
That dummy's not the only one who saw what I did to Lydia.
Ese muñeco no fue el único que vio lo que le hice a Lydia.
You saw that my wife and I were not common servants.
Vio que mi mujer y yo no éramos criados comunes.
- So I saw. It's not enough that I'm married to a scientist, but my son has to turn into one, too.
- Sí, ya lo veo, no sólo me casé con un científico, mi hijo también lo será.
Did it occur to you that I might not care if I ever saw you again?
¿ Se te ocurrió que a lo mejor no me importaba no volverte a ver?
No, que he visto antes.
In the gap between two boards, I saw that the joining wood was not oak, but wood of another color, beech or poplar.
Entre las dos tablas pude observar... que la madera de las juntas no era de roble... sino de una madera de otro color.
Well that's not the painting I saw this morning.
No es el cuadro que vi hoy.
I saw that you had not changed.
No has cambiado, chico.
Not with that big, hairy spider I saw in there yesterday.
Con esa grande y peluda araña que vi ayer allí.
You saw that I'm not living alone.
Habrá visto que no vivo solo.
Your Honor, I request that the witness be asked why he saw fit not to arrest the two outlaws,
Señoría, pido que se pregunte al testigo por qué no procedió a la detención de ambos fugitivos,
Oh, Uncle, I'm sure I've forgiven him for that long ago. But the same evening we unluckily saw him... with a girl... in a manner not fit to be mentioned.
Lo perdoné ya hace mucho pero esa misma noche, lamentablemente lo vimos con una chica en una situación que mejor no mencionar.
I thought I saw a shadow. A tall man, his head was completely hooded... he was moving slowly towards the sarcophagus. And that's not all, while I was still there on the stairs... footsteps sounding from down here.
Un hombre alto, encapuchado, que se acercaba al sarcófago y, otra cosa, mientras bajaba al salón me pareció oír pasos.
For once giving a with a real man, it is bad luck that it is not true Because he would marry me, I saw him in his eyes.
Para una vez que da una con un verdadero hombre, es mala suerte que no sea verdad porque se casaría conmigo, lo vi en sus ojos.
And if they were told about gas chambers, they would not believe it. Even if they saw them, I think it would have been easy to convince them that these chambers were necessary for the sake of the Third Reich.
Y si lo vieran con sus propios ojos,... creo que dirán cómodamente que es necesario por el bien del III Reich.
I can't afford to, not since I saw that solid gold deposit they made.
No puedo darme ese lujo... desde que vi todo ese oro que depositaron.
But then I saw, when I sat in the courtroom myself not as I had been before a prisoner, but as a judge I saw that I could not bring myself to give the victim to the hangman.
Pero entonces vi, al sentarme en el tribunal no como antes, un prisionero, sino como juez vi que no era capaz de entregarle la víctima al verdugo.
I saw that I was not capable of murder, though murder had been the sole proof of my existence and now the very thought of it horrifies me.
Vi que no era capaz de asesinar a pesar que el asesinato fuera la única prueba de mi existencia. Y ahora... El mero hecho me aterroriza.
Herbie, this was not the happiest of circumstances but I'm glad that I saw you.
Herbie, ésta no era la más feliz de las circunstancias, pero dichosa de haberte conocido.
I once saw a girl who had rickets when she was a baby, whose bony structure was so deformed that I could get my finger in this way but not broad ways her bony structure down there who had succeeded in becoming pregnant.
Esta chica había tenido raquitismo cuando era niña. Su estructura ósea era tan deforme, que podía meter mi dedo así, pero no a lo ancho. Sin embargo, consiguió quedarse embarazada.
No Herr Beiber, that is not the girl I saw in the boat or in the car.
No, Herr Beiber, esa no es la chica que vi en el barco o en el coche.
I went to Marseilles, where, with a few men, I realized we had to fight in France, not abroad. We were all aware of the fact that we were appealing to the patriots, who saw that we were people who actually fought, whereas many other people were just full of talk about resisting.
Estábamos todos enterados del hecho de que apelábamos a los patriotas, que vieron que éramos gente que realmente luchaba, mientras que muchos otros se limitaban a hablar del tema.
I myself, on my way here this evening, saw a thing that was not on top of another thing in any way.
Yo mismo, cuando venía hacia aquí... he visto una cosa que no estaba encima de ninguna otra.
I saw in you things that I had not seen in other women of your profession.
Ví en ti cosas que no había visto en otras de tu profesión.
MESSENGER : I should report that which I say I saw, but know not how to do it.
Debería contar lo que he visto, pero no sé cómo.
I can not allow I know you're special Bernie but there are a lot of money what Eddie plans can not go now never saw it coming that was the deal actually
no puedo permitirlo lo se tu eres especial barnie pero hay un monton de dinero en lo que edie tiene planeado no puede irte ahora nunca vi venir cual era el trato en realidad
That's not what I saw in my house, but let's not get into that.
En mi casa, he tenido la demostración de lo contrario... pero da igual.
Uh, the reason why I... uh, organized this group of companies is because when I was in Paris, I saw that peace was coming, whether we liked it or not.
La razón por la que... he organizado este grupo de compañías es porque, cuando estaba en París,... vi que la paz estaba al llegar, nos gustara o no.
Not a word about the gun. And he knows that I saw it, of course!
No ha dicho nada de la pistola, sin embargo sabe que la vi.
Something strange happened to me, very strange and I don't know if it's true or not but when I went into that woman's apartment, the first time I thought I saw a painting.
Algo raro me pasó a mi, algo muy raro no se si es verdad o no, pero cuando fui por primera vez al departamento de esa mujer, la primera vez pensé que habia visto una pintura.
I saw Android Geeks From Hell and the geeks in that movie did not bite- -
Vi Los asquerosos androides del infierno y no mordían...
And when I came inside and met you I saw in your eyes and how you carried yourself that you're not a happy person.
Y cuando entré para conocerla vi en sus ojos y en su porte que usted no es una persona feliz.
Now, if, as you also claim it is God's opinion that we should all make our own decisions and abide by them accordingly then I must also rule that on the basis of the evidence... ... or rather the lack of it that as much as we all may think that what we saw here today was real God did not, in fact, appear here before us.
Ahora, si, como también alega usted opina Dios que tenemos que tomar nuestras propias decisiones y cumplir con ellas entonces también mando que, basado en las pruebas o mejor la falta de ellas que, aunque nos parezca a todos que lo que vimos hoy fue real en realidad, Dios no apareció aquí ante nosotros.
not that i know of 367
not that much 88
not that i'm aware of 114
not that way 143
not that guy 21
not that bad 52
not that i can think of 48
not that many 24
not that 758
not that long ago 19
not that much 88
not that i'm aware of 114
not that way 143
not that guy 21
not that bad 52
not that i can think of 48
not that many 24
not that 758
not that long ago 19