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Road house translate Spanish

461 parallel translation
The political factions who killed flies on the porch of the Palmer House, the big timers who killed care at Lute Mae's, a place that had been called many things, most recently a road house, the Tony Night Club set who sip champagne,
Las facciones políticas que mataban moscas en la Casa Palmer, los influyentes que pasaban el tiempo en casa de Lute May,... un lugar que ha tenido muchos nombres, el último "El Parador". El club nocturno "Tony's", donde se sirve champagne.
- A road house called Lute Mae's.
- Un parador que se llama Lute May.
I swear, I don't know whether I'm running a road house or a get-acquainted society.
Lo juro, no sé si dirijo un parador o una asociación para hacer amigos.
Then we'll go to the road house to save your girl.
Entonces, nos vamos a la casa de la carretera salvar a la jovencita.
Check every house, gas station, every road out of there.
Revisen casas, gasolineras y caminos.
Like the road in front of my house, on a steep hill.
Es como la cuesta que hay delante de mi casa.
The house is not on the road.
La casa no está en el camino.
The road circles the house.
El camino rodea la casa.
Why is your house in the road?
¿ Por qué está tu casa en el camino?
I don't want a house on my road.
No quiero ninguna casa en mi camino.
It's an old house on a side road about 20 miles from nowhere.
Es un viejo caserón al lado del camino a 30 kilómetros de ninguna parte.
I go right out to her house, 21 Valley Road.
Fui directo a su casa, Valley Road 21.
I turn off the main road into the lane. At the bend in the lane, the house comes into view.
Al dejar la carretera se me aparece esta casa.
Will be ready to leave for Harper house... on Cove Road immediately.
Estaré listo para ir a la casa Harper... en la calle Cove inmediatamente.
How many miles of dirt road is it to the Halfway House?
¿ Cuántas millas hay hasta la casa Alphaid..?
A guy got himself killed last night, along Mill Road, on the way to your house.
Un tipo que se mató esta noche, en la carretera del molino, la que conduce a su casa.
Build you house by the side of the road and be a friend to man. Ye who believe.
Construye tu casa en eI camino y sé amigo de Ios hombres, una creencia fatal.
There was a truck road to the red house.
Hay un camino que lleva a la casa roja.
My house isn't this way, this is the road to Warsaw!
No es por aquí. Es la ruta para Varsovia.
Busted itself right out of the big house, got by all the road blocks, And ran right smack in here.
Conseguiste salir de la nada, te compraste los edificios de medio barrioy has acabado así.
This is China's house and this is the road.
Ésta es la casa de China, y ésta es la calle.
It was even good to go red-eyed and dog-tired, snatching sleep wherever he could on the road from house to house, in order that others might sleep easier because of him.
Incluso era bueno acabar con los ojos rojos y cansados. Dormitando cuando podía en el camino de casa en casa, a fin de que otros durmieran mejor gracias a él.
Turn right at the end of this road, that's the Soldani house.
Al final de la calle, a la derecha está la casa de Soldani. - Gracias.
Hills and woods to the right. And he says that in front of his house there's a hill some distance away with a road on the other side.
Dice que frente a su casa hay una colina a cierta distancia cerca de un camino.
There's the road. Right. Bill, those rockets are somewhere near that ranch house.
Los cohetes están cerca de esa casa.
Guys, if you want to spend night indoors,... My house is... road, two hours from here.
Chicos, si queréis pasar la noche bajo techo, mi casa está de camino, a dos horas de aquí.
Road's covered till about 400 yards from the house.
El camino está cubierto hasta 400 metros de la casa.
Can't hardly guess, unless it was the road to the widow's house.
Es difícil de adivinar, a no ser que te refieras a Ia casa de Ia viuda.
I've rented the old house with gas station up there on the road.
Alquilé la casa antigua con la estación de servicio, ahí en la ruta.
After all, Hitchcock and I would sit and talk all morning, let's say, usually at the house on Bellagio Road.
Hitchcock y yo nos sentábamos y hablábamos toda la mañana, digamos, generalmente en la casa de Bellagio Road.
Did the treasurer of the Precision Toolers write a cheque for $ 85,500 to pay for a house situated at 1529 Dandon Rd?
¿ Extendió el tesorero de Precision Toolers un cheque por 85.000 dólares para pagar una casa situada en el 1529 de Dandon Road?
See that house beyond the main road?
¿ Ves esa casa más allá de la carretera principal?
The grocery rounds-man, whose van has been smashed by a Russian tank, plods his way from house to house with his bicycle, his tyres slashed to ribbons by the broken glass in the road.
El repartidor, cuyo vehículo ha sido demolido por un carro ruso, parte a duras penas con su bicicleta Sus neumáticos han sido desgarrados por los vidrios rotos del camino.
I'm afraid mainly the road between my house and the Palace of Justice.
Me temo que tan sólo el camino entre mi casa y el Palacio de Justicia.
His is the first house on the west side of the road.
Es la primera casa que hay a la izquierda del camino.
On January 15th, were you in the saloon bar of the Knight's Arms public house, Tottenham Court Road at about 9pm?
El quince de enero,... ¿ se encontraba en la sala de baile del pub Knight's Arms de la calle Tottenham alrededor de las nueve?
We haven't passed a house or even a gas station... the whole time we've been on this road.
y no hemos visto una casa o una gasolinera... todo el tiempo que hemos viajado por este camino.
To hell with them. The poor house is the end of the road it might as well be sooner as later.
Total, para acabar en el asilo, igual da antes que después.
But that, uh, piece of road leading up to the house here... could stand a bit of resurfacing, don't you think?
Pero a la parte del camino que conduce a la casa... le vendría bien una repavimentación, ¿ no cree?
Lives in a marvelous old house out there on Winkle Road.
Vive en una maravillosa casa vieja en la calle Winkle.
Along the road up to the door of the house, you'll sing.
Por la calle hasta la puerta de casa, cantas.
For all those men, a road was not the way to their family, pleasures or work, but a way of bypassing or attacking, a house was not the hearth and home, but the ambush position,
Para ellos, el camino se hizo no como vía hacia la familia, hacia la diversión y el trabajo, sino para hacer rodeos y ataques ;
Give me a house by the side of the road, and I'll be a friend to man.
Denme una casa al costado del camino... y seré amigo del hombre.
Mrs Goodge's Boarding House Flodden Road...
Comisión Directiva de la Sra. Goodge calle Flodden...
This house is a good half a mile from the road.
Esta casa está a media milla del camino.
You can't see the house from the road.
- ¿ Qué luz? No ha podido ver la casa.
We had a big house in Tai Hang, in Tai Hang Road.
Teníamos una gran casa en Tai Hang, en Tai Hang Road.
Your house is on Tai Hang Road.
Tu casa está en Tai Hang Road.
There was a case about this side road after the 3rd house.
Hubo un caso por este sendero después de la 3ª casa.
This morning, shortly after 11 : 00 - comedy struck this little house in Dibley Road.
Esta mañana, poco después de las 11, la comedia hizo estragos... en esta casita de Dibley Road.
Doug and Dinsdale Piranha were born, on probation, in this house in Kipling Road the eldest sons in a family of sixteen.
Dough y Dinsdale Piraña nacieron bajo fianza en esta familia. Eran los mayores de una familia de 16 hermanos.

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