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Shin, that's just what it is.
Shin, eso es lo que es.
What's wrong with a cat called Cat?
No pasa nada si un gato se llama Gato.
Shin, here is this month's rent.
Shin, el alquiler de este mes.
It's nice to meet you.
Yes, that's right.
Sí, es esta.
That's right, but...
Es esta, pero...
Oh, that's right!
¡ Es verdad!
This is the one million yen that's required.
Este es el millón de yenes requerido.
Let's see, you're the publisher guy.
A ver, el de la editorial.
That's incredible.
Es impresionante.
No, that's not true.
No, eso no es verdad.
What's this about?
¿ Y de qué va?
Well, it's typical Hanaki.
Bueno, es lo típico de Hanaki.
Even so, he's really popular.
Aun así, es muy popular.
She's free next week.
La semana que viene puede.
It's my work, after all.
Es mi trabajo, ¿ no?
A man may think he's making love to a woman, but the woman is making love to him.
Los hombres creen que les hacen el amor a las mujeres, pero son las mujeres las que les hacen el amor a ellos.
What's with you?
¿ Qué te pasa?
Come on, let's be friends.
Venga, vamos a ser amigos.
It's true.
De verdad.
It's supposed to be.
Se supone que sí.
Mr. Michima, that's your father, isn't it?
El señor Michima es tu padre, ¿ no?
That's my father.
Es mi padre.
It's not like I've tried to keep it a secret.
No es que lo haya querido mantener en secreto.
It's nothing I need to mention either.
Tampoco es que haga falta decirlo.
He's on death row isn't he?
Está condenado a muerte, ¿ no?
My mother's lover, Mamoru Doi.
El amante de mi madre, Mamoru Doi.
It's because... my father... is a murderer.
Es porque mi padre es un asesino.
That's why we came here.
Por eso hemos venido.
That's your father, isn't it?
Ese es tu padre, ¿ verdad?
It's because my father is a murderer.
Es porque mi padre es un asesino.
My mother, Kayo Michima. My mother's lover, Mamoru Doi. A police officer, Hiroshi Mizuguchi.
A mi madre, Kayo Michima, a su amante, Mamoru Doi, y a un policía, Hiroshi Mizuguchi.
Shin... have you been going to Mr. Mizuguchi's home?
Shin... ¿ Has ido a casa del señor Mizuguchi?
I cannot fathom my father's regret.
No comprendo el arrepentimiento de mi padre.
It's no trouble.
No es nada.
It's been five years since then... so you must be 31.
Ya han pasado cinco años... Debes de tener 31.
Yes, that's right.
Sí, así es.
There's no need to live life so timidly anymore.
No tienes por qué vivir con la cabeza agachada.
There's nothing you can do with these feelings.
No se puede hacer nada con estos sentimientos.
That's not in the rules.
No está en las reglas.
It's okay, isn't it, Cat?
No pasa nada. ¿ Verdad, gato?
Let me see. Fifty thousand's enough. Fifty thousand.
Pues bastará con 50 000.
Yes, that's true, but...
Es cierto, pero...
He's the number one novelist right now.
Es el escritor número uno ahora mismo.
He's pretty handsome, after all.
Y es bastante guapo.
He's treated completely differently than Shin.
Lo tratan de forma totalmente diferente a Shin.
Mr. Sakurai, it's dinnertime, so put away the magazine.
Señor Sakurai, es hora de cenar. Aparte la revista.
It's unbecoming.
No es apropiado.
He's like a child.
Es como un niño.
Let's eat!
¡ A comer!
- Let's eat.
- Que aproveche.
sera 39
sorry 58639
sure 38285
senor 140
store 42
solo 156
skirt 32
stop 27520
shit 25242
stop it 13041
senorita 66
senora 69
super 764
simon 2627
seriously 12537
slainte 28
shoes 424
said 374
stay 2171
shut up 16909
saul 646

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