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On his way translate Spanish

7,718 parallel translation
He was just on his way home from school and got hit by a flatbed.
Iba camino a casa desde la escuela y se golpeó con la plataforma de un camión.
He is at 65,000 feet on his way down.
Está a 19.000 metros en el descenso.
Oh. He's on his way here so he can comfort you.
Viene para acá a consolarte.
Birdwood's on his way ashore a second time with his Anzacs - I applaud that.
Birdwood va a desembarcar por segunda vez con sus Anzacs. Aplaudo eso.
The husband goes to his mistress then brings flowers on his way home.
El marido ve a su amante y a continuación, trae las flores en su camino a casa.
Baby's well on his way!
¡ El bebé viene como debe!
Dr Turner's on his way.
El doctor Turner está en camino.
Er, Mr Smith will pick you up himself - he's on his way.
Er, el Sr. Smith la recogerá el mismo, el está en camino.
My husband's on his way to pick me up.
Mi esposo está en camino para recogerme.
He's been informed and he's on his way back.
Ha sido informado y está volviendo.
Abel's on his way, so we're all set for tomorrow morning.
Todo está listo para mañana.
And then He just crushed them all together with houses and continued on his way without looking back.
Luego, Buddha solo los aplastó junto a sus casas y siguió caminando sin mirar atrás.
He's on his way to Croc Canyon.
- Va de camino al Cañón Croc.
If I'd messed up the tube, he'd be on his way to pathology outpatients.
Si el tubo no estuviera en su lugar, él estaría camino de anatomía patológica.
Someone from neurosurgery may or may not be on his way.
Venga o no de camino alguien de neurocirugía.
He should be on his way right now.
Debería estar en su camino en este momento.
He is on his way, please begin the feast.
Está de camino. Que comience la fiesta.
Boss, the people from Medellín just informed me that some guy named Eduardo Sandoval is on his way.
La gente de Medellín me acaba de informar que viene llegando un tal Eduardo Sandoval, algo así.
Harry's on his way to Brooklyn Criminal Court.
Harry está camino del Juzgado Criminal de Brooklyn.
The grandmother has given us permission to question the girl, but the dad's on his way back from a trip, so...
La abuela ha dado permiso de interrogar a la niña, pero su papá viene de regreso de viaje, así que...
Am sure he must be on his way or may have stopped for some fuel perhaps.
Estoy seguro de que debe estar en camino. ... o puede haberse detenido por combustible, tal vez.
Eric's on his way over.
Eric va de camino.
I don't know how long until he gets there, but he is on his way.
No sé cuánto tardará hasta que llegue, pero está en camino.
Yes, remarkably well on his way, I would say, brother.
Sí, extraordinariamente bien de camino, diría yo, hermano.
He's on his way.
Está en camino.
Frieza's been resurrected and is on his way to Earth as we speak!
Freezer ha resucitado y está en camino a la Tierra en estos momentos!
Uh, sorry Mister Lord Frieza, but Goku is still on his way back to Earth.
Uh, lo siento señor Señor Freezer, pero Goku todavía en su camino de regreso a la Tierra.
The witness was on his way to patrol, when he testified.
El testigo fue a la patrulla cuando testificó.
Cheryl's calling Johnny again and again, and we can see from the movement between the cell sites that he looks to be on his way to the playground.
Cheryl llama a Johnny una y otra vez, y podemos ver en el movimiento de los sitios de los celulares, que él parece estar yendo hacia el patio de recreo.
Hank on his way?
Hank en su camino?
'Henri is on his way to London.
Henri está de camino a Londres.
Syl, Eddie is on his way.
Syl, Eddie viene de camino.
He's on his way.
No debe hacerlo.
He's on his way back here now.
Está volviendo.
Greg Donnelly is on his way down here now.
Greg Donnelly está viniendo para acá.
On his way from work.
En camino desde su trabajo.
Tony, I want you to know your father's already been contacted, and he's on his way down here.
Tony, quiero que sepas que ya hemos contactado a tu padre, y está viniendo para aquí.
'Cause there's no way he got it on his own.
Porque es imposible que lo consiguiera por si mismo.
A scholar sets his intent on the Way, and is humble in his dress and habits.
El erudito lo intenta, y es humilde en el vestir y costumbres
- His whole family died in a car crash on the way to the recital.
Toda su familia murió en un accidente de tránsito de camino al recital.
He just I've been working on a new story and somehow he made his way into the drawing.
Solo que, he estado trabajando en una nueva historia y...
And this little piggy went "Wee, wee, wee," all the way to Walton-on-the-Naze to see his grandparents.
Y este cerdito gritó : "Wee, wee, wee", todo el camino hasta Walton on the Naze para ver a sus abuelos.
And then you insisted on going all the way to Brooklyn, dragged me down to Josh's place for a ridiculous Swedish tattoo, and then you threw a rock through his window.
E insististe en ir hacia Brooklyn, me arrastraste hasta la casa de Josh para hacerte un ridiculo tatuaje sueco, y luego tiraste una piedra por su ventana.
- He's on his way up.
- Ya sube.
He says he won't put his head on the block until someone pulls his hair out of the way.
Dice que no pondrá su cabeza hasta que alguien quite su pelo del camino.
As far as his family knows, his car crashed on the way to the airport and they assume I have nothing to do with it.
Por lo que su familia sabe, su coche se estrelló en el camino al aeropuerto y asumir que tengo nada que hacer con él.
He fought his way through an access panel on the science module.
Encontró su camino a través de un panel de acceso de costado.
Your DNA is under his nails, on his skin, so the only way to get rid of it is to burn the body.
Tu ADN está bajo sus uñas, en su piel, así que, la única forma de hacerlo desaparecer es quemando el cuerpo.
Years ago... I was on your side of this conversation, and the man in my place was the father of our cluster. He was telling me all sorts of bullshit about the psycellium, about how he could feel from this present moment all the way back to the first breath his cluster ever took.
Hace años, estuve de tu lado de esta conversación y en mi lugar estaba el padre de nuestro grupo, diciéndome cosas inverosímiles sobre el psiquelio, sobre sentir desde el presente hasta el primer aliento que tomó su grupo al nacer.
So after Ben Tallmadge made his retreat from our town, some of his men stayed behind to plunder what they could on the way out.
Después de que Ben Tallmadge se retirara de nuestra ciudad, algunos de sus hombres quedaron atrás para saquear todo lo posible en su partida.
Lying to your husband on his wedding night, that would be a bad way to start a marriage.
Mentir a vuestro esposo en su noche de bodas, eso sería una forma muy mala de empezar un matrimonio.

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