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Put him through translate Spanish

723 parallel translation
That'll put him through college.
Eso le pondrá en la universidad.
The devil he is! Well put him through at once...
Páselo inmediatamente.
George, hello. You know my kid brother George. - l'm gonna put him through college.
Le presento a mi hermano mayor, se va a la universidad.
Yes, put him through.
Sí, pásemelo.
Put him through.
Páseme la llamada.
Oh, put him through.
Póngame con él.
- All right, put him through.
- De acuerdo, comunícalo.
If we don't open it up, we've got enough votes committed to put him through.
Pero si no se sabe, tenemos suficientes votos comprometidos para nombrarlo.
We've GOT to put him through the strongest possible test.
Lo hemos sometido al más terrible de los experimentos.
Don't put him through this.
No quiero que pase por lo que yo atravesé.
Oh, yes. Would you put him through, please?
¿ Dónde lo pondría usted?
No man can survive what they put him through.
Nadie puede sobrevivir lo que le hicieron.
All right, put him through.
Está bien, páseme la llamada.
Why put him through all this misery?
¿ Por qué le hacen sufrir tanto?
Put him through.
- yes - it's mr Guerin put him through
- ¿ Sí? - Es el Sr. Guerin. Pásamelo.
all good i want to speak to him i'll put him through
Todo bien. Quiero hablar con él. Te lo paso.
There must be something you can ask him. Some test you can put him through.
Seguro que puede probarle de algún modo.
Yes, put him through.
Sí, pásela.
After all we've put him through these past few years.
Después de todas las cosas que hemos pasado estos años.
I haven't sacrificed all these years to put him through a medical school... just to have a son with the income of a bellhop!
No me he sacrificado tanto para que mi hijo, médico, gane lo que un conserje.
- I'd have put him through the mind probe, sir.
- Yo lo habría puesto en la sonda mental, señor.
OK, put him through.
Pase la llamada.
Oh good, put him through, will you?
Oh, bien, pásamelo, ¿ quieres?
Whether you believe me or not... put a telephone call through to the High Commissioner for Canada... and tell him that an enormously important secret... An important secret is being taken out of the country by a foreign agent.
Tanto si me cree como si no... telefonee al jefe de la policía de Canadá en Londres... y dígale que un secreto muy importante... está siendo sacado del país por un agente extranjero.
I put a telephone call through for him to the Royal Hawaiian Hotel about 8 : 00.
Lo comuniqué con el Hotel Hawaiano Real a las 8 : 00.
Si te pone un dedo encima le meteré una bala
I just put a call through to George Adams and told him to find a new songwriter.
Le dije a George Adams que se busque otro compositor.
Put me through to him!
¡ Ponme con él!
Yeah, put a slug right through him.
¡ Cómo lo engañó!
I must speak to your chief security officer. Can you get me put through? What do Ml5 say about him?
Debo hablar con su jefe de seguridad. ¿ Puede pasármelo?
When I get through with Sloane, I'll put a jockey on his back and ride him.
Cuando acabe con Sloane, voy a ponerle un jockey en la espalda para que lo monte.
I've just come from his home where I informed him this cheque would be put through his bank.
Vengo de su casa, de informarle que este cheque será cobrado en su banco.
Nor does the pain I would put Alfredo through if I told him the truth.
Ni el dolor que pueda causarle a Alfredo, cuando le tenga que decir la verdad.
Put me through to him.
- Comuníqueme con él.
Also, most important. Put no calls through to him, inward or outward, until further notice.
Y es crucial que no llame ni le llamen hasta nuevo aviso.
De todos modos, pondré una orden de búsqueda por él.
When you're through with him, put him on the train.
Cuando hayáis acabado con él, metedlo en el tren.
He was perceived, I think, by audiences as a totally different person both through the roles he played and the publicity that was put out on him over the years.
Creo que el público lo percibía como una persona totalmente diferente, tanto por los papeles que interpretaba, como por la publicidad que se le hizo a través de los años.
Maybe you could have him put a gun on the guard... and just barrel through the door?
Quizá él podría apuntarle al guardia... y empujarlo por la puerta, ¿ no?
Then we'll put him back on the right path, and teach him health through mental exercises.
Volveremos a encauzarle por el buen camino. La salud, mediante el pensamiento.
Any calls for him put them through to me, I'll deal with them
Si recibe alguna llamada, pásemela a mí y yo me encargaré.
Put him through.
- I'll put a bullet through him.
- Le meteré un balazo.
We just put daylight through him.
En cuanto se pone la luz del día.
Yes, Mr. Yull. I have Mr. Jago holding, shall I put him through?
Sí, Mr. Yull. Tengo Mr.
And I'm just about to put a call through to Larry Tate right now and give him the good news. Excuse me.
Voy a llamar a Larry Tate ahora para darle la buena nueva Discúlpenme
I want you to put Groppo through his paces, test him in any way you like.
Quiero comprobar las aptitudes de Groppo. Pruébelo de la manera que quiera.
Shall I put him through? Vaughn? Yes.
( Cuelga y pasa a la línea 2 )
I'll put you through to him on the phone.
Lo pondré al habla con él. Tenga la bondad, mayor.
they put the thug in a vat filled with shit, and drove him through town.
Metían al ladrón en una tinaja con estiércol, la cabeza fuera, y lo llevaban por la ciudad.

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