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She loved you translate Spanish

1,075 parallel translation
Did she tell you that she loved you?
¿ Te dijo que te quería?
She loved you, you loved her.
Ella te amaba, tú la amabas.
She loved you?
¿ Ella lo amaba?
She chose you, you were richer, she loved you.
Ella te eligió a ti, tú eras más rico, ella te quería.
- She loved you.
- Lo amaba.
She loved you dearly.
¡ Cómo te quería!
Tell me, doctor, if I had a friend or a younger sister and if you knew that she loved you... what would you do?
Si yo tuviera una hermana menor y usted - supongamos- supiera que ella le quiere... ¿ Cuál sería su correspondencia?
where people found it I guess they left bet you know she loved you a lot
la encontre donde las personas la dejaron supongo tu sabes apostaria a que ella te apreciaba un monton
Asteria says she loved your brother : Were you aware of that?
Asteria dice que amaba a su hermano.
She had a strange way of showing it, but she loved you.
Quizá te quería de forma extraña, pero te quería.
It turned romantic. Did she tell you she loved you?
- ¿ Te dijo que te quería?
And she loved you, Paul.
Ella te amaba, Paul.
Oh, she loved you, Ned.
Oh, ella te amaba, Ned.
- She loved you too, Pa.
- Ella te amaba, también Papa.
She really loved you, you know.
En verdad lo quería.
She didn't love you more than I do, but you loved her.
No te quería más que yo, pero la querías más que a mí.
And don't give her that "I loved you when I was a little girl" routine or she'll stab you in the back.
Y no le diga eso de "La admiraba de niña" o la apuñalará por la espalda.
If she had never intervened in your life, you'd be married to that boyfriend who loved you so much
Si ella no hubiera intervenido en su vida, Ud. estaría casada con aquel novio que quería.
The girl that you loved- - I can easily imagine that she was better than I.
La muchacha que amaste debió ser mejor que yo.
I've always loved her, George, but she chose you because you were rich.
Siempre la he amado, George. Pero té eligió a tí porque eras el rico.
- She really loved you?
- Ella realmente te amaba?
Isabelle loved you because you hunted vampires she'd never accept you like this.
Isabelle le amó porque cazado vampiros ella nunca te acepto como este.
Oh, how she loved you, Willard.
¡ Cómo te amaba Willard!
- Oh, how she loved you, Willard. - I know my mother loved me, you don't have to keep telling me that.
¡ Oh, como te amaba Willard!
Before meeting you, she was happy. Engaged to a young man who loved her and was good to her who would have married her.
Antes de conocerte, era feliz, salía con un chico que la quería... que se habría casado con ella.
She loved you.
Ella te amaba.
Your Gilberte... Whatever you did, she must've loved you. Especially if she was a virgin.
No sé qué le harías a tu Gilberte, pero debía amarte, sobre todo si tú la desvirgaste.
She loved doing this, you know, faking it.
Le encantaba fingir.
She says, "You still owe me $ 200." The audience loved that pay-off.
Entonces ella le dice : "Aún me debes 200 dólares". Al público le encantó.
Did it ever occur to you she married him because she loved him?
¿ Nunca pensó que ella se casó porque estaba enamorada?
She's never loved you.
Me quiere a mí.
- Is she the only woman you have loved?
- Es la única mujer a la que amó?
Uh, you know, uh, when Anya was a little girl... she always loved, uh, dogs.
Cuando Anya era pequeña... le encantaban los perros.
You were the one she loved, not the count, and not her husband.
Ella Io amaba a usted, no al conde, ni a su marido.
She would've loved you too.
le habrías encantado demasiado.
You can't get - And she went to live in a beautiful house... and all the people loved her, and she was very, very happy.
Y se fue a vivir a una casa hermosa... y toda la gente la quería y era muy, muy feliz.
She never really loved him You know, as we do.
Ella no le ha querido como nosotros ¿ lo comprendes?
You know, Sasha has always loved one woman, but she didn't love him.
Sabes, Sasha siempre amó a una mujer, pero ella no lo amaba.
She always loved you so very much, Christina.
Siempre te ha amado mucho, Christina.
You said you loved her, and she believed you!
¡ Dijiste que volverías, que la querías, y ella te creyó!
And I'm sure she would have loved for you to have seen it.
Y estoy segura de que le encantaría que la hubieran visto.
She - you'll laugh when you look at this poor thing huddled in front of the fire and hear me say that it was for my good looks that Nancy loved me.
Ella... se reirá Ud. al mirar a esta pobre cosa acurrucada frente al fuego, y al oírme decir que era por mi buen aspecto por lo que Nancy me amaba.
Because you followed her and made her life a misery, she now lies under grave suspicion of murdering the husband she loved.
Porque usted la siguió e hizo de su vida un sufrimiento, ahora ella se encuentra bajo una grave sospecha... de asesinar al marido al que amó.
- Wouldn't you mother've loved all this? - Yes, she would, Pop.
- A tu madre le habría encantado.
To you, the president's wife is a stiff, but to him, she's a loved one who has passed on to pastures finer and lusher than those she knew in life.
Para vosotros, la mujer del presidente es un cadáver. Pero para él, es un ser amado que se ha ido... a pastos mejores y más exuberantes que aquellos que conoció en vida.
She loved me, you must understand.
Ella me quiso, usted debe entender.
You knew she was the only person in the world who loved me.
Sabías que era la única persona en el mundo que me quería.
She whom you loved, very soon. You will find she whom you loved very soon.
La que vos amáis, pronto, la que vos amáis, vais a encontrarla pronto.
You think she loved me?
¿ Crees que me amaba?
- She knew you loved her so much.
- Ella sabía que la querías mucho.
A very plain stone for someone who's been loved as much as she has, don't you think?
Es una lápida muy simple, para una persona que fue tan querida como ella, ¿ no crees? Sí...

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